"Here." Hobi throws a full bottle of water in Little's direction, him catching the bottle before opening it with a breathless 'Thanks'. While he drinks, he sees Hobi sitting down a few steps away in front of him on the floor, also trying to catch his breath but he's not struggling like Taehyung.

"You did amazing!" Hobi says making Little shake his head, holding water in his cheeks before swallowing it.

"No I looked awful." he says both laughing and feeling embarrassed.

"Don't be so hard on yourself." the other responds still smiling at the sweating pretty boy in front of him. Little truly is handsome, with his honey like hair color and soft waves, the hazel eyes and smooth skin.

"You know I could teach you." the dancer adds, making Taehyung look at him with raised brows.

"Ah- no, me and dancing. I don't know." Taehyung answers as he waves with his hands in front of him. He never thought about doing something like dancing not even just for fun. He is an introvert, catching the attention of other's through something like dancing, seems like a big no to him.

But how could he resist? The male sitting right in front of him, smiling at him, probably really enjoying his position of a dance teacher, asking Taehyung to let him teach him.

„Just try it- come by tomorrow, whenever you feel like. My dance classes start at the beginning of August so I have a lot of free time the next two weeks." Hobi says, flashing a charming smile at Little, making his cheeks heat up suddenly. He blames it on the long dance and him being breathless.

„I'm not sure." Taehyung mumbles quietly, looking down at his hands. He just met this man a while ago, only talked to him once but now he sits on the floor of the practice room, after dancing and laughing with him for what seems an endless hour.

As he looks at his hands his eyes travels to the watch on his wrist, making him widen his eyes. Oh Lord.

With one quick move he pushes himself off the ground, panic starting to spread through his body.

„Sorry I have to go." he stutters, looking around for what seems his stuff but he didn't take anything with him.

„Why the sudden hurry?" Hobi asks also standing up and following Little.

„My parents- it's so late, they will kill me."

The black haired male frowns, „Why? I mean you are old enough, aren't you?

„Yeah I'm 20 but you don't know my parents." Little responds, rushing to the door to hurry back home.

„Should I give you a ride?" Hobi then asks, opening the door for Taehyung to step out of the building.

„Yes- no- actually-" Little stutters before sighing in defeat, „Yes please, if you don't mind."

Hobi laughs shortly, before rushing inside to grab his keys and jacket. After locking the the front door, they approach the red mustang.
It's quite cold outside, him going out for a walk without a jacket was a stupid idea. He only wears his shirt and regular trousers, nothing to keep him warm.

Hobi seemed to have noticed Little being cold as the light haired male rubs his arms with his hands to warm them up.

„Take this, I'm not cold.", Hobi says holding his black leather jacket right in front of Little, who widens his eyes at the sight.

Without thinking much Little takes the jacket with a quiet ‚thank you', putting it on. He immediately notices the scent of the other male on it. It's just a light scent but it smelled good.

In the meantime Hoseok unlocks the car before he goes back to the passenger door to open it for Little like a gentleman.

As soon as both of them entered the car and put on their seatbelt, he starts the motor.

„Which way?" he asks Little, who points at the right direction. With that Hoseok starts driving, actually speeding through the rather empty roads. He drives way faster than he should but he doesn't seem to care.

„Turn left there." Little says, leading Hoseok to take a sharp turn into the road. A soft giggle leaves Little's lips as he's not used to a driving style like this. 
The next turn was so sharp, Hoseok drifted with his car as he sped up in the curve, causing another giggle to leave Little's lips. Hoseok himself has to grin, noticing the other having fun from the corner of his eyes.

„It's that yellow house." Taehyung finally says after they reached his street. Pulling over, Hoseok stops the car right in front of the big pastel yellow house.

„Thank you for the ride." Little adds before leaving the car. He then remembers the jacket and as he's about to take it off, Hobi stops him.

„Just keep it for today. Give it to me next time." the dark haired male says and Little nods at that. That means he will have to see him eventually to bring him the jacket.

„Thanks." Little mumbles, still standing next to the car with the door opened. Hoseok flashes a smile at him, „Good night, Little."

Finding himself lost in Hoseok's charming smile, Taehyung gulps before stuttering a short ‚Good night too' and closing the door to rush to his house.
Without turning around, he can hear the engine start, before Hoseok's car disappears from Little's road.

Before entering the house, a long sigh leaves Little's lips, he knows his parents will be mad. It's already 11 pm, he should have been home a long time ago. He even skipped dinner.

„Where have you been, young man?" his mother asks him as soon as he entered the house, not even being able to take off his shoes, before she noticed his presence.

„I'm sorry I was walking around and then I met- Namjoon." He lies, not looking at his mother who is approaching him, clearly angry.

„It's 11 pm!" she whisper shouts as the younger children are already sleeping, „Your father is really mad, go apologize."

With a short ‚Yes mother' he makes his way to the living room, approaching his father who's watching TV quietly.

„Hello father." he says, „I'm sorry for coming home this late. It won't happen again."
After a short bow and no response from his father, just a soft nod, Taehyung turns around and goes upstairs to his room.

In his room he takes off the leather jacket and placed it on his chair, before changing into his pyjamas.
The worst part is over, he didn't get scolded by his father, thanks God.

The room is dark, just the moonlight is giving it a little bit of light through the windows. His eyes are fully awake, the nap this afternoon is making it hard for Taehyung to fall asleep now. His mind is everywhere but not where it should be.

Even though he's lying peacefully in his bed, it feels like his whole body is still moving, in front of a big mirror and a room with warm lights. Everything seems to be still moving, his legs, his arms his head.
Closing his eyes in order to clear his mind, he achieves nothing but thinking about the moments at the practice room. How much fun he had, how much he laughed and moved, he felt Hobi's hands on his arms and waist, moving his body to the beat, making him feel the music better.

He hadn't had that much fun for a long while. Never did he think he would enjoy something like dancing even though he made a fool out of himself. But it was worth it, he feels amazing now.

And while thinking about the moments at the dancing hall and trying to fall asleep, a funky tune hovers around in his head.

„My heart goes Piddily Patter, Patter
Piddily Patter, Patter"

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