December 24: Sharing Happiness

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"Yeah, you're my home,my home for all seasons

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"Yeah, you're my home,
my home for all seasons."


"Okay, we'll sort all the baked goods." Kageyama's dad said as they finish bringing all that they baked the previous day. "Keep the gingerbreads in this basket." He said and Hinata did so. "Cupcakes will go here." He said and Kageyama arranged them. "Keep the candy canes here for kids." Kageyama's mom instructed and Miwa did so. Soon everything was organized.

"Alright, people will start visiting stalls in 10 minutes." Kageyama's dad informed. Kageyama looked around and there were still many people putting up their stalls. It somehow felt exciting. "Wanna walk around?" Hinata asked as he stands beside Kageyama. "Sure." Kageyama agreed. "Let's go." Hinata intertwined their hands and started walking.

Akaashi noticed that.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Look! A candies stall!" Hinata pointed out. "Candies?" Kageyama shot him a confused look. "Yeah. I guess they are selling candies there." He assumed. "Wanna check out?" Kageyama questioned. "Of course!" Hinata dragged Kageyama with him.

"Apple candy?" Hinata raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, they taste good," Kageyama answered. "Fine then let's get two apple candies," Hinata said. "We're allowed to buy now?" Kageyama asked. "Yeah. 10 minutes have passed." Hinata replied. "We should head back to our stall then!" Kageyama widened his eyes a bit.

"Don't worry, there are enough people to take care of our stall. Let's buy now." Hinata said before taking out his wallet. "What? No. I'm paying for my one." Kageyama took out his wallet. "Take it as a treat from me." Hinata smiled. Kageyama sighed in defeat and let Hinata pay.

They headed back to their stall where Akaashi and Bokuto have started selling. "Sorry if we took longer." Hinata apologized. "It's fine. Miwa, mom, and dad had gone to visit other stalls too." Akaashi responded. "Alright. Let us join you guys." Kageyama said and stood beside Bokuto.

"Would you like some apple candy?" Hinata asked Akaashi. "Oh, no. You guys can have it." He refused. "Don't worry, I and Tobio will share one. You and Bokuto-san can have this." Hinata offered his apple candy to Akaashi. "Thank you." He smiled and Hinata smiled back.

"Uhm, Hinata," Akaashi called out. "Yes?" Hinata responded. "I don't mean to interfere or anything. I'm just curious." He started. "What's yours and Tobio's relationship?" He asked. "Oh. We're dating." Hinata answered straightforward. "Since?" Akaashi was taken aback. "Oh since his birthday," Hinata replied.

"I see. Congratulations." Akaashi smiled. "Thank you." Hinata smiled back. "But we've decided to announce our relationship on Christmas. So please keep it a secret 'till tomorrow." He added. "Lips are sealed." Akaashi giggled. "Thanks!" Hinata giggled with him.

"How's it going with Bokuto-san?" He asked. "Pretty good," Akaashi replied. "We're planning on adopting soon." He added. "That's good news! I wish you all the best." Hinata gave him a thumbs-up. "Thank you. Let's get back to work now." Akaashi pointed out. "Yeah, right!" Hinata said before waving to Akaashi and walking towards Kageyama.

"What were you both talking about?" Kageyama asked. "Our relationship," Hinata answered as he stands beside him, packing up some muffins and gingerbread in a paper bag for the customer who had just placed their order. "What did you answer?" Kageyama questioned. "We're dating." Hinata handed the paper bag to the customer and thanked them.

"Yeah... right." Kageyama's cheeks flushed. "You didn't want him to know?" Hinata asked. "No, it's totally fine if he knows," Kageyama replied. "Alright, he promised to keep it a secret," Hinata informed. "That's a relief." Kageyama sighed. "What did you fill in these muffins?" Hinata asked, changing the topic.

"Blueberries," Kageyama answered shortly. "Blueberry muffin, huh?" Hinata pinched his chin as though in deep thought. "That sounds like a perfect nickname for you!" He snapped his fingers. "Huh?!" Kageyama huffed. "I've been thinking of a nickname to call you. I found it." Hinata specified. "Tobio or Tobi is just fine." Kageyama groaned.

"What? Don't you wanna call me with nicknames too?" Hinata whined. "Yeah. Dumbass sounds good." Kageyama snickered. "Shut up!" Hinata spat while Kageyama laughed quietly. "Ugh. I wish you were a bit like Bokuto-san." Hinata narrowed his eyes at him. "Oh? Now you're comparing me, huh?" Kageyama frowned.

"Yeah." Hinata looked away and started preparing the next order. Kageyama lent a hand. "They have asked for chocolate muffins. Now what?" Hinata queried nonchalantly. "We do have flavors other than blueberries, idiot." Kageyama handed him two chocolate muffins. "Good." Hinata avoided eye contact and grabbed the muffins.

"Thank you!" Hinata managed to smile and bow to the customers. Kageyama sat down behind Hinata and the others. He looked at his watch. It's been 15 minutes and his parents along with Miwa weren't back yet. "Keiji. Do you think they should take this long to come back?" Kageyama asked. Bokuto let go of Akashi's waist as they both turn around to face Kageyama.

"They said it'd take long, I guess it's fine," Akaashi replied. Kageyama nodded. Bokuto and Akaashi seemed to be enjoying each other's company while Kageyama observed them. He looked at Hinata who was carrying out his job silently. Kageyama sighed before walking up towards him.

Before he could speak, Bokuto spoke up. "Kageyama, can you handle our spot, please? We'll quickly head back and refill these cupcakes and candy cane baskets." He pleaded. "Sure." Kageyama nodded. "Thanks!" Bokuto thanked before heading back inside along with Akaashi.

Kageyama noticed there weren't any customers at the moment so he took this opportunity to...
back hug Hinata. He wrapped his arms around Hinata's torso and pulled him close to his embrace. He bent down to snuggle his face in Hinata's shoulder. "What's up with this sudden affection?" Hinata responded. Unamused.

"I'm... Sorry." Kageyama apologized. "Why?" Hinata questioned. "My words did hurt you, didn't they?" Kageyama answered. "Yeah... I guess." Hinata spoke in a sad tone. "You're mad at me for not giving you a nickname?" He asked as he inhales Hinata's fragrance. "Maybe," Hinata replied.

"I do have a nickname for you." Kageyama kissed Hinata's neck causing shivers to run down his spine. "And that would be?" Hinata's breath hitched. "Let's keep it a surprise." Kageyama smiled. "Fine. Now go handle your job!" Hinata pushed him away.

"We're in public." He pointed out. "Yeah. Right." Kageyama let out a nervous grin before taking Akaashi and Bokuto's spot.

"We're back!"

ONE CHRISTMAS NIGHT | KAGEHINAWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu