10- Backstabber At a Sleepover

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Nori driving her car and Kira on the back of Scott's motorbike races to Derek's loft. As soon as they pull up they quickly run into the loft after hearing gunshots. They walk in to see Derek, Argent, Sheriff Stillinski, and Allison out of breath. They quickly point their weapons at the three, thinking it was an intruder.

"What happened?" Scott asked.

"They disappeared." Allison answers out of breath. "They literally just vanished."

"And so did Stiles." Sheriff says.


Argent, Allison, and Nori step out of the elevator, walking towards the Argent apartment.

"Dad?" Allison asks while he puts his key into the door.

"Were you really gonna pull the trigger on Stiles?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure." He answers.

He unlocks the door and pushed it open for the girls to walk in. "I'll check the firing pin." Allison stands in the door frame facing him.

"You removed it?" Argent asks. Allison nods her head yes which earns an impressed "Hmm." from her dad.

"That's why the women are the leaders in our family." Argent says. "Amen!" Nori says while raising her fist up.

"Get some sleep, both of you." Argent laughs, walking away.

"Allison. I think I'm quite in love with you, you are such a badass." Nori laughs, shutting the front door behind her.

"You know, with everything going on, we never actually hung out before, oh which by the way thank you for letting me stay here tonight. I did not want to go home yet or stay a night with Scott and Kira. I bet they are doing the deed right now. Ew, I do not want that image in my head." Nori rambles as she follows Allison to her room. Allison laughs at her rambling and is already looking forward to get to have a slight normal teenage night...Until she walks into her room.

Isaac sits on her bed, his back facing the door. Allison sets her bag on the ground and stands there staring. When Nori walks in she is just as confused. "Isaac?"

Allison grabs Nori's hand and walks over to the quiet Isaac. "What are you doing here?" She asks. Nori sat on Allison's bed, by Isaac. Isaac looks at her, "I thought I'd come see you."

"Come see me or Allison?" Nori asked, lowkey jealous he came to Allison's.

"You. I went to your house first but you weren't there, so I followed your scent." He replies, still showing no emotion.

"You didn't just walk out of the hospital, did you?" Allison asks.

"It's okay. I feel a lot better." Isaac says looking at Allison then back over at Nori.

Nori comfortingly put her hand on his cheek, "Giving him your alarm code was a bad idea. I honestly thought we were about to die." Nori spoke standing up.

"Yeah." Isaac laughs.

"Alli, do you have any pj's I can borrow?" Nori asks, which Allison smiles at her walking over to her dresser.


During Nori's sleep that night she had nightmares, but they weren't the nightmares of scary dolls, or clowns. It was similar to when she saw glimpses of Coach getting shot with that arrow.

She saw a gate fence that had a sign saying, 'Oak Creek'. There was barbed wire. The Oni. She heard a muffled scream. And then she was in the point of view of someone, watching Isaac get slashed over and over. But the next second she looked down and saw a katana sticking in her stomach. And another muffled scream.

It'll Take Time -Malia Tate-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu