2.30 what you waiting for?

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what you waiting for?

Kara was amazed that they had made it to the fourth round and she was completely ready to compete against Amanda with her solo.

If she won, they would be going to the semi-finals. It was one more step closer to winning.

Amanda was worried about going into the face off with Kara. She had no idea how it was going to turn out.

"Okay, guys, we have like six hours before Kara has to compete for female solo." Kate told them. "So.."

"Let's go to the mall!" James cheered as he did a small spin.

"Okay, what was that?" Kara laughed at her boyfriend.

"They still have to do all the duets and I'm the last person in the solo category, so I definitely have some time to kill."

"I wouldn't mind going to the mall." Kara shrugged.

"Hey, only if you promise to be here an hour before you perform." Kate told her.

"How about I be here two hours before I perform?" Kara grinned.

"Okay, fine." Kate smiled.

"Let's go!" Kara told them and they all ran off in the direction of the exit.


"I can't believe how good LOD was." Emily said as they walked through the mall.

"I know." Riley said.

A few of the group had taken a break and decided to go to the mall nearby, they had split off into a few groups.

"I actually kind of wanted to stop in this store to buy my dad something, if you guys don't mind." Kara said as they stopped.

"Okay, just don't be late." Chloe told her.

"I won't be." Kara assured. "I'll see you late."

"All right. Good luck." Emily smiled and walked away with the rest of the group.

Kara headed into the store and had a look about at some of the things she thought that her dad would like.

She decided to stay behind because her dad couldn't make it to Nationals, so she wanted to get something that for him to make him feel better about not coming.

She didn't blame him, he was busy and he had a job. Sometimes she felt guilty for the amount of hours he worked just so she could dance. It was hard seeing as it was just the two of them.

Kara wished she could help and get a job but she knew that her full dedication and focus had to be with dance and her dad understood that.

She couldn't find anything in the shop she was looking in so decided to head out, but just as she did the alarm went off.

Two police officers approached her as well as a person that worked in the store.

"Hi, excuse me. Can I just see inside your bag super-quick?" She asked.

"Yeah, go ahead." Kara said as she took it off her shoulder.

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