Chapter 3 - You should get a life

Start from the beginning

The only difference is that this time she isn't on the phone. She's frying bacon, instantly making my mood much better.

Food makes me happy!

"Good morning, honey. Are you ready to go to school?"

I can't help how my mood is back to being sour at the mention of school.

No, I'm not ready, but what choice do I have? Can I just sleep all day? Or watch a TV show? I definitely need to know what happens in the next episode of The Walking Dead.

I take a bite of a cookie I got from a jar on the counter, dreaming about my unrealistic plans of doing nothing for the day.

"Uhn, so, is Bennett giving me a ride to school again?" I ask with my mouth full and I get a pointed look from her, probably because there are crumbs falling on the floor. I take another bite, ignoring her look.

I'm not sure what's the answer I'm expecting to my question.

I thought a lot about it last night and I feel like I need to apologize to him. It wasn't my intention to say that he doesn't have friends or to offend him somehow.

''He can't today, he said he has to arrive early at school to prepare some experiment for the science club.''

Weird, I thought clubs would only start in two weeks from now. Classes started just yesterday and he already has things to do.

Well, I guess science can't wait...

I'll talk to him at the cafeteria later today, then.

After we have breakfast, I grab my things, follow my mom to her car and we go to school listening to music and having a good time as she asks for updates on my life. I keep it to a minimum, because even though I'm close to her, it's not like I'll tell her details of my exciting life.

Noted the sarcasm? There's nothing exciting about my life, so nothing to tell her.

"How have you been feeling lately? You know, we changed your medicine." She gives me a worried look.

"Yeah, it's ok, I don't feel any side effects with this one, so it's good, I guess." I say, wanting to cut the topic short. 

"You're not having any episodes, so it's definitely good." She smiles.

"Yep." That's all I say.

I don't really like talking about it and I avoid it as much as possible, but the thing is, I have chronic migraine.

I'm not talking about bad headaches, I mean debilitating, excruciating pain kind of migraine.

It's really, really bad when I have an episode. I had to go to the hospital a few times until it was diagnosed when I was thirteen and I've been taking daily medicine to avoid it from happening since then.

I recently changed the medicine, as the previous one made me feel too sleepy and nauseous, so I hope this new one is better.

I'd really rather focus back on school - that's how much I don't like the migraine topic.

When I'm crossing the parking lot, after saying goodbye to my mom, I see Bennett getting out of his recently parked car, not seeming in a rush at all.

He's playing with his car keys and he has his headphones on, as he calmly makes his way to the building.

I frown realizing that he lied to my mom.

He didn't need to be here early, he just didn't want to give me a ride.


"Can I talk to you?" The conversation suddenly stops and everyone looks at me.

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