3.16 never there

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never there

The group right now were working through the semi-finals routine and everyone couldn't help but notice that Michelle wasn't rehearsing with them and actually wasn't there.

Everyone knew she was going through a lot but the group needed her to be apart of this team, they needed her.

"Nice, guys, really good." Kate complimented as the dance came to and end and everyone dispersed from their final positions. "So, guys, apparently for round three at internationals we need a five person dance. Why don't we have Eldon, Cierra, Stephanie, Thalia and Michelle."

Everyone congratulated the chosen few before finally leaving rehearsal. Kara walked over to James hesitantly with a smile. "Hey, so, uh, I guess we should talk."

Kara really wanted to apologise to James about their fight, she was in the wrong this time and she felt awful.

"All right, let's go." James nodded and lead them both to the bench just outside the doors of the studio. They both sit down and a silence closes around them.

"I heard you quit the band." Kara suddenly spoke up.

"Yep." James nodded bluntly.

"I'm so sorry, I- I never meant for you to do that." Kara started to play with her hands in her lap, a thing that she did when she was nervous.

"Nah, don't worry about it." James told her.

To James, Kara wasn't the reason that he quit the band, Kara just made him realise that it was something that he needed to do.

"Listen, I'm sorry I tried to stop you from spending time with Ella." James told her.

"No, it's okay. I get it." Kara smiled. "Besides, I broke it off with her. My mom gives some good advice."

"Gotta love Katherine's advice." James let out a little laugh, causing Kara to smile. "Maybe we should walk a mile in each other's shoes."

Kara could see where he was going with this, pretending to be each other might give them the view they need to see what it's like in each other's perspective.

"So, like, you be me and I be you?" Kara questioned.

"Yeah." James nodded before a smile took over his face. "I mean, if you're capable of being me, I don't know if you are."

"Yes, are you?" Kara scoffed.

"Don't even worry about it." James said.

"No, you don't even worry about it." Kara repeated in a much more manly voice and sat the way James was sitting.

"Oh, don't say 'you don't even worry about it' like I sit like that." James grinned.

"You're sitting like that right now." Kara pointed out.

"Oh, now you don't even worry about it." James crossed his legs and spoke in a more feminism voice.

Kara gave him a fake laugh before pushing his shoulder with a smile, the two were finally getting back on track.


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