Oh how he wished he had listened to the moderator when he said the name of the dancer in the beginning of his performance - but then again, does it even matter?

He may never see him again, so it's pointless.

The night went on, rather boring, but right after midnight, Taehyung and his parents left the bar to head home.

Leaving the building and approaching their parked car, Little notices a man standing by himself across the road, leaned against a red Mustang, lightning a cigarette.

Taehyung frowns, but soon he recognizes the man, a red jacket placed on his right shoulder. It's the dancer.

Not being able to take his eyes off the dark haired dancer, Taehyung starts staring at the stranger for a little bit too long, his parents are already in the car waiting for Little to join them. Suddenly the dancer looks up, his and Little's eyes meet for a second, before he hears his father calling for him, „Come on, Little, get in."

The called boy gulps, finally taking his eyes off the good looking dancer and opening his door to sit in the back seat of the car, before his father starts the engine.


„Oh good morning Little!", a pretty familiar voice shouts, making his gaze turn to his left.

„Good Morning, Joon.", Little responds, flashing a smile at his best friend and neighbor Namjoon. He knows him for years, even though he is older than Little himself, Joon and him literally grew up together.

„Slept at your parents place again?", Taehyung asks as Joons approaches him at the sidewalk.

„Yeah, you know they always want me to sleep over during the weekend.", the older responds.
„Anyways how was your dad's birthday yesterday? Didn't get the chance to wish him happy birthday."

„It was okay.", Little responds honestly, the thought about one specific performance suddenly coming to his mind.

Joon nods in response before turning to his parked car, „Are you heading to the university?"

Little simply nods.
„I could drop you off, I'm on my way to work."

The younger smiles at him before approaching the light blue car, Joon opening the door for him, showing off his gentleman side and making Taehyung smile at the simple gesture.

On their way to the university, they barely talked, Joon knows that Taehyung doesn't talk much in the morning and he respects that.

„Thank you for the ride Joon.", the younger male says as he left the car and looked at he friend through the open window one last time.

„Your welcome, Little.", Joons responds, a big smile on his lips, making his dimples show, „Feel free to come by my shop after classes!"

Taehyung presses his lips together, going to Namjoon's workplace is always a big thing for him. Because of two specific brothers working there. But since Joon dropped him off at University, maybe he will consider his suggestion.

Without waiting for a response, Joon starts the engine and drives away, leaving Taehyung behind. The young male sighs, feeling tired because of the long night and the upcoming exam.

With slow steps he approaches the big building to take his first class.


It's still warm outside as Little leaves the building after his last class of the day. He is still not sure if he should go to Namjoon's car repair shop or not. It's not too far from his University and maybe the small distraction from all his studying would be good for the light brown haired boy. Maybe the twins won't be there, to annoy and tease him. Hopefully.

Little approaches the small shop, it's a rather small building, When entering it, there's a reception and right next to it, is a door leading to the big garage where Namjoon repairs the cars. Above the shop is a small apartment, actually Joon's apartment where he lives the most time ever since he bought the building 2 years ago.

Taehyung pushes the glass door open, immediately regretting his decision to drop by.

„Oh look who came by!", the male sitting at the reception says, „Long time no see, Little!"

Little sighs on the inside, hoping the boy in front of him won't say anything more.

„Yeah, haven't been here for a while.", Little responds faking a short smile.

„Well it's nice to see you."

„Yeah nice to see you too, JK.", Little says, his eyes looking around searching for Joon.

„Boss is upstairs, showing some new guy the apartment.", JK says, as he noticed Taehyung's desperate search for some help.

„Why would he show him his apartment?"

Jungkook, JK's full name, shrugs, „He met the guy yesterday, he just moved to town and is searching for a place to stay over. Joon offered his apartment."

Taehyung nods in response, wanting to leave the place since the person he wanted to visit is busy but JK stops him from leaving.

„Stay for a while, Little, Joon should be done soon and JM would be happy to see you too." the purple haired male says with a big grin on his face, signaling Taehyung that this only means trouble.

„Ah- no it's actually getting quite late, I will just drop by tomor-" Before he could finish his sentence, two males walk down the small stairs next to the reception.

„Oh Little! You really came!" Joon says happily, approaching the younger boy with a short hug. As they part, Taehyung notices the male behind Joon who just came down the stairs.

The man stops just a few steps away from the two friends, making Taehyung rest his eyes on the somehow familiar face. For a second he couldn't put a finger on it, not sure where he has seen it before, but the rather slim but muscular body shape, the black styled hair and sharp facial features, give away his identity.

Suddenly it makes click, and Little knows where he has seen the other male. It's not even long ago, just yesterday night.

His eyes meet the eyes of the talented dancer.


A/N: hope you liked the first chapter! Updates are weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays!

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