Chapter 6: The Truth

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    A few days pass after meeting with Mr. Blanc and I’ve had some time to think about what he says. If I want to know more, I have to see Master Ciel. I wonder what he'll say. As I walk into the cafeteria, I see Julius sitting down at a table. After I get my food I walk over to him and say, “You alright?” 
He looks up at me with nothing but exhaustion in his eyes. “Yea,” he yawns, “It’s just Mr. Jacobs goes way to overboard with training. I’ve been fighting with him for the past three days.”
“You look like crap.” I say as I take a bite out of a slice of pizza.
“What about you, you look stressed.”
I finish eating my food and say, “Well, Mr. Blanc came by a couple of days ago and told me to go see Master Ciel.”
“Uh huh, go on.”
“Blanc says that he would know more about my dad.”
“So, are you going to go?” Julius says as he takes his last bite out of his burger.
“Yea, I think I should. You have some things to ask him to, right?”
Julius nods, “When do you want to go?”
“We can go now.” I say as I clean up my trash and stand up.
“Alright let’s go.” Julius agrees as he cleans up his trash and throws it away.
          We leave the cafeteria and walk down to the Infirmary on the fifth level.  The walls and the floors were lined with white tile. The reception area is in the middle of the hall like in the dorms. Doctors and nurses were darting from room to room so preoccupied that no one noticed we were there. When we got to the reception desk, the receptionist, a heavy-set man dressed in scrubs, is writing something down in a notepad.
     “Excuse me?” I ask
“Oh hello, how may I help you?” the receptionist says.
“Can you tell us where Master Ciel's room is?” I ask
“Do you have a security card?” he replied.
I take out the card that Mr. Blanc gave me and hand it to the receptionist. He looks at it and hands it back.
“Room 112. Down the hall and to your left.”
I take back the card and put it back in my pocket. “Merci.” I say as Julius and I walk down to Master Ciel’s room.
“That was pretty easy.” Julius whispers and we approach room 112. As I look at the green door my heart begins to race. I take a deep breath and turn the knob.
    The T.V was playing a football game between France and England. The raspy voice cheering for France as they score a goal is still the same as the voice on top of the Eiffel Tower that night.
“Master Ciel?” I ask as I slowly walk into the room.
“Oui, Whose there?”
“It’s me Daniel Ross and Julius O'Neal we came to see how you were doing.”
“Come here let me see you two.” He says excitedly.
     We walk in all the way and see Master Ciel sitting up in his bed.
“Look at how you two have grown up. Far from the crybabies you were. Now you are warriors in training I hope you try your very best.” He says before he lets put a bad cough.
“Master Ciel, I want to ask you about my father well our father’s.” I say.
Master Ciel sighs and says, “Daniel and Julius you are here together it must be fate. Your fathers' were as close as brothers no matter how dangerous the mission one wouldn’t let the other go alone. They also worked on classified missions one of which got their attention.” Master Ciel coughs, “One of the missions was to confirm the existence of Fallen and investigate their origin.
Your father, Jerimiah, and your father's brother were all getting close to having enough information but then you kids came along, and they decided to retire. Your uncle, however, has still been looking into it. I know it’s not a lot of information but if you go see your uncle Arthur, I’m sure...” he says he starts to cough more and more.
“I'm sure you’ll be able to find the truth. I don’t have a lot of time left.” He says as his voice grows hoarse, “Danny be strong and don’t look back keep looking forward. Julius you are a spitting image of your father just don’t be so hot headed like him too.”
“Master Ciel, I have an uncle, where?”
Master Ciel points to a pen and pad. Julius hands them to him as he begins to write down an address and a name. He hands me the paper and it says, “405 Lexington Avenue, Chrysler Building, 26 Floor, Manhattan, NY 10174 and ask for Arthur Ross.”
“You want us to go to New York?”
“This is what you came here for right answers. Go while you’re still young.” He laughs as he coughs and starts to breath heavily. “It was nice to see you boys before I.”
“Master Ciel?” I say as I wipe tears from my eyes, “We'll be going now.”
“Master Ciel, my dad told me the Fallen were real before he died. What are they?”
He whispers something in Julius' ear then his hand goes limp. “And may your soul be at peace.” He says as Julius wipes his tears as he walks out of the door without a word. Nothing needs to be said as we walk back to our rooms in silence to pack.
     The next morning, we left the Academy and started our journey, and the first hurdle is money. We went to the Jaq's restaurant and to ask him about funding our trip. Although he was hesitant at first, he agreed and gave us his debit card. “Please, please don’t spend all of my money.” Jaq says
“I won’t. I’ll only use it if I have to.” I say. “I can give you a ride to the airport.” He offers.
“Merci.” I say as Jaq grabs his keys and leads us to his car, a black BMW. He opens the trunk and we put our luggage in. I get in on the passenger side and Julius sits in the back. “So, did you know about my uncle?” I ask Jaq as he starts up the car.
“Oh yea, Arthur, I never really liked him.” He answers. “He’s a good guy, smart too, but I never really know what’s on his mind. With that being says, you can learn a lot he’s one of the best.”
Jaq slows to a stop as he waits for the light to turn. I look out the window and see the cars passing by. The light turns green, and he continues as he makes a left turn, “I know I shouldn’t be worried about you going on this trip yourselves but be careful. The world is getting more dangerous by the day.”
I sit back in my seat and look out the window as cars race pass and people walking on the sidewalk, I can’t help but feel nostalgic. Jaq turns into the airport parking lot and parks in an empty space near the entrance.
“Here we go. Roissy Airport.” He says as he turns the car off.
“Thanks for everything.” I say as I get out of the car.
“I just want you to find whatever your looking for as well as yourself, and oh, I forgot. I bought you two boys some cell phones. I put my number and Jean’s number in there so if you need anything just call us.” He says in a caring tone as he hands Julius and I each an iPhone 8
“Ok we will.” I say as I take the phone and put it in my pocket.
“Mr. Jaq?” Julius asks, “How are going to bring our equipment with us. I’m pretty sure we can’t
Jaq takes out his phone and calls a number I don’t recognize.  “Bonjour,” he says, “I have some things that need to be moved from here to New York. Can you do it?”
Jaq listens for a while and says, “Ok great, I’ll let them know.” He says as he hangs up the phone and turns to us, “Ok so you can go ahead and get on the plane. Your weapons and gear will be flown in separately. It should get there a day after you touchdown in New York.”
“Thank you.” Julius says as he gets out of the car. “We really appreciate it.” 
“No problem. Go on hurry before you miss the flight.”
I get out of the car and while Julius opens the trunk. We grab our suitcases and close the trunk. Jaq starts the car back up as we walk towards the entrance. Looking back, Jaq waves his hand out of the window as he drives away. “No turning back now.” I say to myself as I follow Julius into the airport.  

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