chapter 15 {it takes time}

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Your pov

You ate pizza at Sebastian's place, it was nice having people around who actually cared for you, you never felt like you had, after your parents died. "Are you okay?" Sebastian asked you, making you realis you zoned out. "Oh yeah" you say smiling at him. "Oh shit" Kayla said as she looked at her phone "I really have to go, my parents are getting worried" she said as she stood up and grabbed her stuff. "Thank you Sebastian for the food, and you know caring about my best friend" she said to him, which made you smile. "It's my pleasure, do you need a ride home" he offered her. "No i can walk, it isn't far. Enjoy your night together" Kayla said as she was ready to leave. "Kayla" you said walking up to her. "Yeah" she said back. "Tell your parents you love them" you say looking down. "Don't worry i will" she said hugging you. "Call me if you need anything okay?" she said as she let go of you. "I will" you say back. "And you" she said pointing to Sebastian "you know what i told you" she said vaguely making Sebastian nod. "Okay bye" she said as she walked away.

"What was that about?" you asked Sebastian. "Oh nothing she just gave me some friendly advice while we were looking for you" he said. "What advice is that" you say as you sit down on the couch next to him, throwing your legs over his. "Oh just" he said vaguely "would you tell me if i did something you're not ready for yet? because i thought i told you i was okay with that, but if you feel pressured, you would tell me right?" he asked. Oh shit this was not the talk you wanted to have right now. "I don't know it's just, i mean you are a man so you kind of need those things from me right. and i just thought well, maybe I'm just making this into more of a big deal that it has to be but it just makes me nervous and honestly i'm a bit scared, because well i don't know what to do and i don't even like my body so i'm not expecting anyone else to like it too and i just". "Stop" Sebastian said interrupting you as he grabbed your hands to stop you from nervously fidgeting with your fingers. "Don't talk about yourself like that" he said looking at you. "First off you are fucking beautiful and secondly, you feelings are all valid. Your first time needs to be special with someone you feel comfortable with" he said as he looked down.

Wait was he seriously doubting if he was good enough for you. "Hey, i feel comfortable with you, and i want it to be you" you say to him which made his eyes lit up. "I'm just not there yet and i hope you're okay with that, to you know, wait a little longer" you say, now dreading his answer. "of course i can wait" he said. "Is that an honest answer, or an answer you think i expect? Just please be honest with me about this, because i just have this feeling, tell me i'm not crazy" you say as you look him in his eyes. "To be honest it's gonna be a challenge, because all i wanna do when i see you is to make you feel good, to hear you moan and scream out my name" he said making you blush and your tummy tickle. "But i'm serious y/n, i will wait until you're ready" he said as he cupped your face with his hand "i really mean that" he said before he pulled you in for a passionate kiss.

"i really like you y/n" he said out of breath from the kiss. "i really like you to seb" you said jokingly, feeling comfortable enough with him to use his nickname. "hmm from professor to Sebastian to seb, i call this an absolute win on my part" he said smirking. "Oh shut up and kiss me" you said before his lips were back on yours again. You sat down on his lap to deepen the kiss, having one leg on either side of him. He grabbed onto your hips, making you moan slightly giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in. you were now really comfortable kissing him. His hands grip your hips tighter and you feel a weird tingle in your lower belly. It felt really good. You pulled back for a moment to get some air "you're so fucking sexy" Sebastian said out of breath before his lips were on yours again. Your fingers slightly pull on his hair earning a groan from him. Then all of a sudden you are aware of something hardening against your thigh, making it hard to stay focused on the kiss. You stop and get off of his lab. Sebastian immediately realizes what had happened. "I'm uh" you said feeling awkward now "i'm sorry" you say blushing. Sebastian grinned at you "you're so adorable when you blush" he said lifting your head up to meet his eyes "I'm sorry but i can't help how my body reacts to you" he said smiling. A soft smile appears on your lips, happy that he reacted like he did to only you kissing him, actually you didn't think someone would react to you that way. "Come on i'll drive you home" he said standing up from the couch, helping you up too.

He drove you home resting his hand on your thigh. You were getting hotter and hotter as he slid it up little by little, making you breathe hard, this man did things to you by just a simple touch. "We're here" he said getting you out of your thoughts as his hand left you thigh. You looked at him a soft smile on your lips before you leaned in and kissed him softly. "See you in class, professor" you say whispering in his ear. "Seriously if you don't want me to fuck you yet, don't say things like that" he says jokingly but you know he also meant it, making you blush. "See you" he said as you opened the car door. "bye" you said before you closed the car door and walked up to the dorm, a tickle still in your lower stomach, maybe you were more comfortable with him than you thought, maybe he didn't have to wait that long for you after all. 

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