"Waah Aru! You have got great taste in such things eh?" I turned around in surprise to find Arjun smirking at everyone intently. My face started to heat up again when our eyes met. Embarassed, I lowered down my eyes and heard him say, "Shall we go Sunaina?"

I gave him a nod in return and we were about to leave when suddenly Abhay stopped us.

"Hey brother when are you bringing that girlfriend of yours? You do know it's time for you to settle down right?" His words brought me back to my reality.

"Don't worry Bhai, I will bring her soon. Let's go." Saying this, we both left the house and headed towards his parked car. We sat down inside and Arjun started his car without wasting anymore time. The journey to the venue was kinda quiet. Arjun was concentrating on the road while my eyes stealing glances at him. He is back in his favorite colour. I couldn't help but check out those biceps that was so evident through his suit. I wanted to look away but it was too much of an ordeal for me to avoid him. I remember how I used to dream something like this. Me and Arjun together and nothing else mattered. Neither I had to worry about my work nor I had to run here and there in the hospital. Everything would be peaceful, everything would be good. I looked at him driving so peacefully. His eyes filled with something unspeakable. Is god compensating me for all the tears that I have shed so far? But what's the point? I have to leave him forever at one point and then he will forget me as well. Besides, he has a girlfriend to tend to. Why did you have to give me this pleasure, if you had already planned to take it away from me.

"What are you staring at? Never saw someone this handsome?" Arjun's sudden comment caught me off guard.

"Don't overestimate yourself." I smiled bashfully.

"Your eyes tell a different story though."

"Your girlfriend won't be happy hearing all this."

"She isn't petty." His eyes shined when he mentioned about her.

"You must have fallen hard."

"Yeah. Unbelievable right?"

"Why isn't she coming with you in today's party?"

"She will be." He said confidently. "I have planned something for her so I will execute it in the party." My heart jumped out of  my chest. He has planned something for her?

"She is lucky." I gave a fake smile.

"I know." And that's where we stopped talking. A few minutes later we reached to our destination. Arjun got out of his car and came on my side. I got out of the car and he offered his hand in front of me. Smiling, I took his hand and entered the venue of the party. Everyone was dressed in western gowns and various other accessories which made me feel a little out of place to be honest. Arjun must have sensed this because he immediately put an arm around my shoulders and gave me a reassuring hug. I replied to his hug with a faint smile and we went further inside to greet Karan- the host of this party. Karan looked at me standing beside Arjun and his smile turned into a smirk.

"Arjun! Sunaina! I didn't expect you two to come as a couple." His displeasure clearly evident in his voice.

"Well..." I was about to make up an excuse when suddenly Arjun spoke in pulling me closer to him.

"She is my girlfriend."


"Let's go love." Arjun cut me off and started pulling me away. "Sorry Karan...we can talk later, I really wanna dance with her for now." Saying this he left Karan stranded alone and pulled me towards the dance floor.

"What was that Arjun?" I was hella pissed at him.

"What was what?" He said innocently as if he didn't know a thing.

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