Chapter 23: The Watcher Known as Tamiel

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Laying there in agony, a foot in sandals protrudes from the portal. Now, with my scar burning even deeper into my flesh, more of the figure slowly comes out of the portal. As the full face of the being exists, everything stops. As if the world is on pause, the being, swipes its hand like swatting a fly and just like that, half of our forces are gone.

Looking up at the being, its obviously clear that I am no match for it. As the being looks down at me, it sticks out both arms. Some force lifts me and Julius into the air and directly into the clutches of this being.

I look at Julius and he's unconscious from all of the lightning strikes. His whole body is smoldering, but he's still breathing.

"Leviathan," the being said, "Behemoth, you have been with these mortals for far too long. Now it is time for you to come with us."

"NO! I will never go with you; I won't become your weapon!" I say as I grip the being's wrist as hard as I can.

My hands grow as hot as my scar as I try to pry the being's hands off my throat. A golden flame bursts out of my hands and climbs up its arm.

The being smiles and says, "The primordial flame. It's been Eons since I've last felt this heat."

With a single breath, the being blows out the flame, slowly tightens his grip, and says, "Did Araqiel tell you about our plan for you or was it Ramiel? Those two traitors."

The being's grip tightens around my neck I say, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, but you do." The being says as light from the being shoots straight into my head.

As hundreds of images flow through my mind in an instant, something begins to play out. I'm in a dark room with around twenty other beings standing around three test tubes.

"The first prototype, Ziz, is performing as predicted. Is extremely powerful, but it doesn't heal fast enough." One being says as it walks in front of the second tube, "Our second attempt, was more of a success, but it has some issues regarding destructive capability."

"Go on," another one says as the being makes its way to the third and final test tube.

"This is our ultimate creation, Leviathan." The being says, "This one can do everything the prototypes can do to some extent on top of being able to not only control the primordial waters, but the primordial flame as well."

"So Kokabiel, how will this help us destroy Heaven?" The being I am watching through says

"Tamiel, you know the rules, Heaven cannot be opened until the apocalypse. Leviathan is the weapon."

As the beings continue to converse, the vision fades out and back into the same place but on a different day. Stepping through broken pieces of glass and green viscous fluid, Tamiel looks up and sees two of the test tubes smashed.

Kokabiel runs into the laboratory and says, "It was Araqiel and Ramiel, they stole the two subjects."

"Well find them! We have to find them before Semjaza awakes!" Tamiel says as they both run out of the laboratory.

The vision fades completely and I'm back in the present, still in the clutches of Tamiel the Watcher, a former General of Heaven. She looks at me and says "Araqiel... what mortal name did he go by... Ah, yes was it Jack?"

My heart sinks deep into the pit into my stomach. My dad was a Fallen Angel and a member of the Grigori?

"So you didn't know. That is just priceless.", the fallen angel laughs, "Well, no matter it works out for us in the end."

"What do you want?" I ask

"Oh, you should already know that." The being says overlooking the battlefield, "It's heartbreaking isn't it."

"What is?" I ask

"The loss of life, the loss of a loved one. All of this fighting, this bloodshed, and for what. Because you don't want to follow your destiny, you've lost so much already." .

"I will give you one chance and one chance only. You can come with me or I kill everyone here and then take the two of you." Tamiel says

Looking around at all the death and destruction, I can't help but think about Tristian and Alison, as I look back up the Tamiel and say, "I'll go with you.... just don't hurt anyone, I'll go with you."

Tamiel turns to a frozen Tianna and waves its hand. Tianna instantly reanimates and Tamiel says, "We are done here, stop the attack. I'm taking these two, make sure you come back when you are finished here."

Tianna bows and as Tamiel, with us in hand steps through the portal, a sort of relief washes over me, and just as soon, a sense of foreboding and dread creeps into my mind. What will they do to us? 

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