Chapter 20: Attack on the Academy

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As I wake up in the morning, I get out of bed and slowly walk to the bathroom. Turning the cold water on, I let the shower run as I look at myself in the mirror. Staring at the scar under my eye releases a flood of memories of that day.

Taking a deep breath, I take off my pajamas and step into the shower. Standing under the showerhead, the cold sting of the water feels comforting as pours down my face and back. After standing under the ice-cold water for a few minutes I turn it off, and turn on the hot water and proceed to take my shower.

After stepping out of the bathroom, I walk over to the closet and open it to find a black slim tailored suit and matching black Stacy Adams loafers with a small silver pendant on the right and left sides of the shoes. As I get dressed, I can't help but think about the first and last funeral I went to, my parents.

It was a week after my parents died. It was pretty small and the only people I could recognize were Jaq and Master Ciel and everyone else were strangers to me. Sitting there in the rain, looking at the pictures that stood in for my mom and pop, I didn't feel anything. All that was on my mind was finding whoever did this.

"Now though," I think to myself as grab a black silk tie off of my bed and tie it, "I have to get stronger."

As I put on my pants and shoes, the words Jaq said to me back then resonate in my head.

"It's ok to feel how you feel Danny, that anger in your chest, remember it. But also remember that it's ok to cry, because when we cry we can move forward."

Small tears well up in my eyes as I put on my jacket. Wiping my eyes, I button the top button on the jacket and take a deep breath before I step out of my room and see Julius wearing a black and red pin stripe suit with a red shirt, black tie, with black red velvet loafers to complete the outfit.

"Mornin' D." he says brushing his hair

"Morning," I say yawning, "You ready?"

"For a funeral, can't say I'm excited." He says

"Yea, me either. Haven't been to one in a long time." I say as I walk towards the door.

"Same here." Julius says as he follows me out the door, "Where're we supposed to go again?"

"Uh," I say thinking, "I think we're supposed to go to fifth level."

"Ohh, ok." Julius says as we make our way to the elevator, "Is Tianna coming?"

"Yea I think so. She said she was." I say as we step into the elevator and press the button to go the fifth floor, "Is Ellie going?"

Julius shakes his head as the elevator descends down the tower towards the infirmary and says, "No, she's studying for the test we have on Monday."

"Oh, right. I almost forgot about it," I say, "I really have to get back into studying."

As the elevator door opens, Julius and I make our way through the infirmary and at the back is a double door. Julius opens the door to see the room filled with people walking and talking in front of us. As we walk down the middle of the cemetery, on both the right and left sides of us are crystal-like glass coffins imbedded into the floor with a gold plaque under their feet.

As we continue to walk down the cemetery which feels like it can go on for miles, I see a tent in the distance and large group of people standing around it.

"That must be it." I say as Julius as I get closer to the tent.

We get there just in time before the funeral starts and Tristian and Alison wave us over to them. Julius and I walk over and Tristian says wearing an all-black suit with matching shirt and tie, "Hey what's up?"

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