"Did your mother not teach you that its rude to cut someone off whilst they speak?" AFO's voice rung out, as if being amplified. As he re-appeared for the first time, his grin seemed strained and anger was evident on his face.

"Did your mother not teach you to not do bad things? Now go to the silent corner!" Izuku dashed forward with increased speed. Re-appearing in front of Shigaraki's body, but his punched was dodged. 

"Ah ah ah~ It worked once, won't happen again," AFO playfully spoke, as he drove a fist into Izuku's gut similarly to what he had done prior.

"Strength enhancement + Acceleration increase+ Hard fist. 3 quirks in one punch," AFO told him, he twisted his arm he muttered one word, "Aftershock." 

This caused Izuku to go flying back, and he was promptly caught by Neon, who had stopped him from going even further.

"Dawn?" She asked trying to see if he's alright.

Thankfully, Izuku nodded and stood buckled, dry heaving the air that was forced to escape his lungs. 

"Man," he began looking around. He saw the other heroes busy with the MLF members, Kalista was ripping through them like they were paper but some of them gave him quite the problem. 

His friends were also fighting against the MLF members. Yet Dabi and the few others he expected to see were nowhere to be.

"Fuck you," He muttered as he looked back at AFO. 

Suddenly some black spikes were jutting out of the air beside AFO. They launched themselves at incredible speeds, thankfully Neon covered for him once more, using her chains to break every spike coming towards them. 

Izuku took this opportunity to reinforce his body with 'arua romantistia'.

'Let's speed up even more.' he decided. AFO was an opponent that outclassed Midoriya in every area except 2. See the villain had been alive for centuries, had more experience than Izuku could get in a life time, had versatility through his large number of quirks.

Except, Midoriya far outclassed him in speed and raw power. AFO mainly matched All Might's strength near the end of his career. Sure he had a new body, but that's precisely why it wasn't developed enough to be of an real threat. Besides, with Izuku being able to push even 80% of full cowl, his speed was literally the greatest out of all the heroes.

Neon jumped forward, her chains attacking AFO, who was simply fending them off with ease. 

Izuku joined in as he manifested black whips, coating only the tip with Arua romantista before driving towards AFO. AFO jumped and dodged back as all 8 whips stabbed into the Earth. As they came back out, the holes were revealed to be thick enough for them to enter his body and leave too.

AFO tried to attack Neon back, as his arm formed into a cannon. Izuku acted quickly, shooting something akin to a smoke bomb into the general area. Quickly sliding down his respirator he jumped in and and began indiscriminately spreading the smoke. Partly with his quirk and partly with simply smoke bombs. He grabbed onto Neon and retreated through the cloud to create sufficient distance between them.

AFO seemingly sucked all the smoke in, his chest expanded unnaturally.

"Ay would you look at that! AFO finally has grown a pair of ti-" Izuku tried to say but from the distance he could hear Ryuko shouted.

"Language!" a faint sound rang out from afar.

"Oh come on! You're like on the other side of the battle field!" Izuku huffed but never got a response.

Neon would be amused had it not been for the fact that AFO seemingly breathed the smoke out into the sky. Izuku jumped forth, "You sack of shit! Just stay down," He shouted as he punched AFO's head downwards. His body was currently reinforced by 80% OFA, Fa jin and Arua romantista.

One of his punches were literally enough to create a massive crater into the ground. And that's exactly what happened, as soon as AFO's head collided with the ground, but before he could move, Izuku threw a barrage of attacks.

a right hook to the jaw.

An uppercut to the gut.

A leg sweep.

A knee crunch.

He kept up a relentless rally of attacks. Not even giving a second to breathe. Suddenly he felt the air choke him. 

It felt as if something was hold his throat and squeezing it, but there was nothing.

'Telekenesis!' He realised. 

"You...really...need to stop," AFO spoke in between pants. When he looked up, Izuku could only wince at the piece of art he had created. Shigaraki was deathly pale anyways, an almost perfect white canvas of sorts. There were bruises all over his body. The unrelenting punches and kicks did enough damage. Everywhere that was hit, the bones were shattered. The internal organs were irreplaceably damaged, and not to mention his face.

AFO's jaw hung loosely, clearly dislocated. He had blood pouring from his scalps. And within a few seconds, the body began healing. Granted the damage was so extensive it was taking some time, but regardless it was quick.

Izuku thrashed against the invisible grip but he couldn't touch anything. He shot forth a few blackwhips  coated with arua romantista. It seemed as if time slowed and AFO didn't put up any resistance at all.

As they each penetrated different areas of his body. One where the pancreas was. One where the lungs were. The other 2 were more fatal with one being on the left side up of his chest and on his head.

Thus, AFO or rather Shigaraki Tomura's body crumpled to the ground, the maniacal grin that was on his face before remained,

as his brain and heart was skewered.

A/N: A slightly shorter chapter. But what can I say? It just happens like that. But yeah, AFO is dead.

Who knows what will happen next chapter? I do. But you don't.


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