You love me.

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As your eyes open, your blurry morning vision starts to go away. Your memories start to flood your head as you turn over to an empty bed. You sighed, you weren't expecting this, but you also weren't surprised. You just thought he would've stayed after last night, perhaps it was the way your face was when you slept. You shook your head and stood up from your comfy oasis.

You walked into your closet and picked out an outfit, you did have to work today.

Then, you went to your bathroom and took a shower, after you brushed your teeth, styled your hair, put on some makeup, and walked out the front door, with your gun in your purse.

You walked to work with the feeling of being watched. Your paranoia bubbled in your chest. Jason was gone, you knew he didn't have to balls to come back after last night. So who was watching your every move?

Once you reached the law firm, you started your routine of asking everyone about their needs. Starting with foggy.

"Hey, need anything?" You asked.

"Nah, I'm good." He replied. You nodded and smiled as you left the room. You walked over to Karen's office, you hesitantly opened the door.

Her head went up as she heard the squeak of the old door. "Oh, hey.."

" you need anything?"

"Actually, yes. Come over here." You walked over to her side. Her voice was low, "can you show me your web powers again?"

You smiled, "One time!" You flicked your hand under her desk and a web shot out from your wrist onto the inside of her desk. She smiled as her hand grazed the material.

"Hey, Y/n? Could you come here for a minute?" You heard Matt yell for your attention.

As you walked out of Karen's office and into his, you felt your 6th sense go off, you ignored it and walked over to Matt.

"What did you need?" you asked. He stood up and faced you, he wasn't that much taller than you, but you had to look up.

"Would you like to go get some coffee with me?.." your eyes went wide.

"Yeah, sure! When?" You said, trying not to sound desperate.

"I was thinking now? Our shifts are almost over,"

"Okay, where should we go?"

"Maude's?" He asked.


Once you arrived at the coffee shop, you ordered your favorite drink and sat down across from Matt. Taking a sip of your coffee, Matt spoke first.

"So, what do you do in your free time?" He asked. You were Arachnid. 

"I just travel around the city, what about you?" Change the subject.

"I usually just spend time at home." Your eyes flashed to his lips. "Sometimes I just go on walks, but that's rare." You hummed in response as you took a sip of your coffee, allowing him to speak more.

"Although, I don't usually have a lot of free time due to being a lawyer." You smiled at that.

"I have the same problem, due to being a lawyer's assistant." He laughed at that. You observed his smile. "My parents were actually lawyers." You said.


"Yeah, Uhm, they've retired now but they used to be such good lawyers when I was a kid."

The conversation kept going and you actually really liked Matt. He was a good break from Daredevil.

When you both decided to go home, you threw away your coffee and started walking.

Matt filled your mind the rest of the night, but Daredevil was right in front of your eyes. You did notice how much Matt sounded like daredevil, though you thought nothing of it.

Once you arrived at your apartment, you let out a deep sigh. You decided to go and look for Daredevil.

You slipped your suit on and jumped through your window into the darkness.

You swung from rooftop to rooftop, the city lights guiding your way through Hell's Kitchen. The lights shining through your mask.  Your eyes searched for the devil. And at some point, you stopped and stared right into his eye.

"Hello." You said. It was quiet for a moment.

"Why were you looking for me?" He asked, his voice low.

"You were gone after I woke up. Not very gentleman-like."

"I have things to do-" you cut him off.

"What made you leave?" It was quiet, other than the loud honking of cars. "What are you so afraid of?... Me?" You said, "we're still a team. We still have to finish our jobs. So you have to stop"-

"You wanna know what I'm afraid of? I'm afraid of you. You never leave my mind, you're all I think about and whenever I'm around you I can't think of what to say or what to do but I can't stand to be away from you and I hate it. I hate you." You walked closer, taking off your mask.

"No, you don't hate me. You love me." You walked closer. Your faces are just inches apart. Your hands traveled around his neck. Then, your lips collided, there was a moment where you both just existed, where nothing was wrong.

The kiss was desperate like you had both been waiting 10,000 years for this. It was passionate and deep. All the city noise is drowned out by the feeling of his hands traveling down your waist. It was euphoric.

You bit his lip slightly, he let out a moan that vibrated through your body. Your lips parted and you stayed in the same position. You brought his face up to yours and closed your eyes.

"Y/n." You said.


"My name is Y/n."

"I know." You brought your face away from his and stared at him for a moment. Until he ripped off his mask.

His mask sat in his hand, you stared into his eyes recognizing the face immediately despite barely being able to see.

Matt Murdock stood in front of you.

The man you went on a date with no more than 4 hours ago. The blind man who was an amazing lawyer. You just stood there shocked. Instead, you just kissed him again. Your hand went through his soft hair. You loved his hair. The kiss ended and you smiled at him. You then slapped him on the arm.

"I change my mind, you're the worst." You said sarcastically.

Uh that's the end. Sorry I took so long, I was having MAJOR writers block and my dad and step mom just got engaged. But then I had a splurge so I wrote this.

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