Chapter 10

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We drive down the rocky road again and start hearing screaming. I open my eyes and see children near some teachers with the church on fire. I gasp as we pull up to the church. I hear people saying there are still children in there. I get up and I start running while the boys scream for me to come back. I run towards the church, and I start breaking down the walls with my foot.

I see Pony run up next to us and we rip wooden boards off the walls. I walk in and cover my mouth while flames are jumping up all around me. I keep walking until I find some kids huddled in a corner "Pony!" I shout, "over here!" I yell as they cry. Johnny runs in after pony and we kick the walls. Pony pushes boards down as Dally comes over and helps us get the kids out. I start to pick them up and Johny takes them before Pony, then Pony gives them to Dally. We keep doing that until there are none left.

I look up as the roof starts to cave in. Dally notices and starts to drag Pony out by his sweatshirt while yelling. Johnny pushes me forward and Dally starts to drag me out, but a piece of wood comes down and hits my head. Dal drags me out and I lay on my back while my vision starts to go blurry. I look up and see Dally jumping back into the building, then I blackout.

I wake up dazed and go to sit up "Johnny?" I ask but I get pushed down "you're alright ma'am" I hear the old man from earlier. I open my eyes and cough "He is in another ambulance. You guys are the bravest kids I've seen in a long time, you guys' professional hero's or something" he jokes, and I shake my head "greasers," he looks at me shocked and I close my eyes "take us to town, you'll see" I mumble before blacking out again.

I wake up again on a bed while rolling through a hospital. I breathe heavily and sigh. I look down and see my clothes destroyed. "We fixed some of your cuts, we just need to check some things than you can sit by that boy," she says and points to Pony. I nod and get wheeled into a room "where is my brother, Johnny? is he okay? Where is dally?" I start asking questions "they are okay." She smiles and I nod.

I sigh as she checks my head for anything and the rest of my body for burns. Nothing, just ash everywhere. I smile as she says I can go; I'll just be a little dizzy for the rest of the day. I walk out and Pony gets up. I hug him tightly and he holds the back of my head to his chest. We sit down and hold each other's hands. I see Pony look down the hallway and pull me up. I look and see Soda walking down the hall. Pony runs over to him, and I stay back with the man 

"Is that your boyfriend?" he asks, and I look back at him "Yeah" I sigh happily, and he looks at me "he likes you, he was asking a lot of questions about you." I blush slightly and look up to see soda laughing at Pony.

I walk down the hall slowly and soda hugs me tightly "god your hair" he teases me, and I laugh a little as Darry and Pony hug. Soda brings me over and we all hug "look at yall's hair" Darry says and messes it up. We swat his hand away and laugh. My smile drops as I remember my parents. "Darry, can I stay at your place? I don't want to be alone with my folks." I say and he nods "of course, don't worry about it." he says, and I smile.

We walk out to Darry's car and start to drive to the Curtis house. As we pull up, I notice Pony had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I blush and Soda opens the door "the love birds are at it again" he says, and I roll my eyes "shut it!" I whisper as Darry picks up Pony and I slowly make my way to the front door.

I walk in and I take one of Soda's old shirts, one of Ponys sweatpants, like I always do, then walk to the shower. I take a quick shower, then walk to the couch but Darry cuts me off "sleep in my room, I'll sleep on the couch" he says, and I hug him "Thank you Darry" I say, and he smiles 

"Happy birthday by the way" he says before I walk to his room. I smile at him and nod "Thanks! Goodnight," I say while walking off.

I lay on his bed and fall asleep immediately. I hated sleeping on the hard floor or the wooden benches. It was the most uncomfortable thing ever, but finally back home!

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