6- Danger

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Nori sat on her bed holding a stopwatch in her hand. She was trying to slow down time again but wasn't having any success with it. "Mom!" Nori heard Kira yell from her room. Nori, thinking Kira was in trouble, quickly went to Kira's room but when she opened the bedroom door, Kira was moving her hand in slow-motion to touch the dead bulb in her lamp.

Nori stared at Kira with furrowed eyebrows, "Kira?" But before she could do anything else she went right back to her position before, sitting on her bed. Nori quickly jumped up from her bed and ran to Kira's door frame. Instead of Kira's door being closed like before, it was now opened. "My lamp's dead. Do we have any more bulbs? Mom?!"

Nori, still staring at Kira's door in thought, got knocked back into reality as she heard glass shattering in Kira's room. Their mom quickly walked past Nori to see what had happened, with Nori following right behind her. They looked at Kira's lamp to see glass pieces over her night stand.

"What did you do?" Noshkio asked. Kira looked startled, "Um, nothing. It was an accident." Noshiko walked up to Kira's night stand holding a box of bulbs. "It's after midnight. You both should be asleep." Noshiko unscrewed the remaining bulb and placed a new one onto the lamp but electricity crackling was heard. Kira and Nori both nervously glanced at each other. "Go to sleep." Noshiko said sternly to the girls. She walked back over to where Nori was standing and left.


Now at school Kira and Nori walked down the stairs and noticed Scott. "Scott! Hey!" But to their surprise he didn't even notice her, or turn to look at her and he continued walking away. Kira sighed and Nori put her hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Before Nori could say anything Derek came up to them staring at Kira. "He's a little preoccupied. But I can help you."

"Why would you want to help me?" Kira asked. Derek smiled at them, "Because I want you to tell me everything that happened at the power station with William Barrow. Both of you." Nori and Kira glanced at each other while Derek continued to talk, "Actually, I want you to show me."

"Who are you?" Nori asked.


Derek, Kira, and Nori walked around the power substation looking for the place where everything happened.

"It was around here, I think." Kira said, "But everything kind of looks the same now." 

Derek slowed to a stop when he saw the medal fenced door was open and there was a drag mark on the floor. They followed the marks to look up and see a medal bat magnetized against an electrical box.

"Is that a baseball bat?" Nori asked. Derek, still staring at it, said, "It's Stiles's bat." He walked up to it and tried pulling it off. He struggled at first until he jerked it hard and it popped off. Nori looked at the bat he was now holding, "It's magnetized."

Derek nodded agreeing with her and to demonstrate what happened he placed the end of the bat on the ground that traced the scratch mark on the floor. Following down the mark it quickly magnetized to the power box pulling Derek with it.

He backed away from it and looked at the sisters, "I'm going to need you to tell me everything you know about foxfire." Derek motioned his head to a sign that was behind them, causing them to look at it. It was a 'Danger. High Voltage.' Sign.

Derek drove to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital with Kira and Nori in the car to talk to Scott. Nori and Kira stood by his car instead of following Derek inside the hospital. He turned around to face them with a confused expression. Kira sighed and said, "I don't know if I should go in." 

"That's what she said." Nori whispered. 

Derek furrowed his eyebrows at Kira, either ignoring or he didn't hear Nori. "You're going to tell Scott that Barrow might have used foxfire created by me to jumpstart the nogitsune's power inside Stiles." Kira explained.

Derek started at her like she was stupid until Nori explained it a simpler way, "Basically that Kira helped a dark spirt take control of Scott's best friend." Realizations spread over Derek's face, "You should probably wait here." All three of them nodded in agreement, and Derek left the two sisters, entering the hospital.


After waiting by Derek's car for a very long time a loose electrical wire was flapping around releasing sparks. It flew down from the roof of the Hospital, heading towards Kira. "Oh my god!" Kira said, catching Nori's attention who's eyes widened at the sight.


This chapter was super short...

The rest of this episode was Stiles having the night terror/being in the coyote den, and him getting the head scan. And Nori isn't close with the pack quite yet.

Words: 822

It'll Take Time -Malia Tate-Where stories live. Discover now