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"Here's your order." Shahana placed the dishes on the table.

"Thank you" Aryan smiled at him.

"Try and say how's it?" Shahana asked excitedly.

Both Aryan and Dimpy took a bite. But, the expression on both of their faces was different.

"It's not worth eating. Who gave you the job?" Dimpy said with attitude.

"It's delicious. I didn't know you could cook so well! I'm surely going to come back for more." Aryan said genuinely praising her.

She smiled at him and left.

He then turned towards Dimpy. "I guess our tastes are quite different. So, it will be better if we have our food and leave fast else our non-existent friendship may turn to dislike before it even becomes real." he said with a fake smile.

 Dimpy was dumbstruck. She could not answer and turned her attention to her food.


The whole day Purab was unusually silent. Disha's words were ringing in his ears. She had addressed him as Mr. Khanna. Was she still angry on him? Did she still hold him responsible for what had happened 20 years ago? Many such questions were clouding Purab's mind.

Not a single moment had passed in these 20 years when he had not missed Disha. Alia may be his legal wife in front of the world, but his soulmate was and always will be Disha.

When he had saw her today, he badly wanted to hug her, explain himself and even ask for forgiveness.

He was ready to divorce Alia for Disha any day, but only there was the question of Aryan........

A hand on his shoulder broke his train of thoughts. He lifted his head and turned around to see his best friend Abhi looking at him.

"You met Disha, didn't you?" Abhi asked.

"How do you know?" Purab was surprised.

"Vikram told me that you are upset after meeting the woman and I at least have the power to guess that the lady was Disha from your condition."

"Yes she was Disha. But she has changed. I'm happy that she has prospered so much in life but she hates me........I can suffer her anger but not her ignorance. I'm the most unlucky man on this world who couldn't even win the trust of his love." Purab poured his heart to Abhi.

"Calm down. Your mind is not in the right state. Try and think about the positive things in life. Get happy that you at least got to see Disha whereas I don't know anything about my Pragya. Still I have not given up hope. So, how can you?" Abhi tried to console him.

"I'm sure di loves you, but Disha hates me now."

"No! You are a fool to believe that. Your love for each other was pure and where there is love, hate can't exist there. She is just hot headed and gets angry soon. You have to make her understand."

"Are you sure?" Purab's eyes were sparkling with hope.

"101%. Now cheer up and don't be a cry baby."

"I'm not a cry baby!"

"Look who's speaking."

"Abhi....." Purab started

"Purab......" Abhi mimicked him.

Purab shot a glare at him but soon both of them were laughing together. For the first time in 20 years, Purab was feeling happy with the thoughts of clearing the misunderstandings between him and Disha.

THE FORGOTTEN COUPLE: ARHANAWhere stories live. Discover now