3.25 how it ends

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how it ends

"You cannot be here, you need to leave right now!" Kate explained to the foul man in front of her.

"Fine." Lucien started to walk away. "I'm gonna go check out my judges table."

The team had just found out that Lucien was a judge for the finals at Internationals, it was one thing after another with this team.

Kate looked to the team. "Rehearse, use the time, I'll be right back."

Kate was going to speak to the Internationals board and tell them about their history with Lucien in hopes that they would disqualify him.


Kara was in the orange blossom room, trying to get some time to herself with her thoughts while she rehearsed the finals routine.

Kara tried to stay in her own head space once she saw James walk in, she didn't really know if she was ready to talk to him at this moment in time.

"Kara, I've been looking for you everywhere." James told her.

"I've been here." Kara timidly replied.

"Yeah, I know that now." James nodded. "Is there something wrong?"

Kara knew that James really wanted her to give him her blessing to join the band next year but everything had just been going so good and she really didn't want that to change.

"I've just been thinking about what you said, and I don't want to interfere with your decision to choose band over dancing if that's what you want but things between us have been so good and the teams been so good, it's all going to change now." Kara told him with a sigh.

"I got you something." James smiled.

"What?" Kara wearily asked him.

He moved her out of the way of his bag that was laying against the wall and picked up something from it quickly so she wouldn't see before hiding it behind his back.

"It's from the top of a mountain." James smiled, she knew where this was going. He whipped out the bottle of spring water from behind his back with a smile.

"Natural spring water." Kara laughed, she loved that he reminded her of something from when they were only kids and only first getting to know each other.

"Yeah, natural spring water." James grinned as he handed her the bottle.

When James brought her the water from the supposed top of a mountain if gave Kara a small flashback to when they were preparing for regionals and how different things were back then.

"Kara, things are going to change." James told her. "But you can't be mad at that, I mean, maybe it's for the better."

Kara understood what James was trying to say, things have already changed so much. Just because something was going to change again doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing.

"Maybe you're right." Kara nodded.

She couldn't wait to see where they were the next time he brought her water from the top of a mountain.

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