"Achilles stop?" Athena interrupted.

"What? I am her big brother and I can't even worry about her," Achilles argued.

"Oh my god, you are unbelievable," Manya hissed. "I am not going on date with some random guy. I am just going to watch game. She has asked me because everyone else in her circle is busy and she doesn't want to go alone and above that she doesn't know much about game."

"Why is she going if she doesn't know anything about game," Achilles further queried.

Manya eyed him suspiciously. "Why I am smelling something fishy here."

"Dear sis I think there is something wrong with your nose coz there is nothing fishy here but I can't say that about you. Suddenly you are going out with someone you have just met. That's not so like you, so start talking if you really want to go." he stared her back.

"You are so—- so— ughh. That's why none of the pack boys have ever asked me out, they are all afraid of you." She pointed him accusingly.

"Manny just tell him why are you stretching this?" Athena interrupted again.

"Mom you always sides with him. That's not fair," Manya complained. "Ok here it is. Actually our football team captain asked her to come to game."

"Why?" both Athena blurted out.

"Seriously guys get a life!" She shook her head in disbelief. "I think Dustin liked her. She has backed out many times in past and she feels guilty for that. So she wants to make up for past." she replied while finishing her juice.

"Oh college's love," Athena said with dreamy eyes.

"Will you stop it mom," Achilles growled.

"Why are you angry with me? What have I done?" Athena noticed infuriation on Achilles face.

"And why will I be angry?" Achilles countered back.

"Mom, don't forget that's his face default setting," Manya commented.

Achilles glared at her.  "When will you come back?"

"I think around seven," she replied. Then she recalled something and asked Achilles "Can you pick me up from game? Please." Manya begged his brother with a heart winning smile.

"Why? You have car, you know how to drive then why would I waste my time for being your chauffeur," Achilles put down his phone and crossed his hands.

"Coz you love me," Manya tried to win over him by her innocent face.

"You came up with that. Do you seriously think that will work," Achilles sighed. Manya pouted at his reply and throw an apple from fruit basket on the table at him. Achilles caught it easily.

"You little......"                                                                                                                                   

"Both of you stop. You are not kids any more. And you Achilles are picking her up in evening." Athena declared.

"If I remembered correctly then I am the Alpha of Inferno. So shouldn't I be the one to order," Achilles argued.

Athena hit him on head. "If I remembered correctly them I am your mother not the other way around."

"That still hurt," Achilles grunted while patting his head. "I am leaving before you both further assault me," with that he left for his room.

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