chapter 16 {your first gig}

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A week later

You woke up and looked at your phone, there was an email. You've been looking for a job for weeks now and nothing but this one was the first one to react. You opened the mail, they rejected you. You sigh and was ready to email them back when you saw they were looking for an entertainer who could play for an hour or 2 a few times a week. You emailed them back, thanking them for letting you know and if you could maybe come in for the entertainment job. You got dressed and walked to your first class. It was the last day before the Christmas break and you were already dreading being alone for the Christmas days.

You walked to the last class, history. You walked in with a smile on your face and sat down, your eyes met Sebastian's and a small smile appeared on his face. You were half way through the lesson when your phone vibrated and you saw an email from the bar you mailed this morning saying they would like you to come in for the entertainment job this afternoon. You smiled at your phone "uhuhm" you heard someone say. You look up to see Sebastian standing in front of you. "No phones in my class" he said sticking his hand out for you to give it to him, and you did. The lesson continued when the bell rang. "Have fun on your Christmas break everyone, see you in the New Year" he said as everyone left the class. You grabbed your stuff and walked over to Sebastian to get your phone back.

"Can i have my phone back?" you asked him. "No, i want a kiss first" he said grinning. Oh so this is what he wanted? "Okay" you said kissing his cheek, knowing that was not what he meant. "Was that alright professor" you said jokingly. Within a second Sebastian had you pinned against the wall his face next to yours as he whispered in your ear "what did i tell you about using that tone with me" he breathed heavily. "i have no idea what you're talking about sir" you said liking the effect you had on him. Within seconds his lips were on yours in a heated kiss. You wanted to push him away from you, scared someone would come in and find out about you 2 but he grabbed your wrists and put them above your head against the wall. "seb" you breathed out wanting to tell him this was a bad idea but his lips were on yours again. Fuck there was that tingling feeling in your stomach again. "Girls who don't listen need to be punished" he said in-between kisses as he moved on from your lips to your neck. "Sebastian" you whispered more serious now, making him let go of you. "We can't do this here" you say softly, already missing his lips on your skin. "Why don't you come by my place this afternoon" he said to you. "i can't i have an job interview" you said smiling to him. "Don't go then" he said. "i need to, i really need the money seb" you say. "i know, i know, i just want to hang out" he said. "Maybe i can come by after my job interview, and we can order diner together or something" you say seeing a smile appear on his face. "Okay" he said giving you a quick kiss before you went to grab your stuff and walked out of the class room back to your dorm to get ready.


You walked into the bar you were a week ago, guitar by hand. "There you are again, hello" the friendly barman said to you. "Hi" you said back nervously. "So you got the job?" he asked excitedly "no i didn't i'm here for the entertainment job hope i get that one" you say smiling at him, he was really nice. "Well hope so for you too" he said smiling. "Ah miss y/l/n" the boss of the cafe said "nice to see you again" he said to you. "So let's see what you've got, there is a room in the back where you can store your stuff you're up in an hour or so" he said, you had no idea what he was on about. "I'm sorry i don't follow?" you asked him confused. "This place is gonna be filled in an hour and you are our entertainment for the night, if you do your job right tonight you are hired" he said smiling. "Oh okay, yeah sure i can do that" you said getting nervous now. "I'll show you around" the bar tender offered "I'm Nate by the way" he said smiling kindly to you "y/n" you said back shaking his hand.

He showed you around "so are you nervous?" he asked. "A bit actually, i wasn't expecting this already" you say to him. "Yeah John is always like this, you'll get used to it" he said smiling at you. "Can i get you something to drink?" he asked you. "i mean i could use a drink" you said back. "I've got you" he said as he walked away. Omg your first gig here, you were actual more nervous than you thought but at the same time also really excited. O shit you had to text Sebastian that you couldn't make it tonight.

Hey can't make it tonight, sorry

No problem, see you later?

Yeah i'll text you later

Nate came in with a drink for you "here this should get rid of your nerves" he said as he handed you the glass. You took a sip and it was stronger than it looked but it was so good. "Omg" you said in shock "This is really good" you say smiling at him. "My own invention" he said "don't tell the big boss tho, I'm not allowed to give anyone under 21 alcohol. It has to be our secret" he said winking. "Deal" you say laughing.

Sebastian's pov

Shit, you thought as you saw y/n's text, you wanted a romantic night with the 2 of you. You had already made the table bought some candles and some nice food. You sighed, god that girl drove you crazy, but in the best way. You wanted to clean everything up as someone knocked on your door. You opened it to find charlotte stand in front of you. "Hi" she said excitedly. "Oh hey charlotte, what are you doing here? " you asked her surprised. "i thought i surprise you and stop by" she said as she let herself in. "listen charlotte i" you wanted to say but she already made herself at home opening a bottle of wine and filling 2 glasses up. "You have plans?" she asked as she sees the nicely made table. "Yeah had, she canceled last minute" you say disappointed. "You had a date!" charlotte almost yelled. "No well yeah kind of" you said vaguely not wanting to tell charlotte you were seeing someone, charlotte could be quite jealous and you didn't want her to find out you dated one of you students. "I can be your date tonight" she said as she sat down at the table. "I don't know charlotte" you said thinking this wasn't a good plan. "oh come on, she isn't coming right, we can't let all this nice food get to waist now can we?" she asked and she had a point. "Alright" you say as you grab a wine glass charlotte was handing you.

Your pov

Your gig went amazing, the people were so nice and you got most of them to sing along with you, it was really fun. "Wow good job" john the bar owner said. "Thanks, i loved it" you say still full of adrenalin. "Well y/n, get ready because i want you here every night" he said with a smile on his face. "Every night?" you ask him. "Well almost, we need some open slots for just the one time gigs but i think we can make this a 4 days a week thing" he said sounding just as excited as you. "Oh my god that would be amazing, thank you so much" you reply. "I'll call you later for all the details, but good job tonight" he said as he walked away. "Good job" Nate said from behind the bar "guess I'll be seeing you around then" he said smiling. "Yeah see you later" you say as you get your stuff and walk into the cold outside air. You were still full of adrenalin and decided to stop by Sebastian's place, he would probably still be awake.

You walked over to his place and walked up to his apartment. You knock on the door, smiling like crazy, ready to tell him the good news. But you are surprised at what you see as the door opens. "y/n?" Sebastian asked surprised clearly not expecting you. You look behind him and see charlotte sitting at a nicely decked table, glass of wine in hand. You don't know what to say. Were they still fucking around, where they still a thing. What other thing could this be, nicely lit candles everywhere, they had a date night. "y/n i" Sebastian begins but you don't let him finish. "I'm sorry i'm gonna go" you say turning around. "No y/n wait it's not, it's" he says but you again don't let him finish. "What it's not what it looks like?" you say as tears well up in your eyes now. "No y/n i know it was stupid for me to let her come over but i, Fuck i'm so fucking stupid" he said walking up to you but you stop him. "No i'm the stupid one here, i should have known better" you say as tears stream down your face now. "No y/n i swear" he tried to say but you didn't want to hear his bullshit story. "You know what have a nice evening Sebastian" you say as you run away. 

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