Chapter 15: Demon in the Arena

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The host walks into the center of the arena, looks around at the crowd as the arena becomes so silent you can hear a pin drop. The host says into his microphone, “Are…You…Ready… For the DEMON IN THE ARENA!!!!”
The entire Colosseum starts to shake due to cheers. The host continues, “The first match, will be a rematch between the current champion Zeke Wells and Declan Johnson. They met and battled in the finals just last week. Will Declan knock the champion out in the first round?”
“No!!!” The crowd jeers
“Well, we’ll see anything can happen!” the host says as he holds his hands up, silencing the crowd, “Now, the demon for this match will be a tad bit stronger, worthy of a rematch for the ages!”
The host gestures over to his two assistants as they bring over a small cage, and in it, was a small furry ball. The host walks over to the cage and opens it. As the fur ball rolled out of the cage, the host and his assistants sprint out of the arena.
The small fur ball that could at most fit in the palm of my hand started to grow and morph into a creature that could tower over the average nephilim. It grew arms and legs, then let out a spine-chilling roar.
Zeke and Declan walk out of their tunnel and into the center of the arena with the hulk of a demon. Declan carried a pair of shotguns and a short blade on his hip, while Zeke, only had a pair of silver short handle axes.
“Ready?” The host says, “Go!”
Declan immediately starts to shoot the demon, as the bullets make the demon stumble back in pain. Zeke walks behind Declan and hits him on the back of the head with the butt of one of his axes, knocking him out.
He says something under his breath and turns to the demon as it regains some of it’s strength. As the demon charges towards him, Zeke who has this since of calmness about himself, swings the silver axe into the ground and from the blade a narrow icicle walk shoots towards the demon. The icicles pierce the demon’s feet and freezes them in place. Zeke walks towards the beast as the ice slowly creeps up the legs of the demon.
Zeke smiles as he faces the crowd and raises the gold axe into the air. The crowd roared as he raises the golden axe into the air. Zeke turns back towards the demon that’s now been halfway encapsulated by the ice, and with the axe still raised high into the air, Zeke ignites he axe as the blade explodes into flames. He throws the axe right into the demon’s forehead.
The crowd erupts with cheers and excitement as Zeke effortlessly takes the demon and his competition out. Zeke picks the silver axe off the ground. As the ice slowly starts to melt, he walks over to the golden axe which now sits in a pile of ashes and cinders.
“And there you have it folks, Zeke Wells wins and will go through to the second round!” The host yells through the microphone as he makes his way to the center of the arena, “After a short break we will have the second match between… uhhh the first year Julius O’Neal and second year, Sean Williams!”
The host walks out of the arena along with the parts of the crowd. I turn to Tristian and ask, “Where did he get those axes from?”
“Ahh, I was wondering when you were going to ask,” Tristian says, “Those are axes made just for him. I think he said he got them from… was it his exchange trip with the Enrihajr babe? You know when that huge guy was in our class last year?”
Alison says, “His name was Ivan and yes I remember.”
Tristian nods his had and says, “Yea, Yea… I liked Ivan he was pretty cool. Anyway like I was saying, every second year has to spend I think it was six months, if I remember correctly, at another organization.”
“Where’d you to go?” I ask
“Well, I went to New Olympus in Greece, it’s really beautiful. There everyone is a descendant of a Greek deity in some shape or form, but they all have these different powers. Like for example, I saw this one girl literally, and I’m not joking, control plants with her mind.”
Looking confused, I ask, “What do you mean?”
Tristian says, “She can pick up a seed and make it grow inside her hand. If you ever get a chance to go you’ll see what I’m talking about.”
I nod my head and ask, “So, people with powers is like a normal thing?”
“Ehhh, its more people with them than you would think, but still, its pretty rare. So we normal humans have to get by with overwhelming skill and technology.”
“Ohhh, ok. I see. Does anyone here have powers?” I ask
“Not that I’m aware of, but who knows most people just keep it to themselves, or they don’t know how to use it so they just don’t…at least I think that’s the case.”
Just as Tristian finishes his sentence the announcer comes back out to the center of the arena and yells, “AND WE ARE BACK! After such a good opening round let’s see if this next one can keep the momentum going!”
The Announcer motions his assistants over, and as the two of them struggle and push a large black crate into the center next to the announcer. Looking at the box from here, its towers over the announcer. It has a long rope connected to the hatch and as the announcer grabs it and walks out of the fighting area he says, “Now, In this battle of the first years, we have Julius O’Neal III versus Lewis Ford! Gentlemen please step out onto the stage.”
The crowd cheers as Julius and Lewis walk out of their tunnels and into the pit. Lewis, who’s holding a pistol and two short swords on his waist, makes Julius, who has nothing but his fists look unprepared.
“He’s fighting empty handed?” Alison says
“What really?” Tristian asks as he gets up from his chair and stands next to me, “That crazy… what is he doing?”
I let out a deep sigh, shake my head and answer, “ I have no idea either. Normally he would use his guns especially since his opponent’s got one.”
“Are… You…Ready!” The announcer yells as the crowd screams back.
The announcer pulls the rope and opens the hatch to the demon’s cage. The demon slowly emerges from its cage. The monster only stood around maybe seven feet as it towers over Julius and Lewis. It’s long claws on its fingers and toes only compliment the demon’s unnaturally black fur as it lets out a bone chilling shriek and charges straight towards Lewis.
Lewis unsheathes his short sword and lets off a few rounds at the demon as he circles to the left. The demon shrieks in anger as he runs through the bullets and tries to grab Lewis in its claws.
Lewis slices off the demon’s hand to no avail as the demon’s hand almost instantly regenerates. It slaps the sword out of Lewis’ hand and picks him up by the shoulders, digging it’s claws into his back. As blood drips onto the sand pit, Julius calmly walks over to the two of them.
The demon opens it’s gaping maw that’s as black as an abyss, showing off it’s razor sharp and serrated teeth.
“Aghh!” Lewis screams in agony as the demons teeth sinks down into his shoulder.
As blood drips down his arm an into the sand, Julius walks behind the demon and punches it in the side sending the demon flying to the other side of the arena.
As Lewis drops to the ground, Julius cracks his knuckles and gets into his stance.
“That’s a really good stance he has. No openings, it’s nice and tight.” Tristian says impressed as the crowd cheers Julius on, “Not a lot of first years have a solid stance like that.”
The demon slowly gets up off the ground and lets out another shriek
“Yea, Yea, come at me already” I can hear Julius say as the demon rushes him and tries to slash him with its claws
Julius deflects, slips. And rolls out of the way of the flurry of the claws that are sharper than any knife. The demon swings at him again, but only for the demon’s arm to be caught by Julius as he flips the demon onto its back and starts wailing on the demon.
I might, be crazy but it almost feels as if with every punch that Julius makes the whole arena shakes.
“He can beat on it all he wants to, but he won’t be able to kill it like that.” Alison mentions as she stands next to Tristan holding his arm.
“So, how do you kill a demon like that?” I ask
“Well an abysmal demon will always regenerate, even if you cut it’s head off, but IF he can find a way to pierce its heart with a blessed weapon, or do more damage than it can take, then he’ll win, but given that he only came out with his bare hands… the situation might turn into the latter.” Tristian explains as he watches on
The demon throws Julius off of it and stands up back up ready to charge again, like the mindless beast it is. Julius gets up, and brushes the dirt off of him and surprisingly charges the demon. Julius throws relentless combinations of jabs, crosses, hooks, body blows, and kicks to weaken the demon. The crowd falls silent as we look on the striking showcase of Julius as he beats the demon down to it’s knees with his bare hands.
Julius stands over the demon, as it tries in vain to stand back up and continue to fight. The demon lifted its head and even I can see from here that the demon from the abyss is groggy and on it’s last legs. He throws up one last uppercut to the chin of the demon, and as Julius’ fist connects with the demon, a sharp spike shoots out of the ground and goes straight through the demon’s skull.
The crowd cheers just as loudly as they did for Zeke, as Julius raises his fist in the air.
“There you go! That’s how you do it!” Tristian cheers next to me as I’m stuck utterly speechless.
Julius just created that spike from the ground like it was nothing. I turn and look at Tristian and Alison who’re clapping and cheering along with the rest of the audience.
“Looks like your friend has powers. See, what’d I tell you. More people than you think have them.” Tristian says as he and Alison walk back towards their seats.
“I had no idea he had powers…” I say as Tristian responds before I finish my sentence.
“How did you not know? You didn’t just see him launch that demon across the arena? It had to be maybe about 300 pounds he sent flying like that.”
“Yea, you’re right, I did think that it was odd when he took a hit from a nephilim unfazed. He always said that he was just stronger than most people and that was it.”  I say as I walk back towards my seat.
As the medical team loads Lewis onto a stretcher and takes him to the infirmary, the announcer walks into the center of the arena and calls Julius over to him.
“Here is your winner! Julius O’Neal!” he says as he holds Julius’ hand in the air.
“That was a masterful performance, I don’t think we’ve ever seen anyone like you before. In the exams you showed amazing strength and toughness, but today was on a different level and I’m sure that the crowd feels the same,” the crowd cheers as the announcer continued, “What do you think of your performance?”
The announce gives the microphone to Julius and he says breathing slightly heavy, “Thank you and you know I just went out did and did what I do best.”  
He hands the announcer back the microphone as he starts to walk back out of the tunnel.
“Hey, wait I have one more question for you.” The announcer says as he runs to catch Julius.
“Hold off on the rest of them until I win the finials.” He says into the microphone before walking out of the tunnel and back into the waiting area.
The rest of the fights flew by, some were good and exciting, and others were just down right hard to watch. And before we knew it the finial fight’s next up and between Julius and Zeke.
“And here we are ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the fight you’ve all been waiting for, the last fight to decide who is this years Demon in the Arena!” the announcer yells as the crowd scream louder than they ever did.
My heart starts to pound and beat faster. “Wow, this is crazy.” I say
“Yup, this is the reason most people come, plus that first year has a chance to make history.” Tristian says as he stands up from his chair and walks over to the railing and leans on it.
“First out of the tunnel to my right, the challenger, Julius O’Neal III!”, the announcer yells in the microphone, “and to my right the current, Two time Demon in the Arena champion, Zeke Wells!”
The two of the make their way out of their respective tunnels ready to go to war. As they both stand in the center of the ring, Zeke has the obvious height advantage by at least a few inches. The announcer motions his hand, and the two assistants carefully roll a human sized metal box with no windows and carvings I can’t make out engraved all over it.
“Now, Zeke are you ready?” the announcer asks as he walks out of the arena.
Zeke nods as the announcer asks Julius, “Are you ready?”
Julius also nods and the Announcer takes out a remote control out of his pocket and presses the button.
The box opens and just as soon as they did, my scar starts to burn with an intensity that I’ve never felt before, it’s almost searing. A familiar, yet horrifying smell fills the air. I’ve smelt this before In Portland… it’s the smell of death.
As the demon takes it’s first step out of the box. It’s eerily similar to a human, but it’s skin is grey and it’s black, slime like hair nearly touches the ground. It isn’t big and monstrous, but it gives me the same feeling of foreboding as the Fallen.
I start to breath faster and faster as flashes of that night play through my mind. The Fallen’s black spear, the mountains of bodies, the kid trying to stab Julius, and…
“Danny! Danny!” Tristian says shaking me as I snap back to reality, “You alright?”
Looking around I nod my head and say, “Yea, yea, I’m fine.”
“Ok… because the match is about to start.” He says as I stand up and walk over to the railing, next to Tristian.
“Ready…” the announcer says just before the demon lets out a big, concentrated ball of fire at Zeke before he can finish talking
Julius jumps in front of him and puts up his hands to block, and immediately two giants walls spring up from the ground. The blast hits the walls and dissipates. The demon fires more and more shots pinning Julius and Zeke behind the wall as it walks towards them, like a hunter approaching its prey.
The demon stops shooting and places its hand on the wall and starts to melt a pathway through it. Zeke and Julius quicky flank both sides of the demon with the gold axe in Julius’ hand and the silver in Zeke’s.
They both swing at the demon’s neck; the golden axe bursting into flames and the silver axe starting to freeze mid-swing, creating a massive fire and ice collision once they make contact
“Whooo, look at that!” The announcer says as the crowd cheers.
As the dust clears, the cheering crowd falls silent. The demon catches both axes while absorbing the flames and neutralizing the ice. Zeke and Julius pull the axes away and takes a few steps back to regroup.
The two of them charge at the demon, as it defends itself effortlessly dodging each and every attack they make. As soon as the demon finds an opening, it grabs Zeke and throws him into Julius, sending them both flying across the arena. The demon levitates up into the air and looks up into the stands. It stretches out its hand and shots a fire ball into the crowd. Before the ball of flames reaches the audience. Zeke throws his axe at the bottom of the stands and a protective ice wall forms around the audience, shielding them from the blast. The crowd screams as some students run towards the exit.
“I got a bad feeling about this.” I say as I clutch the rail
Julius strikes the ground with the golden axe, creating a wall of flames that races towards the demon. As it absorbs the flames, Julius throws the axe and hits the demon in the leg, burning the creatures flesh as it tries to absorb the flames of Muspelhiem. It rips the axe from its leg comes back down towards the ground.
As soon as the demon’s feet touches the ground Julius charges and closes the distance between them. The demon tries to back away , but Julius steps on its foot causing the earth to creep up the demon’s foot and solidifies , keeping the demon in place while Julius throws punch after punch each with earth spikes behind them.
“Shouldn’t we try and help?” I ask Tristian as Julius makes the demon collapse.
As Julius stands over the demonic creature, Zeke hands him the silver axe as if telling him to take the final blow. Julius takes the axe and ready’s himself to deal the final blow, but the demon reaches out it’s hand in one last attempt to defend its self, forms sword made of black flames. The demon swings the sword before Julius can react at it just grazes him as Julius jumps back holding the wound that cut him, and seared the wound closed all in the same instance.
The demon slices off it’s foot to free itself and as the wound cauterizes, the foot rapidly begins to grow back. It stands up and attacks Julius while Zeke helps evacuate those who want to leave. Julius blocks the sword with the silver axe.
The demon kicks Julius right in the stomach sending him back a few feet. The creature, then stretches out its hand towards the announcer hiding outside of the arena. The announcer is pulled with incredible force into the hands the demon.
The demon looks into the announcer’s eyes and as its grip tightens around the announcers neck, opens its mouth three times the size of that of human jaw and starts to inhale a white vapor coming from the announcer’s mouth, eyes, ears, and nose.
“What is it doing?” I ask in an extremely worrying tone, “shouldn’t we do something? This can’t be apart of the tournament.”
“Yea, well let’s hold on and see what they can do? See look,” Tristian points over to Zeke as he heads back into the arena with Julius’ weapons. “I’ll let you know I we need to intervene. Ok ?
I nod my head, but this sense of dread constantly haunts my mind. Looking back towards the arena, Julius stands back up, albeit a bit wobbly, and goes in to save the announcer. Julius reaches his hand out to grab the announcer’ shirt, but as comes with in a fingertips length of pulling the announcer away, his lifeless body drops to the ground leaving nothin, but a hollow husk of a person.
“Oh this isn’t good.” Tristian says as he clutches the railing.
“What, what happened, why is the announcer like that?” I ask
“…His soul was sucked out…” Alison says as her voice quivers.
The demon’s hair starts to turn from that dark slimly black to an almost blinding white as it stretches and says, “That’s a little bit better.”
The moment the demon spoke, I knew that things could only get worse from here. The demon looks up at four of us still in the stands and points.
“You! You smell like him.” It says as it pulls Tianna from the stands and into his hand like the announcer, now dead on the ground.
“Ok, now I think it’s time to…” Tristian didn’t even finish his sentence as I run down the stairs as fast as I can down to the pit.
As I run towards the pit, the sound of gunfire gets louder and louder the closer I get. When I reach the entrance to the pit, the demon still has Tianna in his clutches, as he fends of Julius’ and Zeke’s assault with only his sword.
The demon turns to me and says in an irritated tone, “Ugh, more flies, no matter I’m getting bored anyway.”
It raises its sword in the air and slashes the downwards, sending a blade of black fire straight at me.
“Danny watch out!” Tristian says tackling me out of the way as the obsidian black flames slices a part of the stadium and the pit in half.
As Julius and Zeke try to keep the demon distracted, Alison rushes out with a black spear and a golden bow each engraved with different sets of symbols and characters.
Tristian helps me up and says, “You can’t just jump in like that. Do you want to die?”
“Babe!” Alison says as she approaches us, “Here, you’ll need this.”
Tristian kisses her on the forehead and says, “You’re a life saver. Did you grab any arrows?”
Alison shakes her head and answers, “I didn’t have time, but I think you have a few minutes of daytime left. It’s 5:30”
“So, about thirty minutes?” he asks
“Maybe a bit less.” She says
“Ok,” he says kissing her, “Go save Tianna I’ll be right behind you.”
Alison smiles and runs straight towards the demon.
As Tristian adjusts his bow, he says, “Now, Danny, I want you to watch and wait for an opening. Alison will get Tianna out of here, so don’t worry about that. Just wait for an opportunity and do what you can.”
“Ok.” I say as I watch Alison swing her spear in a multitude of different directions, up, down, horizontally, and diagonally. The demon blocks every strike she makes, while getting hit with a storm of bullets from Zeke and Julius.
I look over at Tristian as he takes a deep breath and pulls back the drawstring on an empty bow. The symbols on grip start to glow and hum as an arrow made of fire materializes inside of it.
As Tianna struggles to get free, Tristian shoots the arrow as it disappears from the bow and reappears inside of the demon’s elbow as it burst into flames that engulfs the demon’s entire arm.
“Aghhh!” It screams, dropping Tianna as it tries to absorb the flames to no avail.
Tristian smirks and says, “Apollo’s fire, works every time.”
Alison stabs the demon in the thigh as she grabs Tianna by the arm and runs out of the pit with her in tow. The demon tries to pull out the spear, but another fire arrow appears in his other arm setting it ablaze as well. The demon lets out an agonizing roar as both of its arms continue to burn unceasingly.
“Danny, now!” Tristian yells as my body almost moves on its own as I run towards the demon with nothing but my fists.
As the demon tries to take out the spear from its thigh, it looks up just as I land the hardest punch of my life into the temple of the demon, sending it flying.
Looking at my fist I say to myself, “I can do this.”
“Danny!” Julius, Tristian, and Zeke yell as I look up to see the demon about to cut me in two
I instinctively raise my hands to catch the black-flamed blade before it reaches me. Surprisingly, my hands aren’t burning, but a warm sensation takes over my body. I look up at the demon’s horrified face as the black flames of the sword is consumed by a golden flame.
“You… What are you?” the demon says as it stumbles back and falls.
As I look down at my hands, the same golden fire that consumed the demon’s blade, has harmlessly settled into my palms, making them glow. Looking at the demon, I start to walkover to him, all of the fear I felt, is gone as the once powerful demon now lay helpless on the ground, cowering in fear, of me, a fifteen-year-old boy.
“Don’t, don’t come closer. Stay back!” the demon pleads as something in me urges me forward.
I place my hand over the demon’s face, and in an instant the golden flames overtake his body and burns him into nothingness. And as the golden hue fades from my hands, all of my strength leaves my body. Collapsing to my knees, Julius yells running over to me, “Danny you son of a bitch, you did it!”
“It’s over, right?” I ask as my eyes get heavier and heavier
Julius kneels down next to me and says, “Yea it’s over.”
“Good, now I can…” I say before passing out 
Floating through the dark waters of my unconscious, a bright golden light appears and illuminates two paths ahead of me. One path shows me the life I live now. All of the choices I’ve made; all the mistakes. The other, is one foreign to me, but it shows a life that perhaps could have been or what I could become. The ultimate weapon capable of destroying cities and countries on as little as a whim. Is this what I can become?
As I drift closer towards the golden light, a giant sea serpent comes up from the darkness of the void, eclipsing the light illuminating my way. The serpent had blue scales that shone brighter that diamonds, a head that swallow continents, and eyes that pierces through the soul.
It rears back its head and roars letting out the same golden fire that distergrated the demon. Awestruck and terrified I could only watch as it comes straight at me with its open jaws and millions of jagged and serrated teeth.
Snapping awake, just as the serpent closes me in its jaws, Julius, Tristian, Zeke, Alison and Tianna are hovering over me.
“Thank God you’re awake,” Julius says letting out a sigh of relief, “thought you were going to be in another coma.”
“How’re you feeling?” Tianna asks hoarsely
Looking at her, she has a deep red hand print around her neck.
Nodding, I answer, “I’m alright, just a little weak, What about you are you ok?”
“A little shaken up, but I’m fine thanks to you guys.” She says gratefully
Tristian sticks his hand out to help me up and says, “Looks like you have some power of your own.”
“Who knew?” I ask as I take his hand and stand up, “I do have one question though, what kind of demon was that?”
“It was the demon known as Furcas, a knight of Hell and one of the 72 Keys of Solomon.” Headmaster Jean answers as she comes out of the still intact tunnel.
“What do you mean?” Julius asks
“To put it simply, you kids just killed one of the strongest demons in Hell today.” She says as she walks over to the announcer’s body, “Oh, Gene…”
She kneels down quietly and takes a deep breath, before standing back up and walks towards us.
“I’m so sorry about all of this. Someone brought the wrong demon out instead of the one intended for the tournament, but you kids especially Danny and Julius. You two are spitting images of your fathers while they were here. I’m impressed at your courage and ability. Now why don’t you kids go to your dorms and rest I’m sure you need it.” She says as she turns, picks up Gene’s body and carries it out of the arena. 
“She’s not lying about that part. I am exhausted.” Zeke says, “It’s been a long day. Well, I’ll head back first. Actually I might get something to eat first. You guys want to come?”
Tristian turns to Alison and asks, “Are you hungry?”
“Yes, a little.” She answers rubbing her stomach.
“Ok, then we’ll be right behind j6you Zeke.” Tristian says as Zeke leaves the arena
“Well,” Tristian starts, “I guess that’s it. It was fun getting to know you three today, You guys’ll be just fine. You did good, even you Tianna you held in there. We will see you tomorrow I think?”
Tristian looks at Alison for confirmation and she says, “Yes, dear, we’re supposed to be in Mr. Blanc’s class tomorrow for something, he didn’t say what though.”
Tristian nods and says, “Ok, ok. Well see you three tomorrow.”
“See you guys later it was nice meeting you.” Alison says waving as her and Tristian walk out of the arena behind Zeke.
Now its just the three of us me, Julius and Tianna alone in the battle torn arena. After an awkward silence I say, “Ok, let’s just confront the elephant in the room. Why did that demon say you smelled like him? Who is him?”
“Wit what?” Julius says as Tianna shifts her eyes
“I… I’m not sure. It’s bothering me that it said that too.” She says
“Oh, alright.” I say
Julius stretches his arms and says “Well, I’m about to head back to the dorms, you coming D?”
“Go on ahead I’ll catch up.” I say as Julius shrugs his shoulders
“Bet.” He says as he walks out of the arena leaving Tianna and I alone.
Rubbing the back of my neck I look at Tianna and say, “You know, I’m really glad that you’re ok. I know that we haven’t known each other for long, but I’d like to think that we’re friends.”
Tianna blushes and says, “Aw, well you have saved my life like, twice now, so I’d like to think so.”
Smiling, I say, “Oh, it’s really no problem. I just want to do what’s right.”
Tianna walks closer to me and says, “And that’s what  like about you Danny.”
She leans in and kisses me on the cheek, before saying, “Thanks for everything. See you tomorrow?”
Putting my hand to my cheek I say, “Uh, yea…see you tomorrow.”
Tianna smiles back at me before turning around and walking out of the arena. Letting out a deep sigh, I head back to my dorm where Julius is waiting for me on the couch.
“So Danny, now how about you tell me when did you get fire powers?” he says as he gets up to meet me at the door, “don’t tell me you had one of those anime power ups while you were in a coma?”
Laughing, I say, “No, dude. It sort of just happened. But, let’s talk about you though. What are you, and earth bender now?”
Julius laughs as we walk towards the couch and sit down.
“That’s a good one, I was surprised too.” Julius says
“So, how did you find out you had them?” I ask
“Well, when you went into your coma, the doctors said that they didn’t know if you ever going to wake up… and I kind of made and earthquake happen that almost split New York in half, but…” Julius says as I cut him off
“Wait you made a what happen?”
“Ehhh, lets not get into the details, everything’s fine over there don’t worry about it, anyway, your uncle Arthur taught me how to use and control it. When they shipped you back here.”
“Ohh, ok ok, I might have to pay him a visit, so I won’t pass out after using mine.” I say laughing
“You’re right about that, but” Julius says as he yawns and stands up from the couch, “I’m going to go ahead and call it a night. That’s all I really wanted to ask you about… and oh, about Tianna.”
“What about her?” I ask
Julius takes a long look at me and says as he walks to his room door, “Nevermind, See you in class tomorrow.”
Julius goes into his room and I get up and go to mines. Taking my clothes off at the door I jump in the bed and go to sleep.

Rise of the FallenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora