chapter 11 {date night}

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"Hi girl" kaya says as she opens the door for you "how are you" she says as she gives you a big hug. "Really good actually" you tell her. You walk in and sit down on her bed. "How are things with hot professor?" she asked. "Really good, he invited me to come by his place tomorrow" you tell Kayla, you were actually a bit nervous about it, because you would be actually all alone with him, no interruptions. "That's great, why aren't you more excited about it, that means he's serious about you" she says. "it's just, were gonna be all by yourselves, what if it was just an adrenalin thing to him, what if he discovers that it's not that fun without the 'maybe we're gonna get caught part you know. Or what if you know, he wants to, you know do more than just kiss." you were actual really worried about that last part, you had no idea if you were ready for that. "If you're not ready to do more than kiss just tell him, from what you have told me he would understand" Kayla said. "Yeah your right, I'm just nervous i guess" you say to her. "And that's okay, I'd be more surprised if you weren't nervous about this" Kayla said. "Ugh, i don't have anything to wear" you say thinking about it in more detail now. "Then we go shopping let's go" Kayla said smiling.

You went to the big thrift shop down town, you looked for a long time. The one outfit would have been too casual and the other too formal. Until you found the perfect sundress. 

"That's it" Kayla said as you were holding it in front of you

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"That's it" Kayla said as you were holding it in front of you. "Yeah i think this is perfect" you said smiling. You went to look at the price tag but Kayla snatched it from your hands. "I'll pay for it" she said smiling at you. "No Kayla you don't have to do that" you say to her. "i know but i want to" she said rushing to the counter before you could change her mind. You smiled to yourself, you were so grateful for her being in your life.


You put on the dress Kayla bought for you yesterday and looked at yourself in the mirror.

Are you ready for your date?

Kayla texted you

Yes and no

I'm sure it's all gonna be fine. Oh and if you do decide to sleep with him, please use protection


Sorry, i'm just saying. Better safe than sorry ;)

Thank you for being such a great friend

No problem bestie, have fun. call me if you need anything okay

Will do thanks

You closed the door to your dorm and walked over to Sebastian's place. You stood in front of a big building and had no idea what to do now, so you texted him.

hey i'm here

one sec. i'm coming

Within seconds the door opened and you saw Sebastian's smiling face in front of you, he wore more casual clothes than he did when he was working and you love this look on him. "Hi" you said smiling nervously. "Hey, come in" he said letting you in. he led you up to his apartment. "Wow this place is amazing" you say looking around the room. "Thanks" he said back. It was a little awkward, you never really saw each other outside of school. You walked over to the window and looked over the New York City skyline. "Wow" you say under your breath, not noticing that Sebastian only had eyes for you, only when you look over to him do you see he's staring at you. "You look really pretty" he said. "Thank you" you said blushing. It was silent for a while. "So i was thinking" Sebastian said breaking the silence "we could make pizza ourselves". "Omg i love that i used to do that a lot when i was younger" you said smiling at him.

"So what music are you into" he said as he grabbed his phone to put some music on. "oh i like a lot of music" you say. "Chose one" he said. "oh I'm a sucker for 80's music" you replied. "Great" he said putting a playlist on. You started to cook, making pizza dough and filling it with sauce and toppings. Sebastian grabbed 2 wine glasses and filled them with wine and handed one to you. "Oh shit" he said under his breath. "Sorry totally forgot you can't drink yet" he said "I mean you can have it if you want". "don't worry in the Netherlands is quite common to drink at this age, so i drank before, and even tho it's not allowed, everyone drinks around here at my age" you say jokingly as you took a sip. "I'm sorry sometimes i forget you're so young" he said. "It's okay, sometimes i forget your ancient too" you said laughing. "Oh you're gonna regret that command" he said as he walked over to you and started tickling you. You both laughed and joked around.

When you finished eating you sat down on the couch looking for a movie to watch together. "That is a good series" you said as you saw gossip girl on the screen. "You saw it?" he asked surprised. "Yes, when did you start acting?" you asked him curious about his life outside of teaching. "A few years ago, just on the side tho, not a lot of big projects" he said looking at you. "I thought you were really good" you said smiling at him. "Really?" he asked you. "Yeah unless you're secretly an asshole, you were pretty good" you say jokingly. "So what are your hobby's then, what do you like to do?" he asked you. "I like making music" you told him. "Really do you play an instrument?" he asked. "i can play a bit of guitar, but i really like singing" you said. "Oh really, i like to hear that some time" she said. His reaction was actuality really nice, normally people would ask you to just sing on the spot for you, which you hated. But he actually was really considerate about it.

"I was wondering" you began after a moment of silence "how legal is this, you know, us hanging out together" you asked him. He looked at you a bit of a sad look. "Well teacher student relationships are against the law" he said and he sighted "and it's also not allowed for me to date someone under 18" he said looking down. "So if they find out about us?" you ask him hesitating "well best thing that could happen is i get fired and that's it" he said. "And the worst thing?" you ask him. "The worst thing would be that you get kicked out of school, and i have to face time in jail" he said. "Oh" you said not knowing it had this many consequences for you 2 but especially him. "Well then we just have to keep this a secret right" you said smiling at him, trying to cheer him up and it worked. "Yeah guess we'll have to" he said grinning at you before he moved closer to you and kissed you deeply.

The kiss got heated and he got on top of you, placing kisses in your neck while his hands roomed over your body. A moaned escaped your lips. "Fuck you're so hot" he said in between kisses. He kissed your lips again while he placed his hand on your thigh. He slowly moved your dress up a little and it all got a bit much for you. "Sebastian" you said softly. "Hmmm" he replied as he placed kisses all over your body. You slowly pushed him off you. "I'm sorry, it's just a little much" you said as you sat up straight. "Oh i'm so sorry" he said. "No it's okay, it's just a little overwhelming, can we just watch a movie" you say looking down feeling a bit ashamed. "Yeah of course" he said as he sat down next to you. He started a movie and he put his arms out "is hugging okay?" he said smiling at you. "Yeah" you said smiling as you get closer to him, just cuddling up as the 2 of you watched the movie.

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