2.1 dont stop the party

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don't stop the party

"It feels amazing to be regional winners. We've had a little break and now we're all excited in getting ready for nationals."

Kara smiled as she watched Michelle dance. Emily and Michelle have some tension between them and no one knew what it was about.

"Winning regionals was amazing but winning it with James made it a million times better."

Kara danced with James as everybody watched, the two had been together for a bit now and they couldn't be any more happier.

"Everyone at the studio has been calling me and James, 'Jara' um, it's basically just a combination of our names. So James and Kara smooshed together make Jara."

Emily went next and began to dance, everyone knew she was hurting over something but they had no idea what.

Everyone took it in turns dancing and they couldn't help but cheer for each person as they showed there moves and overall celebrated.


There was a party going on in Studio A for winning regionals and everyone from the studio had went.

"So, what's up? What did you do this weekend?" James asked the brunette as they stood with drinks in there hands.

"Um, not much. Just hung around." Kara smiled.

"What did you thinks going on with Emily?" James asked.

"I'm not sure, she hasn't talked to me much since Regionals." Kara replied.


"Emily has been very distant. Ever since regionals.. I know somethings going on with her."

"Oh, hey, Kara." A young j-trouper by the name of Richelle came and greeted the brunette.

"Hi, sweetie, how are you." Kara smiled.

"I'm good, how are you?" Richelle asked.

"Good, thank you." She smiled before turning to look at the other side of the room and seeing Beth looking over at James. "Do you ever notice that Beth looks at you a lot?"

James cleared his throat before looking over there. "No. No, I haven't really noticed that at all."


"Beth is this girl from B-troupe. I know her and James had a thing a while back. But that was a while back, so, she just needs to get over him. Fast."

"I wouldn't worry about it." James told her before turning around when he saw Daniel. "Oh, Daniels here. I'm gonna holler at my boy. I'll catch you later."

Kara looked over to see Emily walk into the studio, saying hi to everybody with a smile on her face before waking over to the buffet table.

Noah and Gabi started to have a pirouette-off.

"Noah is actually doing really well."

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