1.21 break stuff

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break stuff

A group of dancers that nobody knew stood in the middle of the room as they performed there dance to A-troupe.

"Bharatanatym dancing is a very expressive dance style originating from Southern India. I brought in these dancers because they are so expressive and emotional, and that's what we need to bring into our routines."

Everyone applauded as the group finished their style of dance, they smiled at the young dancers and walked out of the room without a word.

"As dancers, I thought it'd be important to show you guys a different style of dance that we don't usually look at. Bharatanatyam dancers are.." Kara trailed off before James stopped her.

"Wait, wait, wait. Bratha what?"

"Bharatanatyam." She repeated to her boyfriend. "So my point is, is that the way that they danced was full of soul. I mean, I think that's what our Regionals routine is missing."

"I think we should totally do one of their moves!" Tiffany exclaimed. "Like, like that one with the feet."

"We could do something like that, just the feeling and the heart." Kara nodded.

"What if we do an overhead lift?" Giselle suggested.

"No, absolutely not. That's way too risky. We can't throw that in at this point." Kate told her.

"Well, Giselle and I used to do overhead lifts all the time." Daniel pointed out.

"Yeah, all of the time."

"Yeah, what about like the helicopter lift or something like that?" Michelle suggested, causing the group to agree.

"Yup. Easy." Giselle smiled.

"Okay. We'll think about it." Kate looked to Chris. "But in the mean time get back to rehearsal, okay?"


Kara walked into Studio-B with Giselle, Daniel and Michelle trailing behind her.

"So Michelle told me more about the helicopter lift and personally I think it would be a great move to add to our routine, I don't understand why Kate and Chris underestimate Giselle and Daniel doing the lift though."

"I was disappointed when Michelle told me about it, I mean Kate hasn't even seen it before and that's why I wanted to ask you guys if you could just take me through the helicopter lift. If you could just show me like how you do it and stuff?" Kara told them.

"Yeah, sure. Okay." Giselle smiled and turned to Daniel. "So basically Daniel stands in a second, a wide second, parallel feet. And I step in front. I extend my right leg, he grabs underneath my right leg and my left hip."

"And then Giselle jumps and I throw her in the air. And her right leg it going to helicopter over my head. And then I catch her into the finish." Daniel demonstrated.

"Okay. So could you guys show me right now, like full out?" Kara asked.

"There might not be enough space." Michelle told them as she looked up.

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