Chapter 4

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  "Thank you, he had me scared to death," Cherry sighs and Johnny looks at her "sure didn't show it," Johnny says and I take a sip of my coke before Pony takes it and drinks some of it too. "Why don't you boys come to sit up here with us? You can protect us." Marcia smirks and Pony looks at me before getting up. He sits next to cherry and pulls a chair next to him. Johnny sits next to Marcia. I sit next to Pony, and he wraps his arm back around me "You guys look like such a cute couple," Cherry says and looks at Pony and me. Pony and I look at each other and blush a little "W-we aren't dating," I say, and Cherry looks at us 

"You guys should, it would be cute" she smiles, and I go back to watching the movie, I start to zone out and think about what Cherry said after a minute I feel someone grab me and I hear them Ya'll "Alright Greaser!" I jump and I pull out my pocketknife quickly, along with Johnny. "Jesus Two!" I yell and sigh "calm down will ya? now what you got here? your great grandmothers?" he asks, and Pony rubs my arm softly "Where is old Dal anyways?" Two asks and I look up to see Tim Shepard "Yeah, where is ol' Dally?"

"He left Tim," I say, and he starts to get impatient "Hey! I know he slashed my tires!" he yells, and I look at Pony "Tim look, he left, he's not here, really. You guys seen dally?" Pony asks and winks as we shake our heads no "Well, I'll be looking for him," Tim says and walks off. Two whispers something to Johnny and Cherry looks at me "Hey (Y/n), come with me to get a coke and popcorn?" She asks and I look at Pony then back up at her "Alright" I say and stand up.

Cherry and I walk to the snack house and start picking things up "Your friend, the one with the sideburns, is he okay?" She asks and I nod "He ain't dangerous like Dally," I say as we get food "He sure scared you and Johnny," She says and I sigh "Johnny is a nervous reck anyways," I say leaving me out of it "he got beat up a few months ago by some soc, he is my brother," I say and we start to pay "not all of us are like that," she says and I roll my eyes as we pay "That Ponyboy really likes you," she says

"He is a nice boy, we are close in age, so it just makes sense for us to be close," I shrug and smile a little "You like him back, don't you?" she asks, and I shrug as we walk out and back to where we were sitting.

-Time Skip-

We start walking down the sidewalk as cars drive past and Cherry and Pony talk about Darry and Soda. She asks about Darry and Pony starts to get mad. I look at Pony and sigh "Come on Pony, you all get along fine!" I try to cheer him up, but he snaps "No we don't and shut your trap (Y/n) Cade cause you ain't wanted at home either!" Pony snaps and Two slaps him in the back of the head. I don't even feel sad honestly, because he was telling the truth "I'm sorry" he sighs, and I shake my head "It's fine Pony" I say as we start walking again.

"Marcia!" Cherry says and we turn to see a blue mustang "Oh no, what are we gonna do?" Marcia stays nervously and stays back with Two. I sigh and I look at Johnny who is looking away from them, that's the guy with the rings, the Soc that beat my older brother. I take my blade out and keep it behind my back as one walks closer "Cherry! What's going on! What are you doing?" He yells and Pony pulls me towards him "Just because we got a little drunk doesn't-" He starts but Cherry cuts him off "A little? You call reeling and passing out in the streets a little? Bob, I told you I was never going out when you're drinking, and I mean it!" She yells.

"That's no reason to go out with these bums," His friend starts and Two starts to get angry "who you callin' bums pal?" He says and I push the blade up on my switchblade as the boys start to fight "I've got two more in the backseat" the boy says, and I step forward putting my blade up "Pity the backseat!" I yell and Two breaks a beer bottle handing it to Pony, which he will do nothing with. Pony drops the bottle and pulls me back as Two and the Soc start threatening each other.

Cherry yells at them to stop and I put my knife away as she drags Pony back. They talk and I stand in between the boys to make sure nothing goes far. She runs back and I stare at the one with black hair in front of me. He walks off and I turn around to walk away. I cross my arms and sigh while the boys follow me while whispering.

We slowly make it to my house, and I can see my parents fighting in the window. I sigh and look at Two-bit as he puts on a random hat. He runs off after saying goodbye and I look at Johnny "I'm going to the lot, I can't stay here" I say, and I start walking to the lot with Johnny and Pony. "I hate it when they do this, I really do." I say as we make it to the lot "I sometimes wish they never adopted me, I would've been better off in the orphanage all by myself" I say and sit on the car's bench, looking at the stars.

"Come on (Y/n), it wouldn't be the same without you," Johnny says and sits by a small fire that Ponyboy made "I-I c-can't take much more of this, I'll kill myself or something" I whimper, and I start to cry quietly "No you can't, come on," Pony says and tries to comfort me as I sit back. "I hate it here; I wish there was a place without greasers o-or socs." I manage "with just p-people, ordinary p-people." I say and start to calm down as Ponyboy talks about something. Johnny comes over and sits on the other side of me.

He rubs the side of my arm and I calm down while I fall asleep listening to the sound of Ponyboy talking about the country.

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