2.5 the girl is mine

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the girl is mine

Kate had asked to see James and Kara in her office and that's where they sat now.

"Hey." James smiled as he sat down. "What's this emergency?"

"As I'm sure you saw on your way in, Beth." Kara pointed to the brunette outside the office.
"Is, uh, pretty upset that she didn't make it into A-troupe."

"Yeah, it's terrible." Kara nodded before turning to her boyfriend. "Right, James?"

"Yeah." James nodded.

"Since she was so upset, I decided to give her a duet at a small dance competition, but then her duet partner Charlie bailed on her and she's gone all.. Beth again." Kate told them.

"Yeah." James nodded as he looked outside.

"Anyways, that is why I brought you guys in. James I would really appreciate it if you stepped up and decided to be her dance partner for the competition." Kate told the boy.

Kara looked at the boy as soon as the words left her mouth and in return he slowly looked over to her.

"James should not take the duet. You know, I don't want to say anything because Kate's right there, but.. hopefully he'll say no."

James turned back around to the blonde. "Sure."

"Thank you, I totally appreciate that." Kate smiled.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." James told her.

"Why don't you go tell her the good news?" Kate suggested.

"Okay, sure." James smiled as he stood up before turning to Kara. "Um, I'll catch you after, I guess."

"I don't understand why James agreed to this, he knows how I feel about Beth."

"Um, I'm probably going to get drinks and stuff." Kara told the woman as she walked out.


Kara walked into the studio with three drinks in hand to see James and Beth rehearsing the duet.

"Seeing James and Beth dance.. it's kind of hard, I mean, they have this chemistry. But I'm sure it's nothing. You know like, they've.. they've danced together in the past, so, I mean, of course they'd have some chemistry."

The song ended and Beth started to speak about the choreography before Kara cleared her throat, getting James' attention.

"Hey, Kara, what's up?" James smiled.

"Hey." Kara smiled.

"Hey." Beth smiled. Kara walked over to her and handed her her drink and then handed James his. "Thanks."

"So how are things going?" Kara questioned.

"Good." James nodded.

"Amazing." Beth told her. "He's doing so well. I just taught him it and he's already got it nailed."

"Yeah." James nodded. "Yo! I have this hip hop part I wanted to add." James told Beth as he placed his drink down. Kara sighed before walking over to the bench and sitting down.

"James and Beth do not work well together. I mean James is very hip hop, and Beth.. well, Beth is an idiot."

"Yo, James." Eldon walked into the studio with west. He needed to talk to the boy. "We need to talk now."

"Bro, S.O.S." West told him.

"All right." James told them as he placed Beths leg down and walked over to them.

"Okay, catch up with you later, James." Beth called out and began walking over to Kara.

"As Beth walks over to me.. it is very awkward. I don't know what she wants. I mean, we never talk. Obviously, because it's Beth."

James had finally finished having his emergency conversation with West and Eldon and started rehearsing with Beth again.

"So ready? Six, seven, eight. It's like. Ha-boom! And pop, pop, boom." James went over the steps.

"Can we.. can we just go slower? Please?" Beth asked him.

"Sure. Let's go a little slower." James nodded.

"Okay. Thanks."

"Ready? Six, seven, eight. And push. Jump up." James counted and went through the steps

"Watching Beth trying to get the hip hop section, it's kind of painful."

"Ugh, I'm having so much trouble with this part." Beth groaned.

"Really? Okay." James nodded.

"Yeah. I don't know. I don't really do hip hop that much." Beth told him.


Kara had enough of the constant agony of trying to watch Beth get the moves, so she decided to go with the next best thing.

"Why don't.. sorry, um.. would it be too much trouble if I did the dance and then maybe you could like see it." Kara suggested.

"Yeah, that makes sense." Beth nodded.

"All right, cool." Kara nodded as she took her shoes off.

"You know the dance?" James asked her.

"Seen it enough times." Kara shrugged as she walked over to him.

"I'll just, I'll just watch.. this time." Beth told them as she went to sit down.

"You think you got it?" James asked her, smiling.

"Yes, I'm fine." Kara smiled.

*obviously imagine Kara dancing*

"I love dancing with James. We both kind of move the same way, and we've got this special connection whenever we dance."

"That was so good." Kara beamed as she brought James into a hug.

"When I was watching James and Beth rehearse, I felt a little bit insecure. But not that I'm dancing with James, I couldn't be more sure."

Authors notes


The last time I posted I had around 3k reads so thank you so much for reading and sticking with me!

Not edited!!

Written: 21st march 2021
Published: 21st march 2021

895 words

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