5- We Kissed?

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Nori sat at the edge of her bed, holding her head in her hands thinking about what happened after the fight.

Issac drove her home that night sitting in silence. For once Nori didn't have something to ramble about while she tried wrapping her head around the supernatural. Isaac glanced over at her every once in a while to make sure she was still breathing.

Once Isaac pulled up to her house, before she got out she turned to look at Isaac, "So...the supernatural is real?" She asked, he nodded his head. "Right, so you're a...?" She stared at Isaac waiting for his answer, "Werewolf." He looked back at her.

She nodded her head, "I mean that's crazy! Right? I grew up being obsessed with the supernatural and now here I am finding out that it's all real. It's scary but also really cool. Oh, also sorry for that dead silent car ride to my house. I would have loved to talk with you the whole ride but ...still trying to wrap my head around this whole supernatural-" Isaac stared at her in amusement, before she could continue he cut her off, "Nori." She instantly stopped talking, "Yeah?"

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked. Nori furrowed her eyebrows, "Why would I not be okay? It's not like I just watch you snap a guys bone to help him heal faster. Which doesn't really add up. But I mean overall the party was so much fun..." She trailed off as he got closer and closer smiling at her. Their noses were inches apart but his hand instead of wrapping behind her neck went behind her and opened the door, and he quickly sat back in his seat.

Nori looked at the now opened door, and back at Isaac with raised eyebrows. "You did not just pull a Tony Stark on me."

"I wasn't leaning in to give you a kiss, I was just opening the door for you." Isaac replied, she scoffed, "You are such a tease. With your sexy smirks an all." She climbed out of the seat while Isaac spoke, "It's only pay back." He smirked. Before Nori walked up to her house she stood at the driver's window, "I don't think you're a monster, and I would love to get to know everything better." She smiled at him and he watched her walk up the path to her front door.


Nori knocked on the apartment door that had the address Isaac texted, which included him asking if she wanted to come and learn more about everything. After a few moments Allison opened the door, "Nori!" Nori awkwardly smiled at her, "Allison! Isaac texted me this address?" Allison opened the door wider and stepped to the side, "Yup, come on in. You said you want to know everything more, right?"

Nori followed Allison down the hallway, "Yeah, I do.. So are you... something?" Allison glanced back at her, "The opposite, my family are werewolf hunters."

"Oh okay, that's nice. Wait- no that is not nice. Oh my god shut up Nori." Nori said to herself quietly, becoming nervous around, Allison.

Allison turned to an open door and motioned for Nori to follow in. Chris Argent, her dad was standing behind his desk, and Isaac was sitting on the desk. When he saw Nori, Isaac straightened up and smiled at Nori, which she returned.

"Thanks for joining us, Nori. So continuing with our plan the real problem is that Katashi doesn't see visitors. Ever." Argent said, walking over to the other side of the room standing by a tall glass showcase. Nori furrowed her eyebrows trying to catch up with what they were talking about and why Isaac invited her to this. Argent noticed Nori's confused expression, "Katashi is an old friend." Argent said Nori nodded even though that didn't help much. "He's a paranoid recluse who rarely steps outside the gates of his estate." Argent explained more.

"So how are you going to get to him?" Issac asked. "Oh, he's got a thing for rare, antique weapons." Argent replied, glancing at Allison, "Yesterday I had some contacts put out the word that I was selling one from my own collection." He opened the case and carefully picked up a Pistol that was standing up. "This is a French Flintlock Turnover Pistol from 1645."

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