3.13 sweet spot

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sweet spot

The internationals team had changed a lot, a lot of people left and a lot of new people joined in the past few weeks.

The team now had a new dance captain to lead alongside Kara and it was one of the best decisions they had made so far, the two lead aside each other with no problems, it was a step up from Kara and Emily.

Michelle was supposed to be back from Madison but she wasn't in rehearsal and no one had heard from her, no one knew if she was going to be coming back or not.

Kara was finding it hard to spend a lot of time with James, only because he was now focusing on the band a lot more instead of just only dance.

But she wouldn't stand in the way of what he wanted and if he wanted to focus on the band more then she was going to support him, she was just happy he was on the team.

The song the group were dancing to at this moment was called empire.

They started as this small studio that went to Regionals with only a small hope of winning and now they were heading to internationals, they were building an empire.

"Hold, hold, hold, and great job you guys." Kate applauded as the group finished their dance. "Awesome, take five, grab some water and then we're going to do it again, all right?"

"Look what just came in the mail." Phoebe ran into the studio out of breath with an envelope in her hands.

"What?" Kate questioned.

"This." Phoebe gestured to the envelope in her hands. "It's from internationals." Kate went to grab the envelope but Phoebe held it away from her. "No, it's my turn, you opened it last time."

"Okay." Giselle walked over to the pair of sisters and took the slip from phoebes hands. "I'll read it."

She couldn't bare to see the glares they were both giving each other over a letter from internationals, again.

"Any round that ends in a tie will be decided by a duet battle. So, who do you think our duet will be?" Giselle asked.

"Well, you know, West and I got a pretty good duet going on, so, you know, I think we can make it work." West nodded as he looked around at everyone.

"West and you?" Giselle asked, confused.

"West and I." He nodded.

"A duet takes two people." Giselle reminded him. "West and you? How about Kara and James take the duet?"

Kara smiled as Gisela suggested that her and James do the duet, she knew it was the perfect idea.

She couldn't wait to start working on it because her and James had amazing chemistry and she couldn't wait to start spending more time with James.

"So, do you want to practice after rehearsals, put something together?" Kara asked her boyfriend once Kate dismissed them to continue their break.

"I would but right after rehearsal I've got band practice." James told her.

"Oh, okay, why don't we just meet here at three then, is that a good time for you?" Kara asked.

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