Chapter 17

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I sit on Pony's side of the bed and start crying again. Pony comes in and gets his first-aid kit. He kneels in front of me, and I look at him. "Can I clean your cuts?" Pony asks and I slowly nod as he cleans my cuts. He gets up and puts on some music from the radio.

He wraps my knuckles after cleaning them and smiles at me "you're truly beautiful" he whispers and kisses my cheek. Butterflies. He stands up straight and helps me up. I help him with his cuts till Darry calls us down and says we have to go to the lot.

We look at him confused then I think. Dally never came back. I can't lose Dally either. I start running out of the house and the boys follow behind me. I breathe heavily and run down the road as cop cars come up. I see Dally run from behind a tree, with his heater. "Dally!" I scream and run faster while some cops point guns at me "stop their right now!" I don't listen, I just keep running as fast as I can.

The boys yell at me to stop. I can't lose both of my best friends in one day. "You'll never catch me alive!" Dal yells as they start shooting at him. "Stop! It's not loaded!" I keep screaming and I hear a huge bang then I fall to the ground hard hitting my head on the pavement.

I gasp as the boys scream and Dal slowly makes his way over by crawling while bleeding. I go to move my arm, but Darry stops me. I look at my arm and realize, I've been shot. I gasp and look at the sky while breathing heavily. Pony drops next to me and stares at me. I look over and see Dal hold my hand "I'll tell Johnny, you miss him" he whispers before taking his last breath.

I can't take much more of this, I'm going to lose my mind. My vision gets blurry, and I finally blackout.

!! Pony POV!!

I watch her fall to the ground and I scream while running faster. Darry gets to her as she tries to move but he stops her. I go down to (Y/n) while she is looking at Dal. He whispers something to her then he dies. How many more people are going to die tonight? I look back at (Y/n) who is turning white.

The cops get in their cars and call for paramedics. A cop wasn't paying attention and a stray bullet went into (Y/n)'s arm. I look at (Y/n) as she closes her eyes. I hold her close to me and I start crying. She is still breathing.

I turn and look at the boys who are staring in shock. Ambulance comes and (Y/n) gets brought to the hospital. I wanted to go with her, but I wasn't allowed. I'm too young, so Darry went. I watch as cops put a white sheet over Dally's body. Soda helps me get up and we walk over to the car with Steve and Two-bit.

Soda drives us to the hospital while he is looking pale. We have seen people get killed and stabbed but this is different. Dal and (Y/n) were different. Johnny was already gone which is going to change the group a lot. Dal who was the funny trouble causer is gone, and now the life of the group and my girlfriend are being treated for getting shot.

After an hour. They let us into her room, I was here a few hours ago crying about the first Cade, now I'm here for the second. I sit next to her bed and the boys stand there not speaking. I hold (Y/n)'s hand while staring at her face.

She looks so calm and so beautiful. Darry looks at us "we'll step out for a bit," he says, and I nod as they step out and close the door. "God, this is one crazy night," I mumble to myself hoping she will wake up soon.

I look at where she got shot. It's all wrapped up in cloth, they probably stitched. She is going to survive, it's just scary to see her like this. I keep holding her hand while looking at her, wake up, please.

!!(Y/n) POV!!

I gasp and look around. Where am I? Its looks are so familiar. Windrixville! The church is up and there is a sunrise. I walk over to the tree where Pony asked me to be his girlfriend and I lean against it. I blush and I hear a laugh. Johnny? I look over and see Johnny and Dally. I run over to Johnny and jump in his arms.

"I miss you!" I cry to him, and he hugs me "(Y/n) what are you doing here?" Johnny asks and I get off him "I got shot in the arm by a stray bullet." I hug Dally and I sigh "Please come back guys," I whisper, and they look at each other. "We can't (Y/n)," Johnny whispers sadly and I nod. "It won't be the same without you guys," I say and cross my arms.

"Whenever there is a sunrise that you watch, always know it is Johnny and me, kid" Dal says and I giggle "okay Dal," I say, and I see a door. I look at the boys and they nod. "Tell Pony if he treats you badly, I'll haunt him," Johnny says, and we all laugh.

"I love you guys," I whisper, and they nod "We love you too (Y/n)" I walk through the door, and I open my eyes.

I'm in a hospital. I look down and see Pony holding my hand. "Pony?" I ask and he jumps. "(Y/n)! I thought I lost you too!" he says, and I hug him. "I saw Johnny and Dally," I whisper, and he smiles. I look at him and he blushes.

He moves closer and I feel his lips on mine. I blush as the butterflies almost break out of my stomach. I slowly melt into the kiss while I hold his hand. We hear someone clear their throat and look up to see Two-bit with the group behind him. "We heard (Y/n) was up," he says while Pony and I blush. Soda and Steve high-fived while Darry crosses his arms looking at us, and Two-bit is looking down.

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