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Prachi was surrounded by a bunch of giggling girls. Seated on either side of her were her two sisters Rhea and Shahana. The mehndi function was going on in full swing. It was the function exclusively for the ladies, so the male members of the household were no where in sight. 

The waiters were bringing in snacks and drinks. Alia who was not interested in the function was scanning the people present there, as if searching for someone. Her phone vibrated to indicate a new notification.

I'm  near the store room. Meet me there.

Alia excused herself in the pretext of a business call and went to the store room.

"Why did you call me? I think I have made the plan clear." Alia scolded him.

"Do you think I'm mad? The last time I acted according to your plan, I was almost thrashed to dead by your dear son. I can't risk my life again." the person denied to help her.

Alia rolled her eyes. "I'm increasing the payment to 1 lakh. Think carefully, you are in a need of money and if you help me, 1 lakh will be all yours just for playing the victim. There is the girl as the bonus too." Alia tempted him.

"The offer seems plausible. But, remember, if I get caught, I'll give you away to save myself." 

"That will not happen, Bittu. I have a full proof plan. Just stay close to that girl and do nothing." she assured.

Bittu donned the attire of a waiter and mingled among them while called someone.

"Where are you?" she asked.

"I'm right beside the bride's mother." the lady at the other end informed.

"The one in the blue saree?" Alia wanted to confirm.

True to her words, one of the mehndi designers, who was sitting next to Pragya nodded her head in Alia's direction.

"Is your husband here too?" Alia asked.

"Yes. He is serving snacks right now."

"Very good. Now listen carefully, do you see the girl on the bride's righthand side? That's your prey. Her name's Shahana." Alia informed.

"And the boy?" the lady enquired.

"Don't worry about him. When I send you the signal, the boy will be closest to her and you know what to do next." Alia said.


"What's the name of your would be husband?" the designer asked Prachi.

"Baklu" Prachi said unconsciously as she was busy chatting with her friends.

"Huh? What kind of name is that?" the designer scrunched her face. 

"Oops......Sorry......It's Ranbir." she said with a bright blush.

"Who's baklu?" one of the guests asked.

"It's actually the nickname given to jiju by Prachi." Rhea said.

"What does it mean?" the lady asked further.

"Baklu means bak bak karne wala ullu. At first, Prachi thought that Ranbir used to talk too much nonsense, so she gave him the name." Shahana explained.

Everyone was amused and started laughing. Dimpy seemed to find it the funniest thing she had heard and began shaking with laughter so hard that she spilled juice on Shahana's dress.

"What have you done? You spoiled my entire dress!" Shahana was infuriated.

"It's  an accident. I'm sorry." Dimpy shrugged.

"Go and wash it. I think the stain will vanish." Pragya suggested.

Huffing, Shahana got up and proceeded towards the washroom. Bittu, who was present nearby, took the cue and followed her.

"Her mehndi has still not dried! How will she clean her dress?" Rhea just processed the fact.

"Hey you there, go and help her." Alia ordered the designer in the blue saree.

"Sure ma'am." she said and went behind Shahana.


Shahana was in the empty hallway when the mehndi designer finally caught up with her. There was a man standing near her.

"I'll handle the girl, you go for the boy." the lady whispered to her husband who was present there too.

"He looks strong. I won't be able to fight him if he resists." the husband pointed.

"Don't worry. Alia ma'am has informed that he is in the plan. You have to just make him faint to make everything look realistic." she clarified.

They tip toed and crept up behind Shahana and the man. Sensing the perfect opportunity, they pressed the chloroformed handkerchiefs on their faces. After struggling for a while, both of them fainted.

The lady and her husband dragged them into a room.


The mehndi designer returned and winked at Alia, indicating that the work was done.

"Where is Shahana?" Prachi asked.

"After I helped her, a friend of hers showed up. He asked me to go as he had something to discuss with her. So, I came back." the lady lied.

Rhea thought something was not right, specially Alia sending someone to help Shahana when she knew how much Alia hated Prachi, Shahana and Pragya.

"I think I should check once." she said.

Prachi stopped her. "I think she is with Aryan. We should not disturb them." Prachi whispered.

Rhea thought that it made sense. Moreover, Alia could not do anything to Shahana within the house and if she tried to traffic her out, there were guards.

But, when Shahana didn't return even after hours, everyone started to get worried for her.

"I think we should search for her. She has been away for too long." Prachi voiced everyone's thoughts.

They began searching her everywhere but couldn't find her. Alia was standing and smiling to herself.

"What's happening here?" Purab, who had come to ask what was taking the ladies so long to end the function was surprised to everyone busy searching every nook and corner.

"Chucks, Shahana is missing. We have searched everywhere, but she is nowhere." Rhea informed.

Purab assured them to keep searching. He then walked to Alia.

"If you are behind this, I'll make sure you land up in jail." he whispered in her ears.

"I was standing here the entire time. You may ask any of the guests." Alia replied innocently. "Why don't you search the rooms? She may have seduced some guy. Girls like her........" 

"Shut up Alia! Do you even know what are you speaking. I have brought her up and I know she is not cheap minded like you!" Pragya retorted angrily.

"If you have so much faith in her, then why don't you go and check?" she said coolly.

"I will!" Pragya said confidently and walked towards the guest rooms followed by the others.

She opened the first door and was stunned by the sight in front of her. It seemed as if a thunderbolt had struck the people who had trust in Shahana. They couldn't believe their eyes and hoped that they were dreaming.

In the room, Shahana lay on the bed, probably sleeping. A shirtless guy was toppled over her. Both were covered with a duvet. Shahana's dupatta was lying on the floor, next to the door along with the unknown guy's shirt. There were numerous marks on their bodies.

Nobody knew what to speak after witnessing the sight.

"Isn't she the girl we were searching?" one of the guests broke the silence.

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