Chapter 5: The Test

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Me and Leo entered the room. Chairs and tables were pushed back to clear the area and in the middle of the room stood Adrian, he was the last one to be tested apart from me and Leo I suppose. I had to have a talk to him either ways.
"Adrian you have classified as a deciduous and tropical forest variety, so next we need to see whether you are a plant or tree. Here keep your hand on this bark and allow it to grow." Instructed the Earth Professor. And he did, vines grew around the wood and enveloped it. The professor picked up the leaf with the back of his pen. "Plant it is Adrian and that too poison ivy." Remarked the professor.
He was handed a sealed packet of the poison ivy seed he removed and put in the empty circle locket around his neck and walked out glancing towards me just for a second.
"Leo if you please." Called the white haired Ms. Gloria I liked her she was fierce when needed and an excellent teacher. "I want you to close your eyes and let your heart act like a magnet to whatever it summons." She told him and stepped back.
Leo's eyes turned white not only the irises but all of his eyes. And the windows begged to be thrown open and they did and in came the snow, in the middle of spring. And his eyes closed and opened back up to everyone of us shivering. Gloria picked up delicately a snow flake on his hair through her wind and placed into his locket and poured resin over it, a particularly magical resin that preserved the flake and placed it in his hands and he put the oval solid in his ring. And stood back in his place besides me.
I stepped ahead, everyone knew I was the last one left. "Just close your eyes and let it happen." Said Gloria in a flat voice. I stood there and nothing came.
And everyone waited. Still nothing. I opened my eyes back up to look at the people surrounding me. My eyes scanned their faces when a voice spoke up, a voice missing during breakfast. "Let's just cut her some slack yeah?" Said Adrian. And I turned around, "Cut her some slack." I gritted out taking threatening steps in his direction. "Katherine. Don't. Your hands." Leo held my elbow from the back and I looked back at him.
And he froze his eyes blank of any expression and removed my hand out of his and approached a scared Adrian. I looked at the dagger placed for the water assessment and it levitated in air and as it zoomed into my hands as I kept the dagger on his throat I sent a message loud and clear, "Cross me again. Try and act like the knight in the silver armour I will kill you." And I let the knife clatter on the floor as it hit me.
I let go the control of Leo's body and brain.
"Telekinesis." Said the water teacher.
"Well if my future wife would've turned out to be so controlling I would've not agreed to this." Chuckled out Leo and everyone joined which was a huge favour after the tension I had just created and I let myself laugh.
And when I saw Leo I could quite see how my eyes burned red and turned back grey again in a second.
And I walked out along with everyone else. "Hey Katherine." Whispered Leo urgently, "What's wrong?" I asked looking at the urgency.
"Not here come back here." He said opening the door to another empty class.
"So..." he said as he fumbled with his cuff buttons.
"So?" I asked, "what is it? Out with it." I said in a stern voice.
" Okay so I wanted a favour. Huge one from you." Said Leo in a small voice, it was almost like he was... embarrassed?! What was this man embarrassed about?
"Well our friendship has all but began but tell me, I'll  help as far as I can." I said urging him to go on. "Well there's this girl and well I kinda like her and I want to take things forward and I know that you have a little experience in that area and you are the only female friend I have and I'm too embarrassed to ask any other of my friends." He says in a small voice proceeding quickly with it.
"Well what do you need me for? You just make her comfortable and know for sure by asking her if she wants to do it then and go for it...champ." I said awkwardly.
"But.." he begins, "let it be." He says and starts to leave and that's when it clicks me.
"You have never done it before." I say and and look back at him and he has the steel eyes again, defenses up.
I smile hoping my eyes won't betray what I was about to say, "She must be very special." I say and manage a smile.
"She is." He replies with his posture at ease.
"Come over after classes and I'll tutor you." I say with a playful smile, "Oh and bring fruits. Preferably Oranges. Ask Ms. Gloria she'll give you some from the greenhouse." And saying so we walk out to our separate classes.

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