Get me Out

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"I hope I never see you again. Asshole." You yell to Jason. He then starts making threats to do bad things if you leave him. But you learned that those were lies the 2nd time you tried to break up with him. You shut the door in his face. You hear him open it again but you block out whatever he's saying. You needed to get out of there.

You hop into your car, hitting the "on" button and driving off. A quick realization came to your mind.

'I escaped' you thought. Your eyes started watering but you focused on driving. Where? You don't know.

You stop at a gas station nearby to check for cheap flights anywhere. You scrolled and scrolled through the pages of flights and found one that caught your eye, really cheap too.

"Hell's Kitchen" you thought out loud. And so, you booked a flight in six days. But you also needed somewhere to stay, and so you look for small apartment or studio you could temporarily stay in. You found one that was perfect and it was available in 5 days.

You called your friend for the time being.

"Delilah?" You said.

"Hello? Y/n? Are you alright? You sound like you're about to cry." She asked many concerned questions, but you didn't have time to answer any of them right now.

"Delilah I need your help.." you said.

"I'm listening." She said. You started explaining every single thing that happened in the last hour. She put in the occasional 'oh..' and 'oh I'm so sorry..' the rambling went on for a while.

"Of course you can stay here." She said. You sighed with relief.

"Thank you so much Delilah. I love you." You both said your goodbyes and hung up as you started driving to her house.

You had hoped she said yes because otherwise you wouldn't have anywhere to go. The reason you and Jason started fighting in the first place is because all of your stuff was gone and you had to break the good news that you were leaving him.

When you got to Delilah's house, she immediately knew and ran outside to hug you. You grabbed your things and walked inside of her house. You set your things down in the spare room and took a tired breath. You looked at your phone for the time. '1:42 am' it was late, so you got changed and went straight to sleep. Wishing it was five days ahead.

'Please get me out of here' you thought to yourself.

OK this is a run through/practice chapter, in the next chapter it will just go straight to her in Hell's Kitchen.

Piece of Shit.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon