Chapter 6

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I sigh as we walk up to Bucks bar. I knock and see him come up "Hey (Y/n), Dal is upstairs, I'll get him for you," Buck says and I nod. Dal and I are close, I always come here whenever mom and dad get into fights. We play cards or just talk about what's going on.

I watch as Dal comes down shirtless "Johnny killed a Soc," I whisper, and Dal looks at Johnny "what? alright good for you man," he sighs, and I shake my head "we came here because we know you always know what to do" I say and the boys nod while Pony shivers. He lets us in, and Pony and I look around "come on get upstairs! You'll die on pneumonia before the cops find you" Dal says and grabs Pony.

We walk upstairs and I pet Buck's dog as he comes down. We walk into Dally's room hearing the faint music coming from downstairs. Dally tells Pony to take his sweatshirt off and he looks at me. I look to the ground and sigh while Dal looks through his drawers. I look at him and see him load a heater.

I look at Johnny who is looking around the room nervously, then Dally hands him the gun "here, come on don't aim it at me, it's loaded." he sighs, and I look at Pony who is still shaking. I hold his hand and we both look at each other for a moment. The butterflies are coming back.


She holds my hand. I look at her and she looks at me. those fucking butterflies.

!! (Y/n) POV!!

I keep looking at him and he starts moving closer to me, but Dally steps in "Pony," he says and looks away. Great job Dal. "I'm not the one telling your big brother and get my head kicked in," Dally says and Pony grips my hand. Dal turns to me and looks at my neck. "King soc did it, while they were drowning Pony," I mumble out of nowhere, and Dal starts to clean the cut on my neck "I hate Randy,"

I nod as he puts a bandage on it and stands up then sits between pony and me. I see Johnny laugh a little then stop. Dally gives Pony one of Bucks sweatshirts "here, its Buck's, it's a little big on you. (Y/n) keep the jacket," he says then turns back to us, "Take the 3:15 to Windrixville, it's a freight, there is an abandoned church on the top of Jay Mountain. there is a pump in the back, so you don't need to worry about water." He lights a cigarette and takes a drag.

"Get a week's supply of food, as soon as you get there, the morning before the story gets out. then don't do so much as stick your nose out the door, am I clear?" He asks looking at the three of us and we nod "I'll pick you up as soon as I think everything's cool," he says as my eyes well up. "Relax, everything's gonna be okay" he sighs and takes a drag.

-Time Skip-

Johnny, Pony, and I start running to the train while some guards are walking on the other end. We all jump in. I look around the corner, but Pony drags me back as a man comes and looks around. I lean against him, and Johnny stays quiet as two men stand by the entrance "nothing, start her up," one says and the other hums in response.

We sit on the floor huddled together. I hold Johnny's hand while slowly falling asleep. I end up leaning on Pony and falling asleep on the not-so-smooth ride to Windrixville.

-Time skip-

I wake up to the sunrise coming through the open cart door of the train. I see a sign that says something about Jay Mountain. I sit back and watch the trees pass by quickly. I stare and think, am I going to be here for my birthday? Of course, I will, it's two days away. I hear Johnny sigh and wake up "Hey (Y/n), good morning," he says, and I nod.

"Hey Johnny," I whisper and lean on him "look at the sun." He looks up and we both watch the sunrise till the train stops. "Pony, we have to go," I say and nudge him. He gets up and we start walking down the dirt roads. "Where is Jay Mountain," I whisper, and we look around.

We see two men working, Johnny and I look up at Pony who shakes his head "go on and ask them, you look like a farm boy!" Johnny says and Pony shakes his head. "Please Pony, we need to go soon!" I say and he sighs "Fine,"

Johnny and I watch him walk up and talk to the men then walk back over "come on let's go," he says.

-yet another time skip-

We walk up the mountain and stare at the old wooden church. Johnny and Pony stay back while I start walking forward "let's go, we have been walking all day," I say dramatically, and the boys start to follow behind me. We walk into the church and hit all of the cobwebs out of our way. I step in past them and look around "It's beautiful here," I whisper and sit on the floor while yawning.

I lay the jacket that Dal gave me on the floor and rest my head on it. Pony lays next to me and Johnny behind us. I shiver and Johnny falls asleep immediately since his legs have been hurting him, and he was tired. Pony looks back and moves closer to me. He puts his arm around me and closes his eyes.

This boy does so much to me, it doesn't even make sense anymore. I put my head on his shoulder and I fall asleep, with the same butterflies fluttering around in my stomach like mad.

Butterflies 🦋  (Ponyboy X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz