chapter 9 {the talk}

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You were nervously fidgeting with your hands as you walked to Sebastian's office. What did he wanna talk about? You took a deep breath before you knocked on the door. "Come in" you heard him say. You opened the door to find Sebastian sitting behind his desk and a man you didn't know sitting in front of him. You stood still in the door opening. "Come have a seat" Sebastian told you, you closed the door behind you and sat down next to the man you didn't know. "Miss y/l/n this is mister brown, he's here to help you with getting a restraining order" He told you. You looked at him, he acted like nothing happened between you 2, was it just because there was someone else in the room or did he regret it. "So miss y/l/n, can you tell me why you want a restraining order?" Mr. Brown asked you. "Yes well, i think my uncle is dangerous" you say vaguely as you look down at your hands. "It's important you tell me everything about your situation with this person miss y/l/n" the man said. You shared a quick look with Sebastian and he nodded slightly, as to tell you it was okay to tell him. "everything you tell me will stay in these 4 walls" the man said "and if you don't want your professor to know we can talk in private too if you'd like" he said to you. "No it's okay" you said to the man.

"My uncle was just released out of jail, he's my legal guardian, since my parents died" you began. "He asked me to fix everything for if he got out. At first i didn't want anything to do with him. but he was my only financial support and me being a teenager i wasn't really able to take care of myself so i kinda had to help him." you told the man. "Why didn't you want to have anything to do with him, sure he probably did something bad to end up in prison but he's family right?" the man asked. You shared a quick look with Sebastian. "My uncle killed my parents" you said as you looked down at your hands "and no that's not what he was in prison for. There was never any evidence that he killed them" you say still looking at your hands. "Were there other suspects for the murder on your parents?" the man asked you. Tears started in your eyes as you thought back to the time. "no, no it was never seen as a murder because he made it look like an accident" you said as a single tear streamed down your face, getting a little overwhelmed. "Can you tell me what happened?" the man asked you. You started to shake as all the memories came back to you. "Well we uhm" you said struggling. "Mr. Brown i don't see how this is relevant, she wants a restraining order not a murder investigation" Sebastian said to the man. "of course i'm sorry" the man said. "well it's enough to file a restraining order especially because he has been in prison so on those grounds there is enough to get you a restraining order against your uncle" the man said. "but i would advise you, that if you know more about the murder on your parents that you file a lawsuit against him, we don't want anyone else getting hurt by him" Mr. Brown said as he stood up and grabbed his stuff. "Thank you for your time" Sebastian said as he shook the man's hand. "Thanks for calling me" he said back "and if you change your mind, call me" he said as he turned to you.

Sebastian let the man out and walked back and sat on his desk looking at you. You were fidgeting with your hands. You immediately felt this weird tension between the 2 of you. "Yeah i should go" you said as you stood up and walked out of the office.

You walked to work, lost in your thoughts. You walk in and the first thing you hear is "y/n!". Oh shit here we go, your boss yelling at you is not a good sign. "What time is it?" she asked. "4:02" you answered. "And that's 2 minutes to late" she said strictly. "I'm really sorry but i have some personal things going on, and i just" you said but before you could finish your sentence she blurred out. "I don't care, you are fired". Panic started to rise, shit you needed this job. "No please i really need this job" you said practically begging her to let you stay. "I'm done with you, good luck miss y/l/n" she said as she walked away. You started to shake and ran out of the shop. At that moment your phone vibrated and you had an email from school. You opened it. It was an mail saying the payments for this month wasn't made yet. Realization started to sink in, he did it, he cut you off. You were now all on your own.

Without thinking you walked back and knocked on the door. "Come in" you heard him say. You opened the door and walked in as tears flowed down your face. "what's wrong?" Sebastian said walking over to you, closing the door behind you and sitting you down. "h-he did it" you say vaguely. "Who did what?" he asked you confused. "He cut me off, i just got an email from school saying the payments for this month weren't made yet" you say drying your tears. Fuck why did you go to him with this, you thought as you realized things were still a little awkward between the 2 of you. "Oh shit" Sebastian said under his breath. "I can look if there is a special payment treatment for students without parents" he said trying to find a solution to this. "It's gonna be okay, we're gonna find something okay" he said looking at you. You nodded already calming down, knowing you didn't have to go through this alone.

He handed you some water. "Thank you" you said as you sipped the water as you had calmed down completely now. "Sorry to bother you with all this, i just" you said not finishing your sentence. "Hey i'm here for you" he said "i wanna help". You smiled softly to him. "Hey i think we need to talk about the other night" he started. Oh shit here it goes, you thought to yourself. "I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry" he said as he looked at you. "It's okay" you say back softly. "No it's really not, i shouldn't have done that because I'm your professor" he said. "And you have a girlfriend" you added. "I don't have a girlfriend" he said back confused. "So that girl you were hanging out with is just some friend?" you asked him, curious about his reaction. "Yeah we're just friends" he replied as he stood up. "Oh really, did just a friend leave those marks" you said as you stood up too getting angry at him for lying to you. "What marks?" he asked you. "Those" you said pointing to his neck. He took a step towards you, and you put a step back, your back hitting his desk. "Are you jealous" he asked with a dark grin on his face as he trapped you between him and his desk. "No" you tried to say confidently, but it didn't come out as convincing as you hoped and you looked down. Sebastian grabbed your chin and lifted your head up so you would look at him. "So you're gonna stop me if i do this" he almost whispered as he moved closer to you. "Sebastian i" you breathed out, getting really hot all of a sudden. "What?" he asked you, his eyes filling with lust. "Just kiss me" you said looking into his eyes. A second later his lips were on yours and you kissed. It started slow but it became more hungry. He lifted you up a little so you were now sitting on his desk as he deepened the kiss. You moaned into his mouth giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue in. it surprised you, you never done this before, you just tried to do the same thing as he did. The kiss was slow at first but it became sloppier and in a way, better. You pulled him away to catch your breath. You saw Sebastian look at you with a grin on his face. You smiled at him. "She really isn't my girlfriend y/n" he said. "And i don't care that you're my professor" you said blushing. "i actually like you" you said shyly "I just never been in a real relationship before, so that's why i didn't kiss you back the other night " you said. You look up at him to see his reaction, he had a big smile on his face as he walked up to you as he kissed you again. 

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