Chapter 16: The Day Before

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In the morning, Julius is nowhere to be seen in the dorm, so I just get myself ready and head down to the classrooms. As I walk down the hallway, the other students start to whisper and point. Suddenly an arm reaches around my shoulder, and Julius says, "What's up hero?"

Looking back, I say, "Nothing much, exhausted, my whole body's sore. What about you? You're in a pretty good mood today?"

"Ah, see, let me tell you what happened. So, around three this morning, you know that know it all girl in our class?" Julius asks

"Uhm, Ellie Walker, right?" I ask

"Yea, her. So, she came by and apparently, she caught some of my fights and asked if I wanted to hang out. I said yea and didn't get back until five." Julius says as the murmuring of the other students get louder

"Oh, have you heard the new rumor going around the academy?" Julius asks

"What rumor?" I ask curiously

"So apparently, there's a video of you killing Furcas yesterday. I haven't seen it, but it looks like you're starting to make a name for yourself." Julius says as we walk into Mr. Blanc's classroom.

"A video? Who took it and I didn't even do anything really. You guys did all of the work." I say as I take my seat.

"I have no idea, but this is good though, we need to start making a name for ourselves here. Don't you want a reputation like our dads'?" Julius points out as he sits down in the desk next to me

"I guess so, but I'm not really interested in being famous, you know what I need to do." I say

"Well, look at it this way. The more famous you get here and, in the Order, wouldn't it be easier to get information about the guy who killed your parents?"

Nodding, I say, "Yea, I guess you're right. But I'd just feel better if I had a more solid grip on everything." I say staring off into the distance as Mr. Blanc walks into the classroom with the third years behind him

Good morning everyone, I hope everyone is doing well after the incident yesterday." He says standing behind the desk, "Now, we have a few announcements before we get started."

The class falls silent as Mr. Blanc continues, "So, as most of you already know, Gene Simmons, our announcer for most of our events passed away yesterday and the funeral will be this Friday at six. I hope you all can attend. Next, is that in addition to combat training, Daniel Ross, and Julius O'Neal will be having extra training sessions due to their... abilities."

The class turns around and looks at us with starstruck eyes. Mr. Blanc clears his throat and says, "Now, let's go over your first assignment. Please take out your guidebook and turn to Page forty-three."

We do as Mr. Blanc asks and open the guidebook to the specified page.

"For, your first assignment, you all will be hunting the Beats of Gèvaudan. As you can see in the guidebook, this beast is just as formidable as it is cunning. Your task is to work together with your mentor to kill one of these beasts and bring back proof. We will be going to Gèvaudan Thursday, so you have today and tomorrow to prepare. Any questions?"

"No," the class says in unison

Mr. Blanc continues his lesson about the beast, starting from its first appearance in 1764. The beast is giant in stare, and extremely tough with bullet proof fur, and intelligence to trick the smartest hunters.

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