Chapter 14: Back to School

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It’s been two months since I’ve walked down the halls of the Academy, and now standing in front of the Headmaster’s office, I prepare myself for whatever punishment she throws my way.
I open the obsidian and gold door and walk into Headmaster Jean talking to Julius and Tianna. “Excuse me.” I say knocking on the door, “You wanted to see me?” 
Julius and Tianna look at me ad their jaws almost drop to the floor. Julius runs p and gives me a quick hug and says, “Glad you didn’t die on me.”
“And leave you unsupervised?” I say back as Julius laughs
Tianna asks up to me and gives me a slightly longer hug and says, “I’m really glad that you’re alive and thanks for before. I never got the chance to thank you.”
I smile and say, “It’s no problem. I’m just happy that’s over.”
“It is certainly good to see you again after so long Mr. Ross, but now that all three of you are here, you can start with why the three best first years go missing?” Headmaster Jean says as she points to Tianna says, “You, you didn’t even report to class on the first day. What happened? At least these two stayed for a few days.”
Tianna tells the Headmaster what happened to her before she ran into us in Portland.
“Ok, so that’s how you ran into these two which were doing what exactly?” Headmaster Jean asked
I stepped forward to talk but Julius cuts me off before I can get a word in and says, “Ok, so, long story short, Danny and I wanted to get answers about our parent’s deaths since you wouldn’t tell us. We went to go see Master Ciel before he died and he told us what our parents were working on, the Fallen and the Grigori. Know any thing about that?”
Headmaster Jean’s face freezes up and she leans forward onto her desk and says, “Continue.”
“Yea figures you still won’t say anything.” Julius says as he gets louder and louder.
“Julius.” I say trying to calm him down.
“Alright, alright.” Julius says as he calms down and continues, “Anyway, Master Ciel told us to go see Danny’s uncle Arthur in New York. You know him, right?”
“Yes, I do, but how does that get you to Portland?” she asks
“See, that’s why I said it’s a long story, but back to what I was saying, when we got on the plane to New York, it turned out there was a fallen on the plane and you can guess how that turned out.” Julius says
Headmaster Jean stares off and I can see the dots connecting in her head.
“So that plane that crashed a few months ago, don’t tell me you two.” She says
“Yup we saw everything… well Danny saw everything. I was enjoying the flight until I was kicked out of a plane.” Julius says
Headmaster Jean sighs and says, “Ok Danny what happened on the plane?”
I tell her how the Fallen started out as a regular person like you and me but, goes through a series of changes until they become a Fallen.
“So, how did you get to New York from the middle of the ocean? Headmaster Jean asks
I look at Julius as he shrugs his shoulders and I answer, “Lucky, there was a boat that saw us and helped us get there.”
She nods and I continue with how we met Uncle Arthur and how he trained us for two months then sent us on a mission to investigate a Fallen in Oregon. “When we got there…” I stop midsentence as memories of the gruesome scene flash in my mind.
“When you got there what?” she asks
“It wasn’t pretty, everyone fought and killed each other. We didn’t find that out until we went to Greene Ridge. There we fought and killed the Fallen.” I say finishing the long journey Julius and I had in these past couple of months.
The headmaster leans back in her chair and says, “That’s horrible, I’m sorry you three had to go through all of that. This stuff is supposed to be reserved for the best five- star assassins that we have. Your fathers were two of the very best. They gave us so much information about the Grigori, but the Fallen… how did you kill it?”
“I shott it with an arrow in the head.” I say
“So, it’s a special type of arrow or?” she asks looking visibly confused
“It was my bow. Actually, where is my bow?” I ask Julius.
“It’s in the room. I didn’t forget about you.” He answers
“Ok, I just wanted to make sure.” I say
“You mean the bow you found in the Nether?” Headmaster Jean asks
“Oui” I say, “It was my father’s.”
“So, how does a regular bow kill them?” she asked
“There are some inscriptions written on the grip. They’re these symbols I’ve never seen before. Every shot that hit him did serious damage, but he was still strong.” I answer
“Hmm, well you can take the bow to Skinny and have him look at it, I’m sure he’ll love investigating it.” Headmaster Jean says as she stands up and walks in front of the three of us, “Initially, I was planning on punishing you, but you’ve been through enough punishment. You can go to your rooms. I want you well rested for your classes tomorrow.”
The three of us groan, but before we leave out of her office, the Headmaster hugs us and says, “I’m glad you guys are safe. Its our job to protect you guys and yours’ is learning. So, please leave the Fallen to us ok?’
“Mhm.” I say as she lets us go and the three of us go to our rooms on the residential floor. 
Julius and I head to our room and he collapse on the couch and says, “Its good to be back.”
“You’re just now getting back too?” I ask as I sit down in the chair across from him.
“Oh, yea. After you passed out, we went to your uncle. He called Jaq who got you over here to the Order the next day. Tianna and I stayed to train a little bit more and we got here Yesterday, I think. We spent that day in the Infirmary getting checked out.”
“Ohh ok, so what do you think class’ll be like?” I ask
Julius shrugs his shoulders and answers, “Have no idea, but it can’t be different from what Arthur taught us, right?”
The next day I found that Julius couldn’t be more wrong. “Now, can anyone tell me what year was the Grand Council of Races established and who is a member?” Mr. Blanc asks as he sans the classroom, “Ah, yes, Mr. Ross welcome back, did you find what you were looking for?”
I snap out of my daze and say, “Uh, yes sir we did.”
“Good,” he says, “now can you tell me the answer?”
“Uhhh,” I say stammering and struggling to pull something out, “I don’t know.”
“Ok then,” he says slightly disappointedly, “Ah Ms. Walker, you’ve had your hand up for quite some time. Go ahead and answer the question.”
Ellie cut her eyes at me and says, “The Grand Council of Races was formed at the dawn of mankind. The representing races are humanity, Elves of Alfhiem, Dwarves of the Earth, Vampires, the Werepeople, Atlanteans, and the Fae”
“That’s exactly right. Good job.” Mr. Blanc says, “Now, as we went over last week, these races do not encompass every being there is on this planet. The Grand Council of Races is an agreement between the joining races to never injure or kill a person from a member race. Unless out of necessity, i.e., Vampires need blood so vampires killing for food was accepted. Now we have blood banks, so they are now applicable to the same agreement, although you still have some groups that ignore the rule of the Council.”
I raise my hand not knowing anything he is talking about and say, “I have no idea what any of this is really?”
Mr. Blanc looked at me and sighed, “Its alright Danny, I left plenty of material for you to look over in your spare time to catch up.”
I put my hand down and continued to listen to the lecture. At the end of the class Julius walks over to me and asks, “You understand anything he was saying?”
“No, but at least I tried. I saw you in the back knocked out.” I say chuckling.
“Yeaa, man that shit was boring, but combat class is up next.” Julius says as he claps and rubs his hands together, “I wonder what we’re going to do.”
I shrug my shoulders and walk with Julius to the Arena to start our next class. We get there and lined up next to Mr. Jacobs are some older teens. Some have visible scars and old injuries.
“Come, come!” Mr. Jacobs says as he motions everyone to him.
The class walks over to him and he starts to introduce us to the teens standing next to him. “Good morning class I hope all is well. Today we have a few guests. These students here are upperclassmen. They’ve been here for three years now and I can say that everyone here has the ability to go out on official assignments.
Jlius coughs and everyone looks at him as he says, “What?”
“You have something to say Mr. O’Neal, after coming back after three months?” Mr. Jacobs asks sternly
“Oh, nothing really, but since you asked…” Julius says before I elbow him in the side
Julius sighs and says, “Never mind, I apologize.”
“Thank you,” Mr. Jacobs jays as he continues with the introduction, “As I was saying, it is tradition that the third years mentor the first years and impart to you what they’ve learned while being here. Now, they have already picked out who they want to mentor during the second pohase of the exam, but since we had some students go missing, we had to hold back on that. Now third years go to your mentees I’ll be in my office.”
Mr. Jacobs walks away leaving us with the third years as they disperse and go to their mentees. I look at Julius and he says, “So, you mean to tell me he’s not teaching anything today?”
“Seeing as he passed teaching onto us, I’m guessing not.” Tianna says as she walks overto us.
“Look who finally showed up.” Julius says,
“Hey Tianna,” I say
“Hey Danny,” she says before she looks at Julius and says, “I’m here, though right?”
“Anyway, what are you guys doing after this?” Julius asks
“I’m not doing anything what’s up?” I ask
Tianna shakes her head and says, “I’m not doing anything either.”
Julius’ eyes light up and say you trying to head to the arena after this? I head they’re having this gladiator type thing today.”
“Oh, you guys talking about the Demon in the Arena?” someone with a deep voice says from behind me.
I turn around as the older kid with the deep voice says, “I’m actually in that today. You should go it’s crazy.”
“Who are you?” I ask looking at the unfamiliar boy wearing an Order of the Fallen Cross sweatshirt.
“See how many times do I have to tell you Zeke, you can’t just walk up on people without introducing yourself.” Another boy said with a slightly less deep voice as he and a girl walk over to the four of us.
The boy was slightly shorter than the boy with the deeper voice and taller than the dark-haired girl standing next to him. 
“I’m sorry about Zeke, I’m Tristan and this beautiful lady right here is my girlfriend Alison. You must be Danny, Julius, and Tianna, right?” Tristan asks
“Yup, that’s us.” I say, “You guys must be our mentors?”
Tristan nods and says, “I’m your mentor, eke is Julius’ and Alison is Tianna’s. It’s nice to meet you”
Tristan sticks out his hand as I meet to shake it. “
“So, any wisdom to impart to us?” Julius asks
“Not at the moment, but how about you watch us in the Demon in the Arena you might learn something there.” Zeke says insisting we come to the Arena
“What is that anyway?’ Tianna asks
Alison says in a soft voice, “It’s a tournament where two people and a demon fight inside the arena and the first person to kill the demon moves on. You can fight your opponent or work with him and then steal the kill. It’s really fun.”
“Ok, well take you up on that… matter fact” Julius says, “can I sign up to enter?”
Zeke and Tristian look at each other and back at Julius. Zeke says, “You might be able to. If you want to, I’ll check for you.”
“Really? Thanks.” Julius says enthusiastically
“No problem just follow me I think registration is somewhere over here.” Zeke says as he walks off with Julius right behind him.
Tristian looks at me and asks, “You don’t want to join? You might like it.”
I shake my head and say, “Non, maybe next time.”
“Hm, ok then. Well, you two can sit with us and watch the tournament.” Tristian says as he looks at Alison who nods and looks back at us.
“Ok, yea I’m down for that. What about you Tianna?” I ask
She thinks for a minute and finally says, “Sure, why not?”
“Great,” Alison says as she leads the way, “just follow us, we have some of the best seats in the house.”
We follow the young couple up to the colosseum and up a set of stone stairs worn down by the countless number of people before me, and into a seating section above the rest of the colosseum. The view’s amazing, the deafening cheers of the audience brings back memories of the second part of the exam. It’s giving me goosebumps all over again.
The seats were all cushioned, reclinable, and has two cupholders on each armrest. Tristian and Alison sit down in the first two seats. Tianna and I sit down nest to them, and Alison turns to us and asks, “You guys hungry or anything?”
My stomach growls and I say, “Yea, I can eat.”
Tianna shakes her head and answers, “No, I’m fine.”
“Ok, well then Danny, what do you want?” Alison asks
“What are my options?” I asks
“Anything really, just press that button on the side of the armrest and say what you want.” She says as she point to the button
“Oh, ok. Merci.” I say thanking her as I press the button and order myself a hamburger and fries.
After a few minutes fly by while talking to our two mentors, I feel a tap on my shoulder as someone says, “Excuse me, did you order the hamburger and fries?”
I turn around and see a waiter with a platter with my food on it in hand. I say, “Yes, I did.”
“Alright,” the waiter says as he hands me the food, “Enjoy your meal and the show.”
The waiter turns around and goes back down the stairs. “Hm, didn’t even get to say thank you.” I say to myself as I take a bite out of the hamburger.
“Look it’s its about to start now.” Tristian says as he points down towards the sandy center of the colosseum, where a group of around thirty or so students are lined up shoulder to shoulder.
I can Zeke and Julius next to him as a man wearing a navy blue suit walks to the center with a microphone in hand and says, “Welcome, students and faculty to our five hundredth annual Demon in the Arena Tournament! For those of you who don’t know, the rules are simple. Two contestants and a demon are placed here and the first one to kill the demon moves on. Simple right?!”
The audience cheers as he introduces all of the contestants. “Oh, what’s this”, he says, “it looks like we have a first year that’s entered. No first year has ever won, will he be the first? If he is you better remember the name Julius O’Neal!”
The crowd starts to cheer even louder as Tristian leans over to me and say, “Oh, yea, did I forget to mention you two are pretty famous now?”
Confused I ask, “What do you mean, how?”
“Well, your phase two fight was good, but I think it’s something to with you two killed a colony of shifter demons.”
Shocked I ask, “How… how’d you know abut that?”
Tristian shrugs his shoulders and says, “Everybody knows, but I don’t know who started the rumor,”
“Hm,” I say as I sit back in my seat and watch as the tournament finally gets underway.

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