2.23 better than this

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Better than this

"Hey, how's the list going with James?" Emily asked as her and Kara flicked through some magazines.

"Um, actually really well." Kara replied. "I mean, he's taking it seriously which never happens."

"Yeah. That is a first." Emily laughed and looked back down at the magazine. "He's so cute."

"Kara." James called from the other side of culture shock, getting the girls attention and signalling her to come over.

"Speak of the devil." Kara said as she walked over and sat down. "What's up?"

"I don't want to do number nine, do you want to switch that?" James asked.

"You've had your learners permit forever." Kara told him. "Don't you want to take me on a real date in a car instead of a bus?"

"Fine." James sighed. "I'll get my drivers license. Fine. So, you want to hang out?l

"List isn't done, sorry." Kara fake pouted.

"Oh, yeah, you would. Okay, cool. All right, well, see you later than." James said as he stood up and walked away.

"Honestly, I'm pretty sick of the bus. So, it'd be nice if he got his drivers license."


Kara lent against a red car as she watched James walk back and forth in front of her, obviously stressed.

"Are you okay?" Kara asked.

"Yeah." James rushed out.

"Are you nervous?" Kara laughed.

"No, I'm- I'm fine." James stammered.

"Oh, my goodness, James is actually nervous." Kara said.

"Okay, you should've seen the instructor, okay? He was strict! And he didn't like me either, he was putting his finger in my face like this." James started pointing at her and then quickly release something and pulled her off of the car. "Don't lean on the car, he's not going to like that."

"Okay, you know what? You just need to calm down." Kara told him. "Be your normal charming self and you'll be fine."

"Um, no, that's what got me in trouble last time." James responded.

"Okay, how about this?" Kara began. "If you pass your test, then I will pay for you to take me to the drive in movies."

"Whenever James is nervous, I know that a little motivation goes a long way for him."

"Shake on it." James said and held his hand out, which Kara gladly shook.

"Okay, listen, listen. Kids, kids. Kids." James mom ran over. "It's almost time, so just stay calm. Stay focused. Remember, where did they tell you to keep your hands?"

"To myself." James said and held his stomach.

"Ten and two, James. Keep your hands at ten and two." She corrected him.

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