Chapter 1

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  (Hello! This is a Ponyboy X (Y/n) story! I know I normally write Harry Potter, but I guess I will change it up. I had so much fun writing this story and I hope you enjoy it. In the beginning of every chapter, I will try to put a song that fits the time period The Outsiders is set in. If it's not from the time period, then it will be just a song I enjoy. Once again, I hope you enjoy my story, Butterflies.)

    13-year-old (Y/n) is sitting inside of her bedroom. She was adopted by the Cade family when she was young. (Y/n) always expected it to be a nice family like in the movies, but it was nothing like that. Mrs. and Mr. Cade just fight about anything and everything. Her closest friends are her brother Johnnys gang. The Curtis gang. They are like a second and better family.

!! (Y/n) POV!!

I sigh as I hear my parents argue over my father bringing home a random broad again. My older brother Johnny comes into my room and opens my window "Let's go to the Curtis house, it is better there," he sighs and climbs out of my window. We have snuck out a few times but it's always my room because it is on the first floor. He helps me climb out and I check my back pocket for my switchblade. Ever since Johnny and I got beat by the Soc's I haven't left the house without it. I have my favorite mickey mouse shirt on with black ripped jeans and my favorite leather jacket.

Johnny and I start walking while all types of cars pass us by while their music blasts. We end up at the Curtis house and Johnny goes to knock but I walk straight in. Darry who is the oldest is sitting in his favorite armchair with a newspaper as always. Darry treats me like I am a baby since I'm the youngest in the group, but not by much. Ponyboy who is the youngest Curtis brother is a few months older than me. Two-bit is sitting on the floor with a beer with Steve next to him eating cake while watching Mickey Mouse. Dallas, or as we call him Dally, looks at me and waves while taking a drag from his cancer stick. He seems like the type to be a Jackass, but he is nice. He has a soft spot for Johnny and me. Sodapop gets up and hugs me "I missed you, little Cade!" He yells and I roll my eyes "It has only been a day Soda," He laughs, and Johnny sits on the couch.

Soda is one of my favorites, he is like my big brother. I tell him everything about school and even crushes. I don't tell that stuff to Johnny. "Your cut opened," Johnny points out and Darry stands up quickly, along with Dally. "Sit down, I got it," I smile, and I walk to the bathroom. I knock on the door and Ponyboy answers. Ponyboy, my crush ever since we were 12. We have been close, mostly because of our age. "Hey Pony!" I smile and he smiles back "Hey, you need the first-aid kit?" He asks and I nod. He must have heard from inside the bathroom.

He lets me in and sets it on the counter "The cut from that girl's fight open?" He asks and I nod as I start to clean it. A few days back, a girl by the name of Missy started talking trash about Johnny and me because we are Greasers. Can you tell she is a Soc? I got mad and I pushed her which escalated into a fistfight. She had a ring on which cut the side of my neck. I keep cleaning it until I feel that it's clean enough. I sigh and put the kit away, I turn to see Ponyboy still standing there. He was staring at me, "I should have been there," He mumbles, and I roll my eyes "No because Missy would have gotten Bob or Randy to fight you, plus I'm fine." I shrug and walk out of the bathroom winking at him.

He blushed a little and walks out after me. I see Sodapop smirk, and I roll my eyes. As I said he knows about all of my crushes, I couldn't tell Johnny, because it's his best friend. I sit on the floor next to Two-bit and Pony sits behind me on the couch. I lean back onto his legs and watch Mickey, "Johnny? (y/n)? Did you guys eat?" Darry asks and we nod as Darry goes back to his newspaper. I slowly close my eyes and I start to drift off around 10 PM.

!!Ponyboy's POV!!

I look down at (Y/n) who is sleeping. Steve gets up with Two-bit and they say that they are going to Two's house. We nod and they leave, it's just Johnny, Dallas, and (Y/n) now. Dally will probably leave soon to go to Buck's bar. That's where he has a small room upstairs. After a few minutes, Dallas leaves so it's just Johnny and (Y/n). Johnny gets up and starts to pick up (Y/n), "we should head home," he sighs, and I help carry (Y/n) while nodding "I'll help you; you only live a few houses down." I say and hold (Y/n) across my arms.

We start walking to the Cade house and I look at (Y/n) who is in a dead sleep in my arms. I can't help but smile a little, she looks so peaceful. So perfect. She does all the time! It makes my stomach feel weird but in a nice way. I get pulled from my thoughts when I hear the Cade parents arguing which causes Johnny to sigh. I look at him and he looks at me "I guess we will sleep in the lot," Johnny shrugs and takes (Y/n) "Go back before Darry gets angry." He says and I shake my head "it's fine, my curfew is 12" I shrug as we walk to the lot, Johnny is holding (Y/n) now.

"Hey Johnny, do you want to go to the drive-in with Dally and me?" I ask Johnny and he nods "Can I bring (Y/n)? I don't want to leave her along with my parents," He asks, and I get the butterflies again "Yeah, of course," I nod, and (Y/n) starts to wake up. "Hey guys, where are we?" She asks and Johnny sits beside her "The lot, mom and dad are fighting again" he says, and she nods while sighing. "Guys it's cold, come sleep at my place," I say, and Johnny looks at me "We don't want to annoy yall though," He says, and I shake my head "Come on."

 They start to stand up and we walk to my place. "They are going to sleep here," I say, and (Y/n) lays on the couch while Darry gets up so Johnny can sleep on the armchair. I get pillows and blankets for them and (Y/n) smiles "Thank you Pony," she whispers and falls asleep again. I nod and I say goodnight to Johnny before going upstairs and to bed.

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