XII. His Royal Highness is still crying.

Start from the beginning

"So don't say that the other day. I didn't dare to tell Xiaoya and Mom about it." Thinking of the angry words Liu Wan said the other day, Huyuan was a little annoyed.

"How do I know that he has encountered such a thing... What can I think about if he doesn't go home? What's going on with him? How can we live..." With that, Liu Wan couldn't control his emotions and covered his face and cried bitterly.
"Don't be a crow's mouth. Think about it better. He is a boy and is not young. A man lived outside for so long and was so clever that he may run away by himself. Nothing will happen..."
"I'd rather he hid from us now. If you are angry, at least others will be fine. Thinking that he doesn't know where to stay alone now, my heart is blocked..."
Huyuan gently patted her partner on the back to soothe her emotions. Anyway, you are the head of the family. Whoever collapses can't collapse.
After knowing that something had happened in the road drawing, they haven't slept well in the past two days. How can parents settle down when their children are missing?

But life still has to go as usual, and we have to force my spirits not to let Huaya see any clues. But the two of them were panicked. No matter what they did, they had to look at their mobile phones from time to time to see if there was any news.

"You mean, the crowd was arrested? Have all the abducted girls been rescued?" This is the best news that Officer Li has heard in two days.
Now that the group of traffickers has been arrested, their colleagues over there will definitely send the little devil back. In this way, the matter is finally over... You can also inform your family to rest assured.

With a breath of sloof, Officer Li thought so and just planned to go out to inform Huyuan and others. His colleague's next sentence hung up again when he had just relieved his heart.

"However, among the rescued victims, there is no silver-haired little girl we are looking for."

"What did you say?"
"We have also asked our colleagues over there, and the girls said they did see her."

"But the problem is that the girls said..." The colleague in charge of contacting and communicating will get something, and explain it briefly to Officer Li.

"You mean? The group of traffickers poured out the girls again when they were about to make a deal. And that's the last time those girls saw her?"

"Yes, by the time they woke up, they had been rescued by their colleagues over there. The girl we are looking for may have been turned out..."

"Wow..." Officer Li was very angry now after punching the wall hard." Is there any other news..."
"Not yet. It should still be under trial over there. I will inform Li Sir of your information..."

In the end, there was still no good news, but Officer Li was a little regretful. It's too dangerous to think about the little devil. Anyway, she is just a minor child.

At most, the child is so-called superpowers... No matter how much, she is just a little girl. In terms of body shape, her physical fitness is even far inferior to that of her peers. That's why I was so easily knocked down and kidnapped.
When the child is found, she must be taken to explain the situation with her parents. No matter how special she is, it is too dangerous to let a little girl live outside alone.

In his heart, he made a silent decision. Officer Li thought it was the responsible behaviour of hua lu and her parents...
(Remember hua lu is a boy)
At the same time, our little devil who knows nothing about it. He sobbed in a low voice while walking along the highway.

In this way, I don't know how long I walked. It's completely dark. Drawing a road can faintly see the lights of the city in the distance...

On the way here, hua lu and determine your location through the sign on the roadside. When she saw the word "Lishan City", her heart was half cold...
Hua lu is very clear. It is more than 1,500 kilometres from Lishan City to Huanghai City. I can't fly so far at all...
Although with sufficient magic, auxiliary acceleration can be achieved. But my current magic... not to mention assisted flight, I am about to enter a state of forced dormancy.

After tripping over a small stone, His Royal Highness the Devil fell to the ground with a squeak. Lying on the ground and crying, our little demon king was so hungry that he almost lost his strength to get up.

But cry back and draw a clear way that you will definitely not be able to get to the city today. If you lie by the roadside like this, it will be troublesome to be seen by passing vehicles...

Drawing around, he noticed a ruin not far away that had been demolished to only a few walls left. Struggling to get up, His Royal Highness had no choice but to walk slowly over there.

After a slight turn, hua lu chose a position that was difficult for passing vehicles to see, and sat down slowly against the wall.

There are only a few walls left. Naturally, there is no ceiling. Our little devil looked up at the stars and moon in the sky and prayed that it would never rain tonight...
By this kind of highway, it is often windy at night. The evening wind hit His Royal Highness the Devil with the dust on the roadside. The undried tears at the corners of the eyes, under the slapping of the wind, the delicate face hurt a little. In this environment, ordinary people don't stay for a second, let alone spend the night here.
Spread the wings of nearly two metres behind him. The huge wings wrapped the petite body of hua lu in it. While blocking the evening wind and sand, it also covered her from the moonlight...
"I'm so hungry..." Curled up with his legs in his arms, and our little devil has tried his best not to think about food. But her stomach still protested honestly.
Go to bed... You won't be hungry if you fall asleep. As long as you survive tonight, wait for the sun to rise tomorrow, bask in the sun, and add some magic, everything will be fine...

Self-hypnotised, His Royal Highness closed his eyes. The sleepiness brought by fatigue quickly hit, and hua lu fell asleep like this...

I don't know how long I slept. In a daze, hua lu seemed to feel something flashing in front of me...

Open a crack in the wing and draw the road to see a private car parked in front of it like this, with a flashing alarm light on the roof of the car...

Drawing the road was so scared that he quickly moved a few positions to try to stay away. Seeing the frightened animal-like reaction, a policeman next to him squatted down quickly.
"Not afraid, not afraid... Uncle will take you home."

The other party's tone was very kind. Looking at the other party's outstretched hands, after hesitating for a while, his nose sore and jumped into the other party's arms and cried.

In the other party's arms, he was stroked his head. After crying tired, our little devil fell asleep again in the other party's arms...

Anyway, I'm just a fish-loving demon. Season oneWhere stories live. Discover now