2.22 lost

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Kara walked into culture shock to see James sat at a table and decided to go see how he was doing on the quest to win her back.

"So, you ready for number seven?" Kara asked as she sat down.

"No. I did book the appointment with my doctor to get the malaria pills, but not until next Thursday." James told her.

"Oh, I figured you'd say that, so I got you number eight." Kara said as she handed him an envelope. "Number eight is a mystery quest."

"All right." James sighed as he held it out in front of him.

"Yeah, you might need some help with this one." Kara said before getting up and walking away. "Good luck."

"This is not too difficult for someone who is good at math, but James isn't, so I just had to wish him some luck."


Kara was in rehearsal, stretching herself when Kate stormed into the room from her office.

"Guys, I have some bad news." Kate announced.

"What's going on?" Kara asked.

"The costumes are missing. They're gone. They're not in the closet." Kate told them.

Kara had a feeling she knew who was behind this and immediately side glanced her co-captain. It couldn't have been anyone else.

"Hearing that the costumes have gone missing.. is the worst possible thing that I could've heard right now."

"Okay, let's not panic." Chloe told the group. "Maybe they've just been misplaced. We'll all split up all over the studio and look for them."

"Good idea, Chloe. So.." Amanda walked over to Emily. "You take the foyer and I'll take the change rooms."

"Okay, well let's go. Go look!" Chloe exclaimed as she grabbed Kara's hand and dragged her away.

"Emily hasn't really kept me in the loop with everything, but I do have a strong feeling that Amanda has something to do with this."

No one in the group could find the costumes and it caused chaos within the group. They were no where in sight.

"What are we gonna do about costumes?" Kate exclaimed.

Kara looked between Emily and Amanda slyly and watched as the two past awkward looks with one another.

Everyone stopped the murmuring between each other as west walked into the room with the four boxes of costumes in his hands.

"Hey, guys." West greeted. "I found the costumes."

"Where'd you find them?" Amanda exclaimed. Kara noticed the aggravation in her voice and could tell that she wasn't happy about the fact he found them.

"I, uh, found them in the trash." West responded.

"Why were you in the trash?" Amanda questioned.

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