I like your ears

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The door opened slowly as you walked into the office. Foggy looked up as he hear the noise, sending you a smile. You quickly smiled back and walked over to the coffee table. You made three cups of coffee; one for Karen, one for foggy, and as you were about to make one for Matt, you saw he wasn't anywhere in his office. You were confused,

"Oh, yeah he does that sometimes, but usually he just comes in late," Foggy said, noticing your confused expression. You shrugged and walked over to him, handing him his coffee. He whispered a 'thanks' as he took a sip.

Then, you walked over to Karen, when she noticed you, she gave you a big warm smile. You put the coffee on her desk.

"Y/n, do you have a boyfriend?" She asked. This caught you by surprise.

"Uh, no. I am newly single." You said.

"Oh? Why?" She asked, not knowing any better. You laughed slightly.

"Uh, my ex was an asshole.." she gave you an apologetic look. "But after I broke up with him, I moved here!" You said, trying to lighten the mood a bit. This made Karen smile a little.

"Why here?" She asked.

"I don't know, the first thing I thought of." You replied. She grabbed her coffee and took a sip of it. Just then, the office door opened. You turned around quickly. It was Matt. Karen shot you a look of "oh"  that you didn't notice.

"Hey, Matt! See I told you he just comes in late." Foggy said. You nervously laughed. You checked your phone for the time, '3:45' you usually left work at 5 so you had about an hour and 15 minutes to spare.

"Uh, Y/n could I have some coffee?" Matt said, knocking you out of your mind, you walked back over to the coffee table and made another cup as he walked to his office, you noticed he was sort of limping. Once the coffee was done, you walked over and handed it to him. "Thank you."

"Are you okay?" you asked. "I noticed you were kinda limping when you walked in." His eyes shot up to yours, sort of.

"Oh yeah, I'm alright. Just..tripped." He said. He knew you were still worried. He went back to working as you walked out of his office. You heard Karen calling you.

"Hey! Y/n, come here!" You practically ran to her office. "Shut the door."  She said you shut it as you walked in fully.

"What is it?" you asked.

"So..you and Matt huh?" She said, giving you a knowing look. Your eyes widened.

"What?! No!" You said. "That would be very unprofessional. I. I wouldn't." You said.

"Wouldn't? Or couldn't?" She said.

"Wouldn't!" You said. She laughed and you walked out of her office. You checked your phone again, some time had passed but not a lot. For the rest of the hour, you helped Foggy file and talked with Karen and Matt. When it was time for you to leave. You ran home as fast as possible, as to not be seen using your webs.

You opened the door to your apartment and quickly got your suit on. You went out of the window to get more momentum for your swings. You weren't sure what was the address was, so you swung up to a random rooftop and pulled out your phone. It was a picture of you and Delilah. It was when you two were still in Highschool. You were at prom and she was wearing a purple dress that looked beautiful on her. You were wearing a green dress that showed all of your curves and matched your eye look. You missed high school and your friends. You decided you were going to call Delilah tonight if you were still alive after you went to this place.

You went onto the Google maps app and put in the address, it wasn't far at all. You put your phone away and started heading there.

Once you got there, you were sure it wasn't the right place. It was a boxing place. You were about to open the door, but you felt like something was off. Like something was going to happen. You ignored it and walked in. Immediately met with a punch to the face. Knocking you out.

You awoke tied to a chair with the devil in front of you. Sitting on the boxing ring edge.

"What the hell?!" You yelled. Daredevil was not fazed. "Let me go you asshole!"

"No, I'm not going to do that. Instead, you are going to tell me what the hell you are."

"No, I'm not." You said as you shot a web at his mouth. Shutting him up. You laughed loudly. He ripped it off of his face, it wasn't a very strong web due to the..circumstances of your arms. "My name is arachnid. I thought I already told you that?"

"What is your real name." He tried to frighten you but it didn't work. You began studying him behind your mask. His tall figure and his sharp shoulders. The suit covered his whole body. The horns on his head, the gloves on his hands.

"I like your ears." You said.

"Their horns."

"You know I could help you. Do you have any abilities or are you just strong and love to show off?" You said.

"My senses are heightened. How did you get spider powers?" He asked.

"Don't know, I got bit by a spider and then the next day, I woke up like this."

"What did the spider look like?" He asked.

"It was black with a purple line in the middle of its body." You said. He looked puzzled for a moment. "You think it came from a lab?" You asked. He shrugged.

"What did you mean by..help me?" He questioned.

"I meant what I said. I could help you, ya know..be your sidekick or whatever." He thought for a moment. Then he walked over to you -rather behind you- And started unwrapping the ropes that held you to the chair. Once your hands were free, you shot another web at his mouth.

"Rmllmy" he mumbled. Ripping the web off again. You laughed and you saw a smile tug at his lips.

If there are any writing mistakes in the book at all I'm sorry I do not proofread I just write for fun

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