One day

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You saw her eyes go wide as her jaw opened. "Oh my god." She whispered. You couldn't tell if she was scared, or maybe just shocked. "You''re...Arachnid!?" She spoke. Her words were quiet with emotion behind them.

"Yeah.." you said nervously, "whatcha think?"

"But you just moved here! How is that even possible?!"

"That's a good question, do you wanna go get a drink? Maybe I can explain?" You asked. She nodded quickly. As you both walked out of the office and headed to your car.

Once you got to the bar, you both sat down.

"Okay, explain." You took a long sigh whilst wearing a grin.

"So, the reason I moved here was because of my abusive ex. One day, I randomly got a boost of confidence and finally left him in the dust. I moved here, found a house and a job, time passed, ya know"

"Mhm.." she said, listening carefully.

"And then, my ex, Jason, found out where I was and threatened me, he found my address and it caused me to panic, badly."

"Aw.." she said. She felt guilty.

"But what knocked me out of my panic was a spider, and this spider was not normal, mind you, it was colorful and extremely weird-looking. And this spider has bit my arm, just" You pointed to the inside of your elbow, where they would usually put IVs.

"Wait so, did you ever go to the doctor?" Karen asked. You didn't respond. "Are you serious?! You got bit by a colorful spider which you've never seen before and you didn't go to the doctor?" you shook your head.

"But uh back to the story. After that phone call, I went to bed, well I tried but then after a while, I couldn't go to sleep. So I got up at 6-something in the morning and went to the nearest open gun shop." You said. "But I felt different when I woke up, better like I had just gotten a dose of the world's best medicine."

"I'm still shocked about how you didn't go to the doctor." Karen laughed. A worker came and set your drinks on the table. You muttered a 'thank you' and turned your head.

"So, when I got to the gun shop, I went like this to the glass case," you put your hand on the table, "and I got stuck. After a while my hand flew off of it and I left but then on the way back home, I got stuck again. It was...embarrassing." you both laughed. "And then I went home and explored my powers a bit and I made the suit and I teamed up with daredevil and since then I've been a vigilante." You took a sip of your drink. Karen sat there with her jaw opened a bit.

"So are you and Daredevil a thing..or.."

"Oh! My gosh! No!" You yelled.

"Do you think he's hot?" She asked, "does he think you're hot?"


"I'm just asking." She said.

"Okay fine, I'm...really, attracted to him. But it's fine there's nothing between us." You took another sip of your drink.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm 100% sure." You gave her a look while grinning.

"Tell me, what have you done with him that's in any way romantic."

"Well, I patched him up, twice I think. I saw his abs."

"Okay that's one, although that's not 'romantic'"

"It's mostly just little things that had tension." You said, realizing you and Daredevil were not 'like that'.

"You need to up your game!" she said teasingly.

"I know! I know! I just don't know how." You stuttered. You took another sip of your drink, so did Karen. "I'll figure it out, I don't wanna force it."

"Mm." She said sipping and nodding. She understood it, you didn't know how but she did.

After a while, you and her parted ways. You went back to your place and she went back to hers.

Once you got home though, you found someone in your living room.

"Miss me?" He asked.

"Jason?! Why are you here." You said, you were much more confident this time.

"I'm here for you, I know you missed me." He said, "and you will take me back." He finished. Your face went pale.

"Never. You sick motherfucker!" You screamed. He was unfazed.

"You have no one and nothing to protect you." He was right. You couldn't use your spider powers on him, because one, you didn't kill people, and two, he would then find out about you. You didn't have your gun on you either. You were scared.

"Why do you want me back?! Can't you find someone else?!" You yelled in his face. He started to walk towards you slowly, you backed up as he did.

"No, because no one. No one is as gorgeous," he stared at your tits, "as you." You felt exposed. Your only option was to scream.

"Help! Anyone-" he smacked your face and put his hand on your mouth. You were still screaming and someone else was listening.

"Stop screaming!" He looked around frantically. You kicked him in the nuts and ran to lock yourself in the bathroom. He was banging on the door.

"You're a fucking stupid cunt! That's what you are!" He gasped for air, "get the fuck out here!" He pounded on the door as you cried. You searched for something to protect yourself in the bathroom. All you found was a plastic comb. You felt his voice rumble on the ground below you. All you wanted was to feel safe and secure.

"I'm going to bash this door in if you don't open it!" He threatened. You couldn't move, your breathing was heavy and shaken. You couldn't do anything, you felt helpless as the door shook behind you. You shoved your face into your knees. All you could do was wait and hope he didn't kick down the door. Your head was empty, you couldn't think, the panic was all you felt until you heard a scream. Heavy breathing spoke behind the door.

"Come out Sofia, it's alright it's just me." You kept sobbing and ignored him. You didn't want to move. You couldn't move. "Please, Sofia. Come out of the bathroom. I promise it's okay now." His voice was soft and careful. "I'm here." His words echoed in your head.

"No.." you said.

"Then let me in." He pleaded. You caved and opened the door slightly. He pushed through and gave you a tight hug. He shoved his masked face into your neck with worry. He ripped his head back. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you at all?" He asked.

"No, I'm okay. I swear." You promised.

"I believe you." He spoke. He reached in to grab your face. He pulled your face towards his and put his forehead on yours. You closed your eyes. He took his hands off of his face and wrapped them around you. You felt safe in his arms. You both sat there for about 15 minutes until you got up and weakly walked to the bed, you stopped.

"What do we do with him?..." you asked.

"Throw him out the window?" He said. You shrugged. You walked over to Jason and lifted him without looking at his face. You walked to the window and opened it. You lived on the first floor so he would live, unfortunately. You threw him out and shut the window tightly, you locked it, closed the blinds, and walked back over to your bed.

Daredevil slept next to you, holding onto your waist tightly the whole night. You fell asleep fast.

We were just talking about how we left Jason's bitch ass and then he appears again...

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