Chapter 13: I Am Leviathan

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Under the cover of the storm, the three of us make our way back towards Pine Boulevard, or what was left of it. Just about every building is reduced to a pile of ashes. Clenching my bow I start moving faster, following the path of destruction. Part of me thinks that I’m walking straight into a trap, but I don’t care. All of this just feels to deliberate, like this was just meant to torment me. The burning buildings, the continuous taunting, he might not know everything, but he knows something. If not about my parents, then about me as Leviathan.
The closer we get to the Fallen the more gruesome and destructive the trail becomes. As we approach the end of the street, there is a park that looks strangely out of place, being the only thing untouched by the destruction. I run into the park, my heart beating faster, my scar burning more intensely with ever step I take.
As I reach the center of the park, the wind and rain make it hard to see, but amidst the the green, blowing in the rain stood a shadowy figure. I stop running and stick out my hand to stop Julius and Tianna from going any further.
“What did you stop for?” Tianna asks
“The Fallen’s a little ways ahead.” Julius answers.
“How do you know? I can barely see the two of you.” She says
“Let’s call it a gut feeling,” Julius answers as he takes out his brass knuckle knives and puts them on.
“Ok, Julius You go first, I’ll be covering you.” I say, “and Tianna, after the signal it’ll be your time to jump in.”
“Alright.” Julius and Tianna say in unison
Taking a deep breath, I say, “Ok, let’s do this. Remember the plan.” I say as I take an arrow out and nock it.
Julius sprints towards the Fallen, as I aim and draw back on the bow. My breathing begins to slow and my eyesight starts to sharpen even more than it did earlier. I can see Julius and the Fallen fighting. It’s hurt, but it’s still able to fend off Julius more or less.
As the rain starts to come down even harder, the same power I felt in the cave and in the ocean starts to surge throughout my body. I can feel every muscle and every cell brimming with this power. I pull back on the bow a little bit further and it, along with my scar starts to hum and glow. This feels right, the bow is warm in my hand.
Julius gets the Fallen to overextend himself while attacking.
“This is my chance” I think to myself as I let go of the arrow.
It rips through the air, before sinking into the arm of the monster and sending him tp the ground.
“Ahhhh! Leviathan! Come down and fight me.” He taunts, as he rips out the arrow and stands up.
I nock my second arrow and focus on the Fallen, completely tuning out everything. Julius lets off a storm of shots before charging at it. The bullets bounce off of the Fallen as he walks through them. I shoot the second arrow and it pierces through the monster’s foot, stopping it dead in its tracks.
Julius picks the first arrow off of the ground and stabs him in the side. As the Fallen roars with pain, I nock my third arrow and aim it at its head. I let the arrow go, but the Fallen manages to catches it before it touches his pierce his skull. He throws it to the ground, as Julius pulls out the arrow and stabs him again the same place. At the same time, Tianna darts out from under a bus, picks up the arrow the Fallen threw and stabs him in the back of the neck.
As the Fallen’s body drops onto the street, the feeling of relief that I expected to have is nowhere to be felt. Make my way down to Tianna and Julius as they stand over the Fallen’s body.
“You guys ok?” I ask
“I’m fine.” Julius says as he stretches, “I’m just glad this is over.”
“Yea, I’m ok. It went pretty smooth.” Tianna says
“Right? I wish it went like this the first time.” Julius says
“We didn’t have a plan the first time.” I point out
Julius puts his arm around my shoulder and says, “Well, now we know to plan.”
I laugh, “True, true.”
“So, now, that we’re finished, how do we get back?” Julius asks
“Hmm I’m not sure we could go to Uncle Arthur first. He’ll want to know how we did.” I say as the lingering despair that I felt came surging up like an erupting volcano, and my scar starts to burn like lava.
“Oh, leaving already?” the Fallen says as he rises up and rips the arrow out of his neck and his side, “The night’s just begun.”
The three of us jump back and draw our weapons. The arrows should have killed him, unless… its not the arrows that hurt him. It must be the bow.
The Fallen pulls the last arrow out of his foot and breaks all three of them with ease. He stands up, tosses them away and says, “You know, I’ve played around with you children long enough. If the Grigori kills me afterwards, it’ll be worth it.”
The Fallen sticks out his hand and forms a black, formless, spear. The despair I felt, that feeling of death stalking you with his scythe, is one that feels all too familiar now. My body moves on its own towards Tianna and I yell out in the rain, “Julius run now!”  
   As soon as I pick up Tianna, the spear flies past my face, grazing my cheek. I stop in my tracks as the spear lands in front of me as it disintegrates everything around it, leaving a huge chasm in its wake.
“I’m not letting you go this time.” The Fallen says
With blood dripping down my cheek, I put Tianna down and whisper, “Go meet up with Julius. I’ll buy some time.”
“Are you sure? I can help.” She whispers back
“I’m sure, I just need to stall right, I can do that. Just meet up with Julius and tell him to meet me back at the church.” I say as I look over my shoulder and see the Fallen trudge over to us.
I look back at Tianna and say, “He’s not as fast as he was before, so I can at least stall him, if I can’t kill him.”
“Alright. Be safe Danny.” She says as she runs off to find Julius.
I turn around and face the Fallen as he slowly makes his way towards me. “You have what you want now right, I’m right here.” I yell as I nock my last arrow and aim at him.
“Yes, you are Leviathan. Rather heroic of you, sacrificing yourself so your friends can ge out alive. It’s admirable.” The Fallen says
“You had the first part right, but I don’t plan on dying today.” I say as I let my last arrow go.
The Fallen catches it and throws it to the ground. “I’ve grown quite tired of those little toys. I want to see what makes the weapon so special. Why the Grigori wants the legendary Leviathan on their side.” He says as the Fallen, now standing a few feet away from me, forms another spear in his hand.
With my heart racing, the words of the water spirt come flooding back into my head, “You have a lot of power, but with most of us connected with the water, the water is also connected to us. An unsettled mind makes it harder for us to use our abilities. Stay true yourself and the water will always be with you.”
At the time I didn’t know what to think of what she told me and I still don’t, but I know that I can’t run from who I am anymore. I might be the monster from legend, destined to destroy the world. If its my fate, then I’ll fight it until my last breath. I won’t let them control me.
This energy starts too surge through my body as my mind becomes as clear as its ever been. The rain around me stops falling, and the air begins to reverberate. The Fallen cracks a smile as he throws the black spear towards me with blinding speed.
Before the spear reaches me, however, the rain starts to spin around me creating a protective shield like vortex that disintegrates upon the spear’s impact. The Fallen throws spear after spear, with each one being negated by the water shield.
“Yes! This is it, Leviathan’s awakening!” the Fallen laughs as he continues to throw more spears each one more powerful than the last.
Sticking out my hand out, the countless number of raindrops gather into my hand to form a single edged blade. As I walk towards the Fallen, the power I feel grows. I can feel everything the water touches. I can feel that Julius and Tianna made it back safely, I can feel the countless bodies lying in the rain, and the one responsible that is right in front of me.
The Fallen stops throwing spears and charges me. Even though he’s hurt I can barely keep up with my eyes. He tries to run me through with his spear, but I parry with the water blade. The Fallen keeps attacking even though every thrust and swipe is parried and blocked.
As soon as I see an opening, I swing my sword at his neck. He tires to block with his spear, but the blade cuts through his hand holding it and nicks his neck. The Fallen’s hand drops to the ground and the spear dissipates.
The Fallen grabs the stump where his hand used to be, stumbles back and falls to the ground screaming, “My hand! My hand! Why isn’t it healing?”
Standing over the Fallen, I open my hand and the water blade transforms into an arrow. I nock it and aim directly at the Fallen head.
“Now, answer me this. What do you know about me? What is the Grigori’s plan?” I ask
The Fallen laughs and says, “Their plan for you is bigger than what you can even imagine. It’s only a matter of time before then.”
“We’ll see about that.” I say as I let the arrow go as it pierces his head, killing him.
A sudden flood of relief overcomes my body before the immense power I felt leaves and my vision becomes blurry. My whole body is screaming in pain, and the only thing I see are two shadows in the rain running towards me. I walk towards the two figures waving as they come into view, it’s Julius and Tianna. My legs suddenly give out and I pass out in the middle of the park.
I wake up under a ceiling that I’ve seen before. I sit up, stretch out my arms and look around. I’m back in the Academy’s infirmary, I haven’t been here since that first day. I’ve learned so much since then. Looking back, I really didn’t know anything, about my dad, the Order, or even myself.
The door opens and Doctors Grace and Miles walk in holding some clipboards, it must be my chart. Dr. Grace notices that I’m awake and says, “Well good morning Mr. Ross. How are you feeling today?”
“I’m alright just a little sore.” I answer
Dr. Miles sits down in the chair next to me and says, “Are you sure? You’ve been in a coma for a month. It’s completely natural to feel…”
“Wait… Did you say that I’ve been in a coma? And for how long?” I say cutting of the doctor
“Ok calm down for a second. Let’s start with this, what do you remember last?”
“The last thing I remember… I was in the U.S with Julius and Tianna. We were fighting something, but I don’t remember much else.” I say shifting my eyes
Dr. Grace checks my blood pressure as Dr. Miles says, “Yes, that was a month ago. It’s September now. You’ve been unconscious this whole time. We tried everything to wake you up but you wee completely unresponsive.”
I look at Dr. Miles and ask, “How are Julius and Tianna?”
“They’re fine they weren’t seriously injured. Just a few scrapes and bruises.”
I let out a sigh of relief and ask, “When can I get out of here?”
“Well, seeing as you look fine and your charts are all good, I can get Dr. Grace to check you out and then you can go.”
“Ok, thank you.” I say as Dr. Miles gets up and walks towards door, stopping as his hand grips the handle
“Oh, I almost forgot. Headmaster Jean would also like to see you when you leave here.” He says as he opens the door and walks out.
I turn to Dr. Grace and say, “Actual, I’m not feeling to good. “
She laughs and says, “I bet you aren’t. You don’t want to see her after going missing for two months. I wouldn’t blame you. Ok stand up for me.”
I stand up as she continues, “But, you have to communicate what’s going on. Maybe she’ll understand where you’re coming from. You can be honest, unlike how you were with Dr. Miles.”
“How did you…” I say before she cuts me off
“I have three boys around your age, they lie all the time and as a mom I have to stay on top of it.” She says, “Ok raise your arms above your head.”
I do that and say, “But what if I get expelled or something, is that even a thing?”
Dr. Grace chuckles and says, “Ok, you can put your arms down and no one gets expelled its not type of school. Now the punishment for leaving like you did with out a reason, may be a little harsh, but if you have a reason just tell her. Ok, you’re good to go.”
I nod and say, “Thank you for taking care of me while I was in a coma… wow that sounds weird, and oh yea. Thank you for the advice.”
“Your welcome, now go and see Headmaster Jean, Dr. Miles probably told her you were awake.” Dr. Grace says as I walk out of the infirmary, change clothes in my room, and go to the Headmaster’s office as I anxiously await my punishment

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