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The drink started to have it's effects on Shahana. She felt dizzy and thought it was probably due to hunger. She took a pastry and started devouring it. Suddenly an idea popped up in her head. She quickly her pastry and brought another one. Slowly, she crept up behind Dimpy and tapped her lightly on the shoulder. Before Dimpy could see who it was, she slammed the pastry on Dimpy's face and ran away.

As Shahana was wearing heels, she tripped and would have hurt herself badly if Aryan hadn't come and held her in his arms in the nick of time. He lost himself in her beautiful dark brown orbs. Their reverie was broken by the loud screeching of Dimpy.

Not only them, but also all the other guests had been alarmed by her scream. There was a complete silence of five seconds as everyone took in Dimpy's appearance. She looked no less than a circus with her cake laden face. A small boy broke the silence by giggling aloud. His mother tried to shush him by glaring but couldn't stop herself from laughing too. Soon the whole party hall echoed with laughter at Dimpy's expense.

Dimpy, having embarrassed herself now twice at a party held in MK Mansion left in a hurry and the guests resumed the conversations and eating.

Shahana was still giggling merrily.

"Did you do this?" Aryan narrowed his eyes at Shahana.

"No. Why would an innocent kid like me do this?" Shahana put on one of her innocent faces but the mischievous glint in her eyes gave her away.

"Don't lie to me." Aryan stated.

"I don't like her. She's always poking nose in my business." Shahana pouted. "Sorry"

"Well done" he grinned making Shahana grin too. "But don't run in heels next time."

Ranbir called Aryan to inform him that he and Prachi were going out for a date. By the time Aryan had put down the phone, Shahana had vanished from there. He looked around but found only her heels lying abandoned.

On the other hand, Shahana had decided it was a good idea of playing pranks on people she wanted to take revenge from. So, she had managed to find a can of white paint and was tip toing towards Alia who was standing alone.

"She is worse than that Dimpy but since behaved well with me today, I'll pour white paint on her instead of black." Shahana muttered to herself.

She raised the can to pour down its contents but someone pulled her behind the pillar. Alia turned but saw no one.

"What were you about to do? Do you have a death wish?" Aryan scolded after pulling her away from there.

"You spoiled everything! She always scolds me uselessly. I want revenge." Shahana frowned.

"You will do nothing of that sort. Give this can to me." Aryan tried to snatch from her.

"Can I pour it on Shaina then? I don't like her too?" she asked innocently.

"No. You can't pour it on anyone." Aryan snatched the can from her before she could land herself in more trouble.

"Will black paint do? I you don't like black, I have green and blue too." she smiled brightly.

"Why are you behaving weird? Did you drink alcohol?" Aryan sensed something wrong with her.

"I don't drink alcohol. I only had a glass of cold drink, but it had a bad taste." Shahana said gesturing like a child.

"Oh God! She is intoxicated." Aryan exclaimed. He tried to take her to their room.

"I don't go with you. Maasi said not to go with strangers." she jerked her hand away from his grip.

"I'm not a stranger."

"Who are you?"

"Your husband."

The information was enough for Shahana. She readily held his hand and went with him.

"I want to go down to the party. It is boring here." she complained merely after five minutes.

"If you stay here, I'll give you something." he bribed her.

"What will you give me?" she asked.

"What do you want?"

"Make the moon blue. Blue is my favourite colour." she ordered.

"That's impossible. Ask for something else." he requested.

"You can't even give me a blue moon. You don't love me." she glared cutely at him.

"It's not like that. I love you a lot." he denied the allegation.

"Liar. Now I remembered who you are!" she shouted and pointed a finger at his face. "You are Aryan, the most....most confusing and unromantic husband in the world." she spoke in a drunken fit.

Before Aryan could process the whole fact and say something, Shahana stood up on the bed and continued her speech.

"Look at me. I love you so much and you don't love me even a bit." she acted to cry.

"What did you say?" Aryan was stunned by her intoxicated confession.

"I said I love you. I LOVE YOU ARYAN." she shouted at the top of her voice.

"What about your boyfriend then?" Aryan still couldn't believe her.

"Which boyfriend? I don't have any boyfriend. I have already handsome husband who doesn't love me." she's complained again.

"I love you too....." Aryan said softly.

"Are you saying the truth?"

"As true as the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun."

"Prove it to me then." Shahana said in a challenging tone.

"How?" Aryan was confused.

"Give me a kiss." she said come up with an unexpected answer.

Before Aryan could process anything or act, Shahana had brought her face dangerously close to his. Their noses were almost touching and breathes mingling.

Aryan's gaze was fixed on her plump pink lips. As much as he wanted to have them between his, he knew that she was not in her senses and it would be inappropriate to take advantage of her condition.

He moved back and made her sit on the bed.

"Wait here, I will bring a kiss for you." he said and went to the wardrobe.

After searching a while, he brought a thimble with him.

"Here, take this kiss." he gave the thimble to her.

Shahana took it with a childish happiness.

"I proved I love you and now it's your turn."

"Tell me what I have to do. I can do anything." she replied proudly.

"Change your clothes and go to sleep." he demanded.

"I don't want to sleep now." she whined.

"Don't you love me?" Aryan blackmailed her.

"No. I love you!" she jumped down from the bed, changed her clothes and did as he instructed.

"Good night." she's smiled at him.

"Good night" her wished back before she drifted off to her sleep.

THE FORGOTTEN COUPLE: ARHANADonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora