Chapter 29: Moment of Truth

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Students were coming in both from the entrance doors and the exit doors. So I bumped into a few people on my way out. Guess who was one of the people I bumped into?

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Fifer said with a smile immediately after we bumped into each other.

“Don’t worry about it,” I was able to respond.

She nodded and proceeded to find a seat with her friends.

I haven’t seen her in a while. In a long while, actually. I’ve wondered what happened to her and Cai. It was apparent to a lot of people that they were friends. It was apparent to even more people that they were more than friends. But neither of them seems to be upset about their current situation. I don’t think they’re avoiding each other. But they obviously aren’t spending as much time together now as they used to.

After throwing away my cup, I managed to squeeze my way back into the auditorium. Wow. When did all these people get here? Wasn’t I glad I had a seat saved for me.

I wonder if Cai’s already in his seat. Did he and Fifer cross paths? She’ll be performing later on. I remember when Sunny and Cai weren’t able to return to our song practice because Fifer and her friends invited them to watch their dance rehearsal. I remember how I felt about that. But I was able to shake off the feeling before I got to my seat.

Cai was already there. He smiled at me as I approached. I smiled back before sitting down. Seemed like I came back just in time because the program started as soon as I got settled in.

Nairobi and I chatted away as the performances started and ended. Cairo kept himself busy with his phone. At first it kind of irked me, like it always has. But then I just let it slip. After all, if Nairobi and I were talking and he was just sitting there, watching little kids semi-sing songs like “It’s A Small World” it would be unfair. But I’m not gonna lie. When I caught a glimpse of his screen and saw that he was playing Hangman on his phone, I wasn’t exactly displeased.

When the emcee announced that next to perform were kids from the third grade, I took the time to check if Cassandra was one of the performers. Kids in cute little animal costumes were marching out from the backstage. After there were already about ten kids on the stage, I was convinced that Cassandra wouldn’t be performing. I was about to strike up conversation with Nai. But then, she came out in her adorable lion costume.

I looked over to where Sunny and his teammates were sitting. We were all in the same row. He was just about five seats away from me. I easily spotted him as he took out a video camera, a proud look on his face.

It made me smile to know that this was making him happy. I’m happy when he’s happy.

The third graders went on to sing and sort of dance to “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” It was actually really cute. Sure, they probably got the words wrong. And they definitely forget some of the choreography. But it was cute. And yes, I’m aware that my judgment might be biased because she’s Sunny’s sister. But she really was cute. I guess cuteness runs in the family.

After their performance, I clapped loudly. I guess I was the only one who really clapped from our section because Sunny looked my way. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. We didn’t say anything. Even if we did, we probably wouldn’t have heard what each other said. But you know what was weird? We didn’t need words. Not at that moment. We just understood each other. And I can’t explain how nice it feels when you can understand a person like that.

My Ex-Boyfriend From KindergartenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora