Chapter 5

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  I open my eyes to see the stars have moved "Oh no," I say, and I sit up "Pony! get up!" I say and shake him. "Darry is going to be pissed!" I say and he wakes up "Oh shit!" He sighs and gets up quickly "uh... I-I'll see you and Johnny tomorrow!" He says and runs off home. I hope he makes it home safe.


I run from the park to my house to see the front porch light on. Darry is awake, this is not going to end well... I peek through the window, and I see Darry in his armchair putting the phone down then going back to his paper. I open the door and Darry throws his paper to the ground "Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is?!" He shouts as I close the door.

"Well, it's two o'clock in the mornin' kiddo." He says and heats up. I look over and see Soda waking up on the couch "Hey Ponyboy, where you been?" He asks and I start walking to the bathroom. "I fell asleep in the lot." I say as I walk past Darry "What?"

"I was talkin' to Johnny and (Y/n) then fell asleep in the lot! I didn't mean to," I say and start to close the bathroom door, but Darry pushes it open again. "Yeah? Hey! and I can't even call the cops cause' you two would be thrown in a boy's home so quick it would make your head spin!"

Soda comes up as I finish washing my face "come on Pony, let's go to bed," He sighs while I walk out "Look, I said I didn't mean to!" I tell Darry while walking out of the bathroom. He does nothing but gets angrier at me.

"I didn't mean to! I forgot! That's all I ever hear from you!" He shouts and Soda speaks up "Come on Darry-" Soda tries but Darry turns and starts screaming at him. My blood starts to boil, and my breathing picks up "Don't you yell at him!" I shout and feel his hands push onto my chest, sending me flying onto the floor.

I get up quickly and start to run out, despite then yelling for me to come back. This is it! I'm running away! I run to the lot, and I wake up (Y/n) and Johnny.

!!(Y/n) POV!!

I jump as I feel someone shaking me "P-Pony?" I ask and see johnny standing "Come on we are running away!" Pony says and I get up quickly. "Why?" I say and we start running down the road. He doesn't answer. He just keeps running down. I sigh and stop him "Pony stop, what is going on?" I ask.

"Darry hit me." He sighs and I look at him shocked. Darry doesn't hit anyone. He just gets very fiery and mad, but he would never take his anger out on someone. "You got a cigarette Johnny I'm scared to death," Pony says and Johnny gets one out while panting "well don't be, man you're scaring me" Johnny sighs and I nod.

"We used to get along just fine till mom and dad died! Now he can't stand me!" He yells and lights the cancer stick. "I think I like it better when the old man is hitting me," I sigh as we start walking to the park "at least he knows I'm there," I say, and Johnny nods while he is still breathing heavily while Pony starts smoking.

"aint you two about to freeze to death?" Johnny asks as we shiver, even though I still have Dals Jacket on. I nod as we walk up to the playground. We climb on top of a latter dome and sit. "Guys," I sigh as a blue mustang drives up. "This is our territory," pony says and I get myself ready "bet they are looking for us," Johnny says and I nod as the car drives up.

"We should split," I say, and Pony shakes his head "Stay cool," I just nod and watch as they stumble out of the car.

"Well, well, well," one starts, and I shake my head "drunk" Pony and I both say as they walk closer. I notice the rings and Johnny does too. I sigh nervously as the taller one with dark hair stares at me "The rings," Johnny starts and I start to take out my switch.

"Aren't those two the greasers who tried to pick up our women?" The other one says, and I get mad "Hey! You're out of your territory! You better watch it" I say, and they laugh "Now what is a dumb broad like yourself going to do." I feel Pony put a hand on my arm to stop me. I calm down a little as we slowly get down.

"You know what a Greaser is? White trash with long greasy hair," We flinch as he throws the remains of his drink at us. I sigh and Pony gets visibly angry "you know what a Soc is?" oh god don't do it Pony "white trash with mustangs and Madras!" he says and spits on the "Ponyboy!" I scream as they start yelling and chasing after us.

I look back to see some people dragging Pony towards a fountain, then grabbing Johnny. The one from earlier grabs me and drags me to the fountain as well "Stop it! Let me go!" I scream as he holds me with my back to his chest. I breathe heavily and stop struggling once he pulls a switch out and holds it to my neck.

Johnny gets pushed to the ground and kicked as the Soc holding me makes me watch the other drown Pony. "P-please stop th-this!" I beg and I feel the cold metal touch my neck. I hear Pony scream in agony as he tries to get away, but they push him back in, almost killing him. I whimper as the soc cuts my skin a little. I scream in pain and close my eyes tightly. I blackout and feel my body hit the floor while hearing footsteps run around me.

-Time Skip-

I wake up to Pony talking "I think I'm gonna be sick," he sighs and runs off. I sigh and cover my stinging neck. "Fuck," I sigh and get up to wash off in the fountain "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Johnny whispers and I stumble back seeing the water dyed red. "What," I whisper shocked then trip over something, but Pony catches me. My heart drops once I realize it's the Socs body. "I killed him!" Johnny says and I look at him scared.

"I had to! they were gonna drown Pony and slit your throat!" Johnny yells and I sigh while getting away from his body quickly while calming down. "The others ran off," Johnny says cleaning his switch on the grass. "w-we've gotta go to Dally, he'll know what to do." I sigh and they nod as we start walking to Bucks' bar.

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