Chapter 4 - I came to find you

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Oh, yeah, and as long as I have my migraine medicines with me. I made sure it's ok to drink while taking these new meds, so it shouldn't be a problem. I did my research, it's not like I could ask my doctor about it.

''Your mom is so cool, have I ever said that?''

''Yes Lil, like a million times.'' I playfully roll my eyes. ''Let's move or we'll be late.''

I pull her arm so she can get her lazy ass out of my bed and start getting dressed.

''What do you think?'' She asks me once she's ready and my mouth actually falls open.

Lilly has always been gorgeous. Being part of the volleyball team, she always had an athletic body. Not to mention her long wavy hair and green eyes that make boys go crazy for her.

Tonight is not different in her killer red dress.

''You look incredible!'' I state and she twirls holding her dress, looking like a little kid.

''I know, right? You look amazing too.'' I look at myself one last time in the mirror, before putting my cute but not so high heels on.

I'm quite tall, so I don't want to stand out that much by looking like a giant tree. Maybe the blue dress would have been better. 

We grab our things and shortly after we're out the door on our way to the West's house, before we go to the party.

When we get there, I tell Lilly to wait in the car as it will only take a minute. 

I ring the doorbell and as soon as the door opens, I feel all the air leaving my lungs.

''Well, if it isn't my favorite Harper.''

''Dylan!'' I don't know how to react to the fact that the guy I love - and wasn't expecting to see today - is standing right in front of me. ''You... You're home.''

''I just got here, actually.'' He opens the door wide for me, but not before giving me his signature smile that makes me forget how to function.

I follow him inside the house, my heart jumping inside my chest.

I can't believe Dylan is here! I mean, it's his house, but I thought he was on campus.

''What are you doing here?'' He asks, still smiling and I hope he stops, because I can't take in how handsome he looks.

''Oh, I just came to give your dad's wallet back. He forgot at our place last night.'' I hand him the black wallet and he takes it from my hand. When he does, his fingers brush on mine.

It was by accident, I know, but I feel like I might faint right now. My heart is racing and it's suddenly so hard to breathe.

''Right, thanks." He looks at me from head to toe and I feel my face redden as he checks me out. "Are you going somewhere?''

Thank God for this party. Also Lilly for helping me dress up.

''We're going to Connor's party. Lilly is waiting for me outside.'' He smiles again and nods. I know him and Connor didn't exactly get along, as both wanted to be the kings of school, so I'm sort of cautious to say we're going to his place. 

I guess now that Dylan graduated, Connor thinks it's his time to be the popular one. As long as Dylan was around, he didn't stand a chance.

If Lilly wasn't waiting for me, I'd probably make up an excuse to stick around with him, but he must have plans. It's Saturday night after all. What am I saying, even if it wasn't he wouldn't want to hang out with me. 

''Cool. Well, have fun then.'' I slowly make my way to the door, not really wanting to leave.

He follows me and as I'm going down the entry steps, he calls my name, so I turn around.

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