chapter 2 {first day}

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You couldn't really concentrate on the lesson, as the only thing on your mind was; why you didn't see he was your professor yesterday. He didn't really look a lot older than you, but you guessed he looked older than he did last night now that you saw him in the daylight. "I want you to start reading the next two chapters before the next lesson" he said as everyone grabbed their stuff. You started to grab you stuff when your professor stood in front of you, handing you a packed of soda. "Thought you could use it" he said smiling. "Thank you sir" you said back to him and put the soda in your bag and left the classroom. Shit were you really crushing over your fucking professor? That was a whole other kind of fucked up.

The rest of the day went by quickly in comparison to your first agonizing class and you immediately went back to your dorm to clean Emma's dress. You put the soda on and washed it out later with some water and the stain was gone. He was right, it came right out. Your phone rang and you recognized the number. "Wat moet je [what do you want]" you said as you picked up the phone. It was your uncle, he's been in jail for almost 3 years now. "nou dat is niet een manier om je enige financiele steun te begroeten [well, well that's not the way to greet the man that is your only financial support]" he said. You sighted, he was one of the reasons you wanted to get out of Europe, so he couldn't hurt you anymore. Unfortunately he was still the person that payed for school. "ik wilde alleen even weten hoe het met mijn favorite nichtje ging [i just wanted to know how my favorite niece is doing]" he said. "goed, anders nog wat [i'm fine, anything else]" you said wanting to keep this conversation short. "ik kom in een paar weken vrij, ik hoop dat je dan alles geregeld hebt [i get out in a few weeks, hope you got everything done by then]". Your eyes grew big as you heard him say that. You knew he was gonna get out soon but not this soon. "ja,ja alles is klaar [yes, everything is ready]" you said hoping he didn't hear the hesitation in your voice. "ik hoop het, je weet wat er anders gebeurd [i surely hope so, or else]" he said before he hang up. You just stared at your phone. Even tho you were miles away from him and he couldn't hurt you, you were still terrified.


the next day you went to a coffee shop nearby the school to hopefully get a job, once your uncle would find out you didn't do what he asked he was surely gonna cut you off financially so you had to make your own money. "hi, I'm here for a job" you said to the girl behind the bar. "You must be y/n, nice to meet you i'm Kayla, you can follow me" she said as she walked you to a small office where a strict looking woman sat behind the desk. "Miss i have that new girl for you" the girl said "thanks Kayla" the woman said. She looked at you and pointed to a chair across from her. You sat down in it. "So y/n was it" she said. "Yes, that's me" you said trying your best to sound American. "So can you make coffee?" she asked simply. "Yes i think i can" you said. "Do you think so or can you?" she asked a bit stricter. "I can" you answered. "Good" the woman said "you start tomorrow 4 sharp" she said. "Really, thank you" you said smiling at her but also surprised she gave you the job just like that. "You can go now" she said. You stood up and left.


When you got back in your dorm you saw Emma. "Hi" you said but she ignored you. Which threw you off a little because she was so nice to you the last few days, what happened. "Did you find your dress i put it on your bed" you said hoping to start a conversation because you actually started to think you could be friends with her. "Well it isn't there anymore is it" she said coldly "which would probably mean i found it". Okay now you were confused "d-did i do something wrong?" you asked her. Emma looked at you. "Look at you y/n, you are fucking weird and not in a good way. Have you heard yourself talk everyone is talking about you, about you're weird accent, i don't know where you come from but i'm pretty sure it's not Texas" she said. You felt sad, you actually thought you could have friends here. "I asked for another room mate" she said "so i don't have to look at your dumb fucking face every day". You were hurt, why could you ever have thought it would be easy here.

The next morning you got ready and walked to your first class. You felt everyone look at you, so you held your head down and walked quickly to class. For the next 2 days you didn't talk at all, to no one. Until history, Professor Stan's class. He was talking about your homework assignment. "Miss y/l/n, can you tell what you thought about the chapters you had to read" he asked you. You shook your head no. "Have you read it?" he asked looking at you strictly, which made you nervous. You thought for a second maybe if he thought you didn't read it he would let it go so you shook your head no again, making him think you haven't read it. While in reality you did read it and had a lot to say about it, but you couldn't not if you wanted to have friends here. He continued on with the lesson. "I want you guys to read some myths and legends around the world and chose one to write an essay about" professor Stan said as everyone began to pack their bags. You did too "Miss y/l/n, can i talk to you for a second" he said and your heart started beating faster. You walked to his desk, by this point everyone had left the classroom, so you were now alone with him.

"Are you okay" he asked worry showing in his face. "I'm fine" you said softly. "Why weren't you talking in class today, i heard from more teachers you haven't spoken in 2 days" he said leaning against his desk, which made his already muscular body look even better. "I just" you said looking down. "I just didn't feel like talking, can i please go now i'm fine" you said looking into his eyes now. He placed a hand on your shoulder which made your breath hitch a bit. "If you want to talk about anything, you can come to me okay" he said. You felt butterflies in your stomach and you didn't know what to do. "Can i go now?" you said now looking down. Professor Stan let go of your shoulder and you walked away.

Professor Stan's pov

You watched her walk away. You hated that you knew she wasn't okay and you hated that she wouldn't tell you. Well ofcourse she wouldn't tell you, you were her teacher. But somehow you cared about this girl. Ever since she walked into you at the party you knew she was different than all the other New York folk, she wasn't from here and strangely she felt like home. That was the reason you didn't tell her that you were her professor that night or even your name, you wanted her to know you as a person not as someone above her. Fuck you can't think like this seb, get her out of your head you thought to yourself as you got your stuff and walked out of the class room.

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