Chapter 19: A Triple Date

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The next day I meet Julius and Tianna in the cafeteria for breakfast. I get my tray and walk over to the table.

"Mornin'," Julius says as he reluctantly eats a ham and cheese omelet.

"Good morning, everything ok?" I ask as I sit down next to Tianna and across from Julius.

"He's been like that since we got here." Tianna points out

"Man what is it?" I ask

"It's just..." Julius starts to say, "I miss Henry. I miss his cooking, like I can't eat this."

"Really? The omelet's got you looking like Ellie dumped you?" I ask almost laughing

Julius looks at me and says, "Alright then here you try some."

"Fine," I say as I take my fork and pick a piece from his tray, "I might as well take the whole ..." I start to say as I put the omelet in my mouth but the texture stops me in my tracks. The eggs taste like I'm chewing a tire. There's almost no salt or pepper or the rich buttery taste that Henry has when he cooks eggs.

I reach for a napkin, and as Julius gives me one laughing, I spit out the egg if you could even call it that.

"Yea." I say opening a bottle of water and drinking it, "that was nasty, I see your point."

"Yea, the food here isn't the best." Tristan says as he, Alison, and Zeke walk over to our table and sit down.

"What's up you guys," I say greeting them before turning to Tianna, "What about you?"

She shakes her head saying, "It... could use some work."

"So if the food isn't good where do you usually eat?" Julius asks, "I've just been forcing the stuff down my throat."

Zeke laughs and says, "We usually just go get groceries and make our own stuff, but sometimes we go to a restaurant or something."

"So you just go, they told us you couldn't leave without permission." I say

"Yea, see if we left like you two did then yea, maybe," Tristian says after he gets done praying over his food, "But when you fill out the proper paper work, they'll let you out no problem."

Tristian starts to eat as Julius and I look at each other in shock.

"So you mean to tell me we could've just done some paper work and be good for however long?" Julius asks

Nodding, Tristian says, "Yup really easy stuff. You just have to go see Theresa at the desk and ask for a leave request form."

"If that's the case I know a place where we all can get some good food." I say getting everyone's attention, "My pop has this restaurant, I has two Michelin Stars and we can eat for free."

"Oh, you had me at free" Zeke says

"I didn't know he had Michelin Stars." Julius says

"Oh, yea, I thought I mentioned it." I say turning to Tianna, "You want to go?"

"Yea, I'd like that." She answers

"You wanna go babe?" Tristian asks Alison

"Of course. You know I love food." She says

"Ok great and oh, Julius," I say, "You can invite Ellie if you want to."

"Ok cool, thanks. I'll ask her after class. She likes to be alone to study before class." He says

"Well isn't that studious of her." Tristian says

"Yea... she has her reasons, but she is definitely down for food." Julius says

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