Chapter 21: To Death

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I woke up next to her looking at me. "Stalker," I say giving out a snort of a laugh. With all the explanations she gave me about how she loved me after seeing the future and also before she did and also being unwilling to share the future she explained to me all about Void and the powers that I hold. It was almost eight hours since we consummated the wedding, the first month must start any minute now. 

"I'm pregnant in the last three days, twice." She said getting up when finally noticed her belly, it looked like she was very far along. Her hands, her body looked frail as the curtains opened and I could finally see in the light her skin had grown paler. She was still wearing the nightgown from last night but now the already short nightgown barely even hid her stomach. 

"What is happening? Is this supposed to happen?" I asked her, "No husband, it isn't supposed to. Please first help me into the healing water and I'll explain while I'm in it." I quickly got up and took her carefully to the bath. She relaxed into the water but her original color never returned. 

"Yesterday night, we glowed both purple and green meaning that you make me both void and dark void. The vision I had held the explanation, the twins I'm pregnant with are both void and dark void, that is, one is born with void powers and the other with dark void powers. There is a stark difference between the two since their power sources are different, you'll find information about that in my mother's diary, and therefore me as their mother am not enough powerful to hold both of these differing powers, which means just like a wrong blood transfusion they are poisoning me and this increased powers already gifted to them at birth are draining me of mine because there can't exist two Voids. How this came to be is that when my father adopted you he knew you were the descendant of our void bloodline maybe many times removed. We check for descendants many times before marrying to avoid this imbalance of nature from occurring but since there was no one to stop me and I didn't care to check only for the fact that my mother wanted me to marry you the bloodlines mixed internally. Giving into fruition my mother and father's plan of creating the all-powerful twins in the universe." She explains and finally weakly steps out of the water. 

"What does that mean for you?" I ask her worried

"It means that I'll be giving birth anytime now since this pregnancy worked twice as hard and fast." She says smiling a little and holding a longer gown on her to see if it will fit. 

"Why did you do it? This puts your life in danger." I say to her taking the dress and scissors with which she was attempting to cut the back of the dress with. 

I involuntarily start making a halter neck of it, the work I had to do before I was adopted kicking back in. "At times the decided future is also the needed future. The void and the dark void require this union for they will grow unstable. This had to be done for a better future." She says and she adds on as she slips on the dress "And I love you and I'd rather have not fallen in love with anyone else for the last time I could ever love."


I was into labor as Leonidas spoke to my brother and father about what and why everything was happening, they both looked worried at the way I looked at that moment. This was scary for me as well. And I knew how this would end but I didn't want to tell them anything for if they tried and changed anything the entire outcome of the future can change. 

"Ed?" I asked weekly as I felt the last moments before the twins came out, "Take care of them not only as their uncles but as if they were their own, they'll be stubborn like me so please handle them with patience and I'm sorry for the thunderous approach I had yesterday, I was still learning to control my newfound powers." I say to him and he holds my hand as he says on the brink of tears, "Firstly stop talking about yourself in the past tense, you are going nowhere." He says and stands aside as dad comes into view, "Dad? you know that you are the only one and all I ever wanted in a dad right? I'm sorry it took me so long to bond with you but you are all that I could ask as a caring grandfather to my kids." I take his hand and kiss it as I am finally there. And he just doesn't speak trying to hold back his tears and I reach out for Leo. 

"Leo? Tell them how their mother was okay? Tell them why I did what I did and tell them all about me." I say crying hysterically now. I am Katherine Ainsley Bartholomew Voyd mother of four died at the age of 17. I say to myself and feel a surge of hope. 

I look up at Leo and find the same look of hope in his eyes. "Take her to the pool." He says softly first and then loudly for all the midwives and the doctor to hear. He picks me up when I'm in tremendous pain. And sets me into the pool. Everything after is blurred by immense pain as everything goes dark.

After a while, the pain recedes and I feel my body healing. This wasn't supposed to happen, it was supposed to stay dark after. I open my eyes as I'm on the bed. 

"What? How long has it been?" I ask out loud, "Just two hours since you passed out," He says smiling. "How is this possible?" I say and I realize even if this is happening something doesn't feel right. "Shhh, look at them. I had to name them to the crowd while you were out. The girl I named her Ira and the boy I named Alexander." He said handing them to me one by one, and they slightly opened their eyes to peer at me and I saw Ira's purple eyes and glanced at Alexander who looked at me with dark green eyes, their eyes were originally the color of their powers. The machine beside me beeped rapidly as the images of my babies fluttered in and out of my vision. My power was being transferred to the final processes taking place. I rubbed my legs nervously as I saw my end moments approaching and felt something sticky and warm between them.

"No no, Katherine. No." He said taking the babies from me to the cradle as the doctors approached. The nurses noticed my squirming and lifted the blanket for everyone to see the immense blood loss that was happening ever since they got me out of the pool. For me to be constantly alive I had to be inside the pool at all times, the damage and the energy the twins did would leave my body in permanent damage. I looked up at Leonidas who was holding my hand for dear life, "I'll always paint the sunsets." I said feeling this whole new surge of love in my body which made my eyes open for a second, "You, Leo, you have my mother's powers." I mumbled as I made one last wish to death. 

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